Conflict Zone Tourism in Colombia

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

As the civil war continues to wind down, a new type of tourism is becoming viable. Conflict zone tourism, where visitors can see the quickly vanishing reality of the Colombian Civil War. And the main question of whether to enter these areas - is who is guiding you in, and where are you going? There are places you can travel to safely, with the exception of natural disasters like landslides which do happen frequently throughout this zone.

After more than 50 years, in 2016 - peace was signed with the FARC, one of the biggest armed groups in Colombia. What we now see in Colombia's conflict zone is a transitioning state where it isn't safe enough for outsiders to enter on their own - but which IS safe enough for privately guided tours to see the last glimpses of the conflicts bloody remains.

Don't get me wrong, there are pueblos that nobody has any business going to, which are still controlled by various guerrilla factions. Research must be done before taking my own, or anybody else's services, to ensure your own safety and information. This article is as much to tell the world that our tour route exists, as to warn people to use the utmost caution when planning a visit to these areas.

Conflict Zone Tourism in Colombia

In Colombia's Pacific coast region, lies a verdant green paradise of jungle, river and beach which spans most of the pacific coast of Colombia from Panama down to Buenaventura. This is a massive department, with massive potential. Much of its potential has suffered exploitation and political corruption almost since the founding and "colonization" of this region. This department also has some of the highest income disparities in the country as well including issues with lack of healthcare, education and infrastructure.

Part of the current peace accord seeks to repair and modernize this region which will mean connecting rural and even undiscovered regions with the modern world. What will happen? We don't know. But the wheels of progress are turning and within 3-4 years you won't see the same unblemished wildness ever again. There are areas that will remain off-limits. But for now, there are under-developed areas, which the intelligent traveler would appreciate.

Only time will tell if the result is good or bad. Based on recent history - you will never see the beauty, the biodiversity and the sheer quantity of wildness which is still visible in the region. The last of the mule teams, or Arriero's will soon be replaced by road connections and mass transit. Foreign corporations who aren't stopped by protesters (who have a habit of turning up dead, even in 2017), will undoubtedly exploit this region for fun and profit. And, truthfully I would love to get the word out now, of just how special this area truly is, just in case there is someone important enough to fight for our cause, and win.

I recently returned from a visit to this region with my husband and an American who paid for a privately guided tour which we gave to him. If you are interested in our tour, I will provide a link with more information. But for my primary intents this is educational too. It is in everyones best interest to avoid getting kidnapped, killed or worse, as a result of too little research and not enough information available.

Why are we able to do this safely?

My husbands family is from this pueblo - which is really important. This is a very touchy area where, if you come in with someone from the inside, you are welcomed and left alone and protected even. Outsiders on the other hand, should be very very careful what they do and say, if they come of their own volition. Hence the carefully planned and guided tour. I'm not saying it can't be done, but be warned this is a savage paradise!

What kind of person can enter this region?

Someone who has a medium to high level of physical capability and endurance. Anyone over the age of 40, should be in extremely good condition or consider a watered down version of this tour which we can help you coordinate with the utmost caution while still showing you the natural splendor of the biodiversity in this region. While we can help to make it easier by getting you in and out by horseback, there are many trails which are worth hiking, but safer on foot. The main thing is to know your limits and capabilities.

There are some amazing places we want to show you, but we don't want you to get hurt either.

Types of Tours

There are a few different reasons people like to visit this zone:

  • Eco-Tourism Where you are hiking in virgin jungle, getting great exercise while also learning about how important this region is to the air we breathe world-wide.

  • Wild Orchid & Birdwatching Two of the most diverse plant and animal groups in Colombia are orchids and birds. Colombia is the neck of the funnel which migratory birds of North and South America pass through. We have more than 1,889 species of birds and over 4,000 species of orchids. Some of the most exotic specimens of both groups can be found here.

  • Breathtaking scenery Especially if you are a wildlife/nature photographer, this is pure camera fodder, and only a handful of people have photographed this region extensively - in part due to the conflict.

  • Adrenaline junkies/ Extreme sport enthusiasts For a walk on the wild side, we will take you up into virgin jungle which has never been cut, on hikes which will challenge your limits, and through some of the roughest, most difficult to navigate terrain in the world. The Colombian military is one of the best in physical endurance and you will discover why. Tour the pueblo, talk to the local military about their experiences, or take a walk on the wild side where we show you what the coca plant looks like - and also why it is a native medicine versus the mind altering drug it is often processed into.


The tour itself has been established, and the logistics worked out for small groups. We have now made several trips with pairs or individuals - and so far we have a 100% clean record of incidents and/or problems. Of course, the political situation MUST be monitored closely - and some of what you might see, should not be talked about. What happens in Choco, really should stay in Choco. Many brave men and women are working to make this region safer, but we have to do our part too.

If you dare - you will discover a paradise like no other. Discover what the locals call "El Pulmon del Mundo", or the Lung of the World. This label is given to rainy regions like El Choco, and the Amazon Rainforest - and other high rainfall locations, which provide large percentages of the oxygen we breathe.

Here is the story of my latest trip, as a guide - escorting a gringo into the conflict zone. Typical mommy story: jungles, machetes, waterfalls and as always - home in time for bed

For information about tours and pricing - check out my blog for more stories about past adventures and recent adventures! If you found this information helpful, be sure to upvote and resteem. I will come support and check out your high quality content too!


Hi @openmindedtravel. I am left with mixed feelings after reading your post on one hand I really am concerned with the safety of myself but on the other hand the natural beauty of Columbia is so appealing. Thank you for sharing this brilliant post.

Thanks! I love it out there - it calls to me. Being able to show others is the cherry on top!

Hey I love the post. Now I have got another destination added on my ever growing travel list.

Id like to nominate the post in a curation group im in

This gem of a post was discovered by the OCD Team!

Reply to this comment if you accept, and are willing to let us share your gem of a post! By accepting this, you have a chance to receive extra rewards and one of your photos in this article may be used in our compilation post!

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Hey, what's up? Tomorrow on my blog, I am publishing the 2000 word version of this post, which I will be linking to tomorrow when it goes live. I am also preparing a video of footage from previous and recent trips. Thanks for reading my post!

Nice looking foreward to that

You should think about adding a link to your steemit account in you blog. So everyone knows they belong together. There were a few issues with people copying content which was not theirs.

Ill let you know for which day im entering you into the competition

Ok, I will add that to my site ASAP. Thanks! But, FYI, this post is totally unique from the post I am publishing tomorrow so it won't get flagged.

never doubted that, I just think people like to see confirmation of what belongs to who so they can avoid copycats trying to earn money with other peoples work.

By the way Im adding you into the competition for tomorrows compilation
Did not have the chance to do it earlier sorry

Ok, if you look at my About page, I now have my URL right below the feature picture at the top of the page. Thanks for telling me about it so I could do that.

I also added the new article link into the end of the post so that people who want to learn more about it can read my longer article about it on the blog - PLUS more pictures! Thanks!

Perfect. Yes I saw the post already and now I have one more destination on my ever growing list, maybe ill make it there one day.

Im also happy to tell you that you made it into our compilation today

nice Place, Like to visit some time. @openmindedtravel

@dilhoa It's my favorite part of Colombia. If you ever get the opportunity to visit you won't regret it. Our visitor said he expected it to be some "Romancing the Stone Type of Shit!" But he was dead serious when he said it was "far beyond what he imagined and way more adventurous."

photos is equally beautifulto you

@neerajsharma007 Thanks for checking out my article!

Hey, apologize for the late curation. Noticed now this post is about to be paid out when I was going to vote for it.

Please notify me on the next similar post you make and I'll vote on that one instead. Thanks and keep up the great content! :)