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RE: My travel—The Mysterious Forbidden City, Beijing 神秘紫禁城,北京之旅 by @mrpointp

in #travel8 years ago

You gave such an extreme comment to our country. Maybe it just only represented your opinion. Luckily, most of us are so kind, friendly and peace-loving. Even you haven't been to China, you should make such comments. No matter what you have said, we Chinese people feel it so comfortable to live here.


I apologize for my anger, i was angry and i took it out on a post that was not about that, i shoudl have respected the post and moved on and addressed thios sisue in my own postr
But I hope you can see that China is in Denial about its crimes against humanity

And I CANNOT come to CHina because of my internet comments, youe police would arrest me and show me my comments accuse me of being a political subversive......So I am forbidden from China for my political and religious Views. I would be arrested and tortured and your government would take my organs and sell them.

taiwan is the only China i can visit, and that will not give me any sort of picture of the slavery going on in the mainland. Sorry but your people seem to be happy with communism and that is unacceptable

(see because you have an oppressive communist totalitarian regime, youre people are depressed and youre people are miserable and youre people are NOT creative like we are in America or the Japanese or taiwanse or South Koreans who are all Creative and make great Art...your people have had their souls crushed and so you are incapable or creativity its why you must steal all our designs and you cannot design any of your own products!