Long Gone

in #travel23 days ago

It's almost a month since we returned from Egypt but the memories die slow.



It might be because is still winter here.

It could be worse and I'm not complaining.

Don't check your portfolio every hour and stay positive, my friends.


Baš me bacilo u razmišljanje to što kažete "It could be worse"...
Šta je prelomno, kada nas pokreće i vodi "Uvek može bolje" a kada smo zadovoljni sa "Uvek može gore"?
Da li "Uvek može bolje" vodi u perfekcionizam ili samo postavlja visoke granice? Život nas je naučio, i većina je svesna da uvek može bolje, ali i gore. 😀

Uspomene i sećanja sa putovanja su trajno žive slike u našim životima. Čine nas srećnim.Spontane slike sa putovanja su uvek najlepše. Šta se desilo drugoj palmi, @oldtimer? 🌴🌴

Sve najbolje, @oldtimer. 😊

These are beautiful images you captured here.

Don't check your portfolio every hour

It's like you spoke to me directly, hahaha 😂

I am learning to guide my mind
Staying positive, always despite all ups and downs

How was the trip to Egypt ?

Amazing. Thanks.

Egypt is a lovely country and has many things to explore From the ancient pyramids of Giza to the vibrant markets of Cairo

Don't check your portfolio every hour and stay positive, my friends.

I love this advice

Saludos amigo,muy bonitas las fotos,ahí debe hacer mucho frío ,me imagino como puede ser ,aquí en Venezuela el clima de calor a pesar que hay tantas hermosas playas y la brisa marina un encanto,estoy un poco alejada ya que me encuentro enferma en la actualidad y necesito reposo y muchos estudios y medicamentos ,agradeciendo que no hace frío. Sino fuera peor,no me gusta,saludos y feliz noche desde Venezuela🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪

Truly nature is beautiful

what a beautiful environment

Beautiful scenery