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RE: Conflict Zone Tourism in Colombia

in #travel8 years ago

Hey, what's up? Tomorrow on my blog, I am publishing the 2000 word version of this post, which I will be linking to tomorrow when it goes live. I am also preparing a video of footage from previous and recent trips. Thanks for reading my post!


Nice looking foreward to that

You should think about adding a link to your steemit account in you blog. So everyone knows they belong together. There were a few issues with people copying content which was not theirs.

Ill let you know for which day im entering you into the competition

Ok, I will add that to my site ASAP. Thanks! But, FYI, this post is totally unique from the post I am publishing tomorrow so it won't get flagged.

never doubted that, I just think people like to see confirmation of what belongs to who so they can avoid copycats trying to earn money with other peoples work.

By the way Im adding you into the competition for tomorrows compilation
Did not have the chance to do it earlier sorry

Ok, if you look at my About page, I now have my URL right below the feature picture at the top of the page. Thanks for telling me about it so I could do that.

I also added the new article link into the end of the post so that people who want to learn more about it can read my longer article about it on the blog - PLUS more pictures! Thanks!

Perfect. Yes I saw the post already and now I have one more destination on my ever growing list, maybe ill make it there one day.

Im also happy to tell you that you made it into our compilation today