We’re back after an amazing 12 days of wow after wow.

Fly out evening of South Africa's Women’s Day
Three of us - @tim-beck, me and Tim’s daughter Emma, were off on a pilgrimage triggered by a wedding taking place 16 August in a lovely region of France called Pas-de-Calais. There’s a reason I say region and not town, but we’ll get to that when we get to the wedding. And how the 16th was really only the "centre" of the wedding. Apparently the festivities would start Monday 14 August and end somewhere towards the end of the week once everyone was dead, so the idea was to get to the wedding area (yes, area) by the 14th.
I discovered when I planned this trip in December/January that if we left South Africa for Paris on the public holiday of 9 August (Women’s Day in South Africa) and returned home 21 August via Amsterdam instead of Paris, the air tickets would be substantially cheaper. Gee, forced to spend four days in Paris to save money. If you’ve gotta do it, bite the bullet and do it. And if we have to spend a couple of days in Amsterdam at the other end, ah well, so be it. The price of thrift.
Basic itinerary
So here's what our trip looked like once we'd landed in Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris from our overnight Air France flight from Johannesburg - I hope you can read the map and the itinerary up top. Don't pay too much attention to those South African rand prices; they're just estimates. But it's a cool site to use to map your itinerary.

We took four and a half days in Paris – Thursday through Monday afternoon, staying at an Airbnb apartment – got on the train at the Gare du Nord to go to Boulogne in the Pas-de-Calais region (not that far from Dunkirk on the northern coast of France) on Monday afternoon where we picked up a rental car to then drive to our base for the next five nights, a pristine town called Hardelot. There we stayed in a lovely hotel (which I booked on booking.com in January to secure the exchange rate) from Monday evening to Saturday morning , then drove to Lille near the Belgian border to get on a Thalys train to Amsterdam to spend two nights in another Airbnb flat in the western area of Amsterdam.
Those four days in Paris, five days in Hardelot and one and a half days in Amsterdam were non-stop. I now seriously need a rest from this holiday, and my feet have threatened to self-amputate if I ever do anything like this to them again.
I'll tell you more about each of our stays, and the wedding itself, in separate posts, otherwise this one would be waaaaaaaay too long. But a bit more background so you have a feel for the nuances of the posts which I'll share over the next week.
Whose wedding was it?
My closest friend, she of the orchid, had her amazing daughter Elizabeth (also of the orchid) in January 1991. Elizabeth met Yoann in Montreal some six or so years ago, and to hear them tell the tale, it was love at first sight. Fast forward to 2012: Elizabeth lived with us while she did an internship in Johannesburg, went back to Montreal, then she and Yoann moved to Johannesburg a few years ago where we got to spend a bit more time with them. The two of them have subsequently moved to Mauritius as they are part of the team creating the African Leadership University. Here's a quick pic of them once they'd gone through the wedding ceremony - but that wedding will be a post in itself.

Don't worry; there'll be plenty more wedding pics.
And who was travelling together?
Tim, Emma and I made up the travelling trio. I'm confident you'll be able to figure out who's who in this pic.

Unfortunately, Emma's brother, @wesleybeckza, couldn't join us because he was planning to be in Cambodia all year. He'll have other tales to tell in other posts.
Besides attending the wedding, one of the main reasons for going on this trip was to help Emma get a start in her travels outside of South Africa. Until early 2016, she had never been outside the borders of South Africa and was really struggling with self-confidence and independence. She loves fine art and studied a bit of architecture at university. Last year we arranged a trip for her to London for two weeks in June as a birthday present. She stayed with family which gave her a soft landing into overseas travel, and absolutely loved it. But visiting one country beyond one’s own doesn’t do that much to broaden perspectives, so we saved up for what may end up being the trip of a lifetime (depending, of course, on where Steemit goes!).
This trip to France and the Netherlands was a combined Christmas/birthday present from me to both Tim and Emma. Now 22, she’s become much more confident through working in promotions and at her day job as a property administrator, but there’s nothing like travel to get you out of your comfort zone and into the delights of experiencing different languages, cultures and foods, appreciating diversity, figuring transport out on the fly, and seeing great art and architecture close up.
International travel is also a really good opportunity to work in a team – to experience collaboration and consideration for others and to learn how to take accountability for one’s own actions. Stuff always happens when you travel, and it’s when stuff happens that character gets built or shows through.
And group dynamics?
Tim and Emma are very much peas in a pod, artistic, creative people whose relationship with time and self-organisation is, shall we say, more informal than mine. Neither is a morning person. It’s a really good thing I knew these things before we left, because I’m different – I usually wake up around 5:00 and while not totally Prussian in my punctuality and planning, let’s just say I’m reasonably organised and know where everything is when I travel, and am usually about half an hour earlier than I have to be at whatever departure point I have to be at, just because stuff happens. So I knew I needed to plan around them, and make my peace with late mornings. Be ready for stuff to happen, and stay Zen.
My original thinking was that we’d have days of strolling leisurely around Paris, admiring the sights, stopping for a little bit of shopping (more for Emma than me – “retail therapy” is an oxymoron for me, but I knew she would want souvenirs), then stopping again for a coffee and a pâtisserie here and there to watch the people go by as we soaked up the Parisian ambiance.

The next few posts will tell you how it really went. Read between the lines because there’s a lot I simply cannot tell you. “At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.” Until the next post, friend Steemian.
Great post and look forward to seeing more from you.
Thanks, @katythompson!
Welcome home my friend! Your lead in to this trip is a delight to read. Can't wait to see more pics and read about "The Wedding" Sorry about your feet, but they will rejuvenate with a little up time . Be sure to pencil that into your schedule. You are so right about turning away from the politics and just enjoying the moment. Great photo of the 3 of you. Happy and relaxed! Ellie Mae🐓🐓
Thanks, Ellie Mae! It was a fantastic trip but it's lovely to be home. We have sooooo many photos and out took us until yesterday evening to figure out where we could store them all so we can all access them (have now figured out a Google solution).
Hope the cement pond is nice and cool for you in the Florida summer heat. 🌞
Thanks for the thoughts about my feet - I think I'm finally going to have to bite the bullet and get them operated on, but that will entail having to stay put at home for at least 6 weeks...not really in my DNA 🤣. I'll be listening carefully to advice from my friend @mother2chicks about rejuvenation 😘😘.
It took a couple of days for Tim to shed the stresses of work, but once he had done, we had a really relaxed time even though our schedule was manic. Overall a fantastic trip. Looking forward to writing the rest of the posts.😘😘
Kiligirl, There are so many questions I want to ask you. From your trip, organizing to write better posts, your ongoing project in infrastructure, etc. You are my hero from the other side of the planet! Sorry about your feet, I know the recovery time seems like forever. I can imagine you sitting in an easy chair (feet up) surrounded by your creative inspirations! Will catch up to you later today. Ellie Mae does do well with rejuvenation tho I do think about it a lot ! 🐓🐓
Well hey, Ellie Mae, you're my heroine - Boudicea - from your side of the planet! FYI, a bunch of us South Africans have started a Steemit chat group on Discord, and it's helping us to get to know each other better and share Steemit insights. I have NO idea how they did it! I just know it's really helpful to be able to have decent chat conversations with people. Looks like you have a cool bunch around you who might be interested in being in a chat group as well :-). Maybe we could figure out how to do that in between homesteading, family, running businesses and writing posts - lol!
Welcome back though ;)Ah, seems like you guys had an amazing time @kiligirl!!! Really can't wait for the rest in this series :)
We did, @cheeto.blue! I can't wait for the rest of the series to emerge, either. I always start with a pretty clear idea where a post is going, but sometimes they take me down unexpected paths - a bit like travel 😊. Thanks so much for the welcome back! Appreciate the #teamsouthafrica hello 😊😊
Great to have you back :)
Yet it seems u had a great (and enriching) experience!I chuckled when u said 'self amputate' in relation to your feet being "on revolt". Those times on #holiday can be a bit wearing.
Am a bit jealous - you lucky thing, getting to spend 4 1/2 days in Paris. Sounds exciting; and it does seem u "lived life to the hilt'.
I love to take the train; have fond memories of traveling up to OREGON from Sacramento - so long & leisurely !
Take care - will look 4 your next post on this
Thanks, @janashby - I have a history of living in a separatist province, so maybe my feet picked up the bug while I wasn't paying attention 😜. We had a fantastic time and one of the most important outcomes was that Emma really loved it! I love the train too. So fascinating to look out the window at the towns and countryside which are so close but might as well be in another country because the track is so sterilised from its surroundings. Aiming to post my next post tomorrow afternoon...it's started, but this one is going to have LOTS of photos of Paris ⛪ 😊 so it will take a few hours to finalise. Thanks for reading - much appreciated! 😊😊
that's a good route to take... i basically did that in reverse years ago, nice part of the world
Thanks, @clumsysilverdad (cool handle) - I wish I could say the planning was original but it was really driven by the wedding dates/venue(s) and thrift on the plane tickets, so I should really thank Air France/KLM/Airbnb for forcing us to take a longer holiday 😊. I would definitely go back to the Pas-de-Calais region if we get the chance. Those rolling hills and forests are so beautiful and look really inviting for walks and hiking. If you have photos, perhaps worth a post on your trip?
For the long flight from South Africa and Visa arrangements you might as well stay and enjoy whilst you are there @killigirl some fabulous memories and lovely photo shares thanks, brought back memories of my own.
Thanks, @joanstewart, and several more posts on the way! And you're right - it's worth using the visa once you've got it. I didn't need one since I carry an EU passport (for now...thanks, Brexit) as well as a Canadian passport, but Tim and Emma had to go through the whole process. I hope Tim writes about it because he has some useful pointers to share. It actually worked out smoothly in the end for both of them, but you REALLY have to be detailed about where you're staying and how you're leaving France. Anyway, glad it brought back good memories!😊😊
It seems like you undertook one large journey to go to a wedding. I don't know if I'd be able to put that much commitment and money into going overseas for a wedding but it is definitely worth it if it is for one of your closest friends.
I don't know why but flights are always cheap from Amsterdam. I've seen a couple of users on steemit here recommending people to fly from AMS if they want to get the cheapest flights.
It always warms my heart seeing a wedding with a loved up couple getting ready to live the rest of their lives together.
Thanks for sharing this story with us @kiligirl. Well I can't wait to see the post about the actual wedding! :)
"ma nièce" (my niece) as she's very much family - her mother is like my sister, and we grew very close to her while she lived in South Africa. I also really wanted to give Emma the gift of overseas experience and independence. We're not overburdened with money, so I had to plan it really carefully, especially given that our country's political leadership are doing much to damage our currency.Hey, nice to see you, @arckrai! I call Elizabeth
I can't wait to tell you the wedding story - but the Paris part of the tale comes first 😊😊
Nice post, was lovely to read. I haven't visited Paris nor Bruges yet, but managed to get some time off and went to Amsterdam two weeks ago. Really great city with so many things to do!
Indeed, we were spoiled for choice with only a day and a half there! But we did our level best to squeeze what we could out of it. Thanks for stopping by! 😊😊
Wow. Will be following all your post. Would love to see that area of the world one day
I Amsterdam city card if you want to see attractions and check out the ridiculously amazing array of museums they have. You can buy The Paris Pass online for a discount if you buy early enough; not sure about the Amsterdam pass. Looking forward to sharing the rest of the trip 😊.Thanks, @tanyaschutte! It was a first for me to be in that part of France, and I'd never been to Belgium before either. I can count something like 34 African countries in my passports, but I'm really thin on Europe. It's so worth it, so much to see and do and really well organised. REALLY worth it to get The Paris Pass and the
I hope you get a chance to go sooner rather than later!
You always deliver the BEST. nice post. Keep it coming
Gee, thank you, @richcrox, that's a heckuva compliment! I really appreciate. Look for the next one tomorrow. Expect lots of pics....😜
Enjoy your visit. See that you are from South Africa and would like to go there one of these days.
Thank you for stopping by, @rosatravels (that's what my friend @mother2chicks always says). South Africa is a superb country to visit with some awesome natural attractions and simply amazing, deeply hospitable people. Hope you get a chance to come here sooner than later. 😊😊
Thanks for sharing looks like a great trip, looking forward to the next installment :)
Thank you, @shellyduncan, look forward to finishing the next post!
beautiful pictures of nice place and stunning you.
Should be a nice trip. Have the look to the south of France too next time if you have the opportunity, many beautifull places to see ;) Good evening
@permatek - My last travel : Venezia, Italia
Thanks, @permatek - I agree, the south of France is beautiful 😊
Y're welcome. Yes hein ;) I'll follow your future travel, maybe see you an other time ! Good evening
I just discovered you and I love the travel blogs, and your writing.
I also blog about my travels , if you wanna check them out.
Looking forward to your next post
Thank you, @kingmotan! Glad you enjoyed today's post. More on the way 😊
I am interesting on this, so I hope I will read from you again.
Thanks, @konyi, I'm planning on posting until the whole story is out of my system. I'd really like to remember this wonderful trip and writing about it is a great way to do it.
hahah wow what amazing Picture thanks for sharing with us .. you guys are Great.
keep posts good thing .
and please upvote and support me Back. thanks
You guys traveled so long.
One of our longest holidays in years! Been planning it for months.
beautiful pictures of beautiful place and stunning you...!!!
Thank you, @hamet123! Appreciate the compliment 😊. We're sifting through thousands of photos and trying to share the best with you. I'm sure Emma and Tim have some absolutely amazing shots as they both have good cameras. I worked off my cellphone camera which is surprisingly good!
Wow it's look like you have fun
Perfect fameliy enjoy
Upvot &I flow
Can you vot and flow me?
amazing post
thanks for sharing
i like your post
Thank you, @isfar 😊
Great post..that is very nice place..hope one days iam there...
Thank you, @moelflow 😊