The Beginning on The Road

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


On Sunday while I was asking a classmate about our upcoming semester plan, I came to know that I was late on filling the study card and got locked from the system. I panicked a bit knowing I might not be able to study this semester even though I've paid the fee. So, I decided to stepped into my university in the following day and meet with my academic supervisor.

It was only 10 am when I reached the place and found out he was not there yet. Instead, I was welcomed by two other students who were also going to meet their academic supervisor. I dressed up pretty nicely that day and unlike my common staple wear which only consists of plain t-shirt in different colors. That day, I was confident enough that my problem will be resolved. Fortunately, it was the other way round.

I waited for about 30 minutes and decided to see another lecture who had just finished counseling his two students.

' could I ask you for a help and a question?' I asked politely while sliding the office door

' Have a seat' he said

I further explained him about my problem and the first thing he asked was

' Who are you?'

I was taken aback on that moment. I took all of his classes and he's been my lecture for about 3 years now. It was both, surprising and not surprising. I was surprised that even in only a small class and the same students each semester he didn't even remember my name. I know I was not fully involved in the university life for sometime so it wasn't a surprise that he had not remember who I was. In the end, that one question has been taking me on a pondering mission.

Fast forward, I went to the IT department of my campus and asked them what could I do to be able filing the study card. The guy, who was sitting in front of the computer filling out the paperwork and half pissed can't be arsed to answer my problem. He straightly asked me to wait for about two weeks when the system will re-open. He rambled about his paperwork and I had no choice but to wait. Then, I went back to meet my academic supervisor and the same response was all I got.

I walked out of the office a bit upset and rambled to myself all the way about the dress I picked and how I should dress simple rather than trying to look way too formal. On the way to my flat, I thought maybe I can backpack around while waiting for the registration to re-open. Even so, I have been planning some future travel during my weekend.

I dislike wet winter as it has been affecting my mood too much apart from recent illogical shit that was also taking a toll on me. I previously thought to visit a water park yet instead, I ended up in an art gallery which reminded me about one of steemian artist. More of that will come soon.

As I reached my flat, I am pretty much determined to start backpacking again. I browsed ticket and found a reasonable train back to my adoptive parents house. Just yesterday, I found myself inside the train that's taking me back to free food, comfortable bed and possibly beautiful landscapes.

Hopefully things are getting better soon and follow me for more of my adventure and misadventure on the road.

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Don’t worry it’s normal to have rought days and even weeks.

But in the end if we really put ourselves and work our as off, good results always follow.

If you need a break by going go your adoptive parents place that’s totally fine, that way you can recharge energy and go back even stronger and with more resilience.

Cheers :D!

@dedicatedguy I know, all I need is recharge my energy and perhaps going back with more resilience! and more travel plans!! more travel and working, perhaps no school :D

it looks like you should go on holiday for refreshing

@patriciadian, I am already on the road and been visiting places :))

Maybe you can finish university slowly....backpack for a semester, study for a semester.

@whatamidoing, I'll see next two weeks. Hopefully I won't forget to fill in my study card, if I forget then I'll just steemin and traveling haha

Good to hear you went East! Have fun and chill. Uni will still be there in two week, or next semester, or next... oh well, you get the gist :-)

I don't know but meh school!@hatsekidee, University will always be there two week, next semester, you got right. Well, but wouldn't it be nice to suffer a little bit just a little more and have the freedom of my life ?

What can I say... haha... even freedom comes with a price (the time I was most free was the time I was in school :-|)

Shitty treatment on Uni, no surprise by the way. I could attend it for eons if I were not stubborn push over. I guess we all have a certain way of dealing with the system.

Safe travels.

Have a good travel! :) it's always nice to go home!

lol, go backpacking and steeming for a semester.

too bad it will cost you some money tough.

@ekavieka, well that's what I am doing :D at this moment and I don't mind if that cost me money since I am working remotely.

i mean it cost money for you paid unentered semester fee.

have fun backpacking. : )

@ekavieka, I was lucky it wasn't much :D so there's that. And I will tell it more that it saddens me sometimes I take my school for granted.

Be well and have a great day!

well i am not that much good at all this just try

upvote back please

Shitty treatment on Uni, no surprise by the way. I could attend it for eons if I were not stubborn push over. I guess we all have a certain way of dealing with the system.

I enjoy reading your adventures, even though they aren't always enjoyable for you, I guess. It's almost as if I am experiencing someone's dream. A dream of someone who isn't actually dreaming but describing her life.

Love to read that you decided to travel again.
I, for one, now that it is often the best remedy.