"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures! "
So what are you curious about? What are you seeking? And most importantly, would you go out in search of it all alone? Let's take a minute to dive into why travelling alone will be one the best things you'll ever do!
1. You take a break.
This ties in with most of the other points, but it needs to be emphasized .
Sometimes, I like to think that we live in two worlds. One world is the world as we generally know it, i.e. one that is attached to stock markets and corporations and urban jungles and industry and money and contracts and lawyers and meetings and on and on we go... It's physically and mentally exhausting to stay ahead in this rat race of a life in that world.
Which is why sometimes we need to take some time out and revisit the second world (the old world maybe) to recharge ourselves in a world with wildlife and beaches and water and trees and insects and clouds and ancient ruins and clay pots and rich cuisines and silent strolls through fields. It's a world still there and a world we need to preserve because ultimately it's a world wherein our roots lie and thus, a world where we still belong. Now there is a secret third world, with books and stories and music - but that is a blog post for another day ;)
2. You add value to what you already have
Family, friends, a house , a car, clean water, a rubbish bin, a phone, a pen ... these are all things that many many people just do not have. When we explore these other worlds, we understand and witness firsthand what they lack or do differently that in turn, leads you to remember your own gifts. There are special moments that pass you by and you will find yourself remembering your parents or your friends and smile. Time away from them truly does indeed make the heart grow fonder, and it gives you space to highlight why those people are so important to you ( and also those who are not).
It not only adds value by giving you greater insight into the world around you, but also helps you value what you already have.
3. Networking
Having said that, travelling alone is also a fantastic opportunity to meet new people. That in itself is exciting! For the extroverts out there, perhaps this is what they enjoy most about travelling alone.
And it's the fastest way to learn about the place you are visiting.
It will be a healthy distraction from you worrying about what time your flight is and a welcome way to learn more about the culture of the place. Moreover, who knows if the people you meet may come to play very important roles in your life thereafter.
Pay attention to the nuances in their mannerisms and behaviour, to the way they articulate their words, to their perspectives on the world, to their understanding of their great passions - and you'll walk away feeling rich. This leads to my fourth point ...
4. You become more empathetic and selfless.
It's as the old saying goes, from the seminal work "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee,
This quote sums it up. When you take the time out to leave everything you know and understand and step into a Masai warrior's skin and walk through his village, or ride atop an elephant through the forest of India or explore the mountains with villagers in Thailand or explore the stories told by the Peruvians of Machu Picchu, one will get a taste of their delicacies and a breath of their air, and take the first real step into understanding the rich and diverse worlds that exist within our world.
Understanding leads to empathy. Empathy to acceptance. Acceptance to peace.
5. We learn independence.
This is especially true for travelling young. It's a big world out there. It's daunting. Often scary. But exciting. And the only way to get there to the sites we want to see and the places we want to touch, is through our conviction to learn how to do so alone.
There's a beauty to learning how to purchase your first plane ticket by yourself, or catching a taxi ride in a city you've never been in or learning the way of a new area all by yourself. It's what we were born to do - to learn.
And if you do it right, it's the most gratifying experience. To walk out into the world alone and explore it on your own and learn new ways and new perceptions on your own and then teaching others about it. There's an excitement to doing it on your own. Which brings me to my final point ...
6. You are alone.
How many times does that happen these days?
I am not talking about going on a flight and spending all that time watching movies or a train ride that you spend on your phone. I am talking about being truly alone. To be truly in the moment, with just your thoughts and your life and your existence. No interruptions by emails or phones buzzing or deadlines calling or cars hooting (unless you're travelling in India in which case a car hooting becomes akin to another one of your heart beats)
You see, that's ultimately why we travel. It is not a journey we take to far off destinations. Not a journey far away, but rather - a journey within. And we set off on great adventures exploring the thick and thin of the world in a graceful attempt at really just exploring who we truly are...
an absolute treat to read , the empathy point has been perfectly summed up .
Thank you @thatstudentblog ! Looking forward to your content as well :)