I decided to add to my previous post not included in his materials.
Link to first part - https://steemit.com/travel/@ratel/my-travels-into-the-gloomy-past
Abandoned complex.

In the the 60s, prisoners lived in this complex, they built the house-building factory.
Should start with the fact, that this place is inside the existing plant, and it is naturally protected. Hearing of this object, I went to investigate. Inspected the entire plant along the fence outside. And I saw the workers. They were dressed in camouflage suit cheap. Here it is! I bought a similar suit and went.

I went inside and under the guise worker got inside, quietly passing the guard. I got it! Going into the territory of an abandoned object, pounced by stray dogs on me. A little bark and lagged. Departing from this territory, behind me slowly riding vehicle guard as if inspecting me. I would like to have to hide or run away, but they have increased speed and left.
Abandoned Airport.

Small abandoned unfinished airport. Outwardly, it looks good, but inside is empty and boring.

In bomb shelter dogs corpses were found.
Industrial forest.

In addition to the abandoned places, I like to walk in the woods.
In its silence, fresh air and unity with nature.
Forest that is not entirely normal. It is possible to find some bone, maybe even human, there is a cemetery nearby.

There are some remains of buildings and pipes.

Apparently, this forest was interesting past.
Also there is an abandoned railway.

Of the dangers in the forest is only a gang of stray dogs. They live in the swamps below the bridge.

Also, in this forest, I found an abandoned gas-proof shelter, inside of which is quite scary.

In the spring, the forest looks very scary! as if scorched earth after some catastrophe.

This forest is big, very big. And the farther I go, and constantly find something new and interesting.

Thank you for attention!
These are so cool, thanks.
where is this?
It in Siberia,Russia
a real Chernobyl
I think in Chernobyl more gloomy :)