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RE: Deutschland/Alemania Part 1: Ein toller Tag beim Paragliding in den bayerischen Alpen / Un día increíble con Parapente en los Alpes de Baviera (Fotos & Videos)(DE/ESP)

in #travel5 years ago

Haaaa don't worry t wasn't it English but well I have auto translate, yeah I didn't know you have been to Columbia the country you visit the most is mostly Thailand if I'm not wrong.

2000? What???🤣🤣 I've never even been 1000 above the ground 🤣🤣🤣 Off the ground? Hahaha I'll definitely pass out.

I think the excitement would swell once you get to see the sights, it's definitely an amazing experience lol .

I'll check out your pinmapple map


Dont know! Maybe I even have more in Colombia! Thailand was a long trip too yes, but I almost did 8 weeks in Colombia. Apart from that I think I wrote a bit about Mexico, Guatemala and mostly Europe.

Haha the highest ive been is 5000 something in Bolivia! There the air gets really thin 😆

Yes it is a great experience to fly up there and have this view!!