Where in Europe was this taken? Your blog info says you are from Texas, but you made a post yesterday with a shot of the clouds in India that you say you was taken on the 23rd. Then on the 22nd, you posted a picture of a fly that you say was taken in Indonesia, but that picture was actually plagiarized. You also seem to have a new camera or phone to take your pictures with for every post you make. Something doesn't feel right about your posts....
Where in Europe was this taken? Your blog info says you are from Texas, but you made a post yesterday with a shot of the clouds in India that you say you was taken on the 23rd. Then on the 22nd, you posted a picture of a fly that you say was taken in Indonesia, but that picture was actually plagiarized. You also seem to have a new camera or phone to take your pictures with for every post you make. Something doesn't feel right about your posts....
@johnysins I would love to hear your explanations on that!