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RE: Whirlwind tour of Paris, Pas-de-Calais, Bruges and Amsterdam

in #travel8 years ago

Thanks, Ellie Mae! It was a fantastic trip but it's lovely to be home. We have sooooo many photos and out took us until yesterday evening to figure out where we could store them all so we can all access them (have now figured out a Google solution).

Hope the cement pond is nice and cool for you in the Florida summer heat. 🌞

Thanks for the thoughts about my feet - I think I'm finally going to have to bite the bullet and get them operated on, but that will entail having to stay put at home for at least 6 weeks...not really in my DNA 🤣. I'll be listening carefully to advice from my friend @mother2chicks about rejuvenation 😘😘.

It took a couple of days for Tim to shed the stresses of work, but once he had done, we had a really relaxed time even though our schedule was manic. Overall a fantastic trip. Looking forward to writing the rest of the posts.😘😘


Kiligirl, There are so many questions I want to ask you. From your trip, organizing to write better posts, your ongoing project in infrastructure, etc. You are my hero from the other side of the planet! Sorry about your feet, I know the recovery time seems like forever. I can imagine you sitting in an easy chair (feet up) surrounded by your creative inspirations! Will catch up to you later today. Ellie Mae does do well with rejuvenation tho I do think about it a lot ! 🐓🐓

Well hey, Ellie Mae, you're my heroine - Boudicea - from your side of the planet! FYI, a bunch of us South Africans have started a Steemit chat group on Discord, and it's helping us to get to know each other better and share Steemit insights. I have NO idea how they did it! I just know it's really helpful to be able to have decent chat conversations with people. Looks like you have a cool bunch around you who might be interested in being in a chat group as well :-). Maybe we could figure out how to do that in between homesteading, family, running businesses and writing posts - lol!