Exploring The Gorgeous City of Lisboa - Part I / 迷人的里斯本之一

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


What's the one thing you can think of that's the best indirect consequences of going to any Steemfest? Making a holiday of it abroad, of course! When I found out it was going to be held in Lisbon, I was so excited! Quite a number of my friends had already been and spoke very highly of the attractions in the city centre as well as the friendly nature of the locals.

So, while the Steemfest celebrations were taking a well-earnred breaher, I explored the city together with @ezzy, @bkdbkd and @exyle. And for sure, I was very impressed from the very start.



(A view from right outside our hotel.)

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First things first, the hotel we stayed at was "HF Fenix Lisboa". One out of four kindly organised by @roelandp and situated right beside each other. I must say, they served up the most amazing breakfast buffet, offering a range of hot food, pastry, fruits and even some champagne! I also took a brief stroll in the outdoor garden, which I found to be suitably beautiful and really relaxing!



(This area was where the initial "introductory gathering" of steemians took place.)



After leaving well fed, we began our exploration of Lisbon. With the hotel's location being quite central, we decided to take the metro which was literally just on the opposite of the street. Very convenient (however it must be said that the taxis were also very cheap too and provided for a nice alternative mode of transport if need be).


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The station was clean and not very busy which was great compared to the usual rush in London tube services. We headed in the direction south of Lisbon and after only a few stops arrived at Cais do Sodre train station. Right across the street from its entrance was the famous Time Out Market, also known as the Mercado da Ribeira.





Walking in, the layout was similar to that of a traditional London market. There were so many stalls selling fresh fruit and vegetable, all locally produced. I noticed most of them were not only more colourful but also larger in size than the ones I'm used to in London. Would have loved to take some back home with me to really taste the difference, lol.



(I had never seen "purple" cauliflower before, lol)






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The other section of this vast area contained a canteen-style food hall. All the stands were placed around the perimeter of a large open-plan room with rows upon rows of tables and benches. As it was a Saturday, the crowds were packed together so finding a spot to eat took a little observational expertise, lol.



(Very hungry patrons. Not unlike us at the time, lol.

There are dozens of food vendors to choose from, serving a range of cuisines, from traditional Portuguese to various international selections. Most options seemed to be available to enjoy from large, filling meals to small snacks and sweets. And a lot of cheese, beer and wine to go down nicely with your feast!

In regards to the actual market, you can learn so much about the local fish, cheese, cured ham and snails for example. All the vendors were of course Portuguese and those who spoke English were more than happy to answer any questions I had.

The seafood section, in particularly, was very busy due to the close proximity of the shores nearby. The fish dishes were freshly cooked and exquisitely presented.




(A whole pig! Though I'm used to seeing things like this in China, lol.)








(The cakes were incredible to look at. I bet even better to eat, lol)





Also if you wish to indulge in the best is Portuguese tarts, I recommend a shop called Mantageiria. You can judge how popular it is by the long queue outside the stall, lol. A special mention must go to how extra creamy and oh so delicious they were!





(Now every time I see these, I can't help but think of @roelandp.)

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Though at the time it was too early for lunch. So most definitely one somewhere to return to at some point.

There are also two additional shops nearby from where you can buy some keepsake souvenirs with you as well as various localized products such as cans of sardine and tuna or handcrafted bags, etc.




What a fantastic time I was having! Just imagine having a great evening out with good friends whilst enjoying loads of tasty food and drink with a real party atmosphere! I believe this perfectly sums up the spirit of Portugal! This place is well worth visiting if you are ever in this great city.

After two cups of steaming hot coffee and a few more of those creamy tarts, we continued to explore the city.

It was only a short walk up to the glorious sea front. There are nice, stylish benches situated a few yards apart from each other for people to relax on and enjoy the surroundings. And as a nice compliment, there was a sweet two-man band performing some live music. How wonderful!




(These guys were really good. On second thoughts, I should have taken a video instead.)





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And of course, a mandatory ice cream break is absolute essential here, haha!




(Someone's spoiling themselves rotten here, lol)


Continuing to walk through the city, there are so many souvenir shops! I couldn't help but snoop around again to find any more things to bring home. It was my first trip to Portugal after all!









(If you live in London, this just symbolizes "Nandos", lol)


Come the evening, we were all famished so decided to have a nice meal with @exyle and @bkdbkd at a lovely restaurant called Forninho Saloio. This place is tucked away within a narrow back street of Lisbon, which has normally been a good sign for some delicious local food in the past, lol.




I was not disappointed in the least. The restaurant served fresh and simple grilled fish and meat, pretty much a typical Portuguese cuisine with a side of potatoes and salad. The beef steaks were divine! The tenderloin in particular was so juicy and full of flavour. A perfect recommendation from @bkdbkd. Thank you! :)




(The steaks were perfectly cooked and succelent through and through. Very enjoyable.)



(Fantastic local beer.)


(Look how happy and satisfied @exyle was after the meal, haha! The face of pure contentment.)

I was having such a great time, what with the awesome Steemfest as well as this magnificent, sprawling city in check out. And things would only get better from here on...

参加Steemfest 2的另一个好处就是能顺道游览所在的美丽城市!但我得知聚会将在里斯本举办时,我兴奋极了。因为我常常听朋友说这个城市有多美当地人多友善,呵呵。

所以在Steemfest自由活动的两天里,我和@ezzy,@ bkdbkd和@exyle一起探索了这座迷人的城市。

首先介绍一下我们下住的酒店HF Fenix Lisboa。这是 @roelandp组织的四家姐妹酒店之一,他们都彼此相邻。 这家酒店的自助早餐非常丰盛,提供了一系列欧式风味热食,各类精美糕点,新鲜水果,甚至还有香槟! 酒店的户外花园也很值得一提,休闲有格调!


里斯本的地铁站很干净,感觉没有伦敦的繁忙,多了几分舒适感。我们朝着里斯本往南,几个站就来到了Cais do Sodre地铁站。车站旁边就是著名的Time Out市场,又称Mercado da Ribeira。

Time Out市场的格局与伦敦市场的相似,布满了很多出售新鲜水果和蔬菜的摊位,都是本地生产的。我注意到,那些蔬菜水果个头都要比我在伦敦买的更大,颜色也更鲜艳。真想带些回家尝尝味道有啥不同,呵呵。





来葡萄牙必须要尝这里的葡挞(又名葡式奶油塔)。在Time Out广场,有一家叫做Mantageiria的甜品店,他们的葡挞做得最正宗!看看排队的人群就知道他们在这里有多受欢迎了。葡挞外皮酥脆,馅儿不甜不腻,香儿淡雅,非常有种古朴的醇香。太好吃了,作为吃货的我,很有不枉此行的感觉!



美食广场这儿也特别适合与朋友聚会,在享受美食的同时,快坏畅饮谈天说地,呵呵。如果你来里斯本旅游,可别错过Time Out 市场哦!




旁晚时分,我们来到一家名叫Forninho Saloio 的本地餐厅美美地吃了一顿。餐厅门面不大,隐藏在狭窄的后街小巷里,不过以我们吃货一族的经验来看,这通常是找到当地美食店的好兆头,呵呵。





Incredible array of pictures! The food looks incredible and the sights are breath-taking! Thanks!

AJ picked your post @rea for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

Thank you very much, @ajala! :)

I think I ate way to many of them creamy and delicious lol It was so nice meeting you @rea we have to try and meet up sometime for some dim sum!

Me too!!! Sure thing, let me know when you are next in London. :)

Guys we should totally have a Steemit meeting in London I promise to wear my Steemfest promo gear LOL btw @rea hope you and @ezzy got back safely from your awesome stay with Mark and Bianca

wow your picture is so cool lol

Thank you for dropping by @maa!

好棒的市場!! 我被紫花椰菜深深吸引!! XD


Oh, I love these guys) And I love Lisbon now;) You are beautiful, and you have a wonderful story style!


吃起来更香, 哈哈!

Very happy that you're having such a good experience in Lisbon. I recommend taking the train to visit Sintra, it's about one hour away from Lisbon, but it has fantastic buildings and scenery.
Also, if you're staying for a while in Portugal, take the train north, travel to Coimbra, university city, and to Oporto, the capital of the North!

Oh absolutely! Things were so hectic that we literally ran out of time to check out some of the main features. And "Sintra" was definitely one of them But the good news is that I enjoyed Lisboa so much that I am sure I'll be returning there soon.

I've made a note of all the places you recommended. Thank you very much, @ozzymandias. :)

@rea Thanks for sharing your Lisbon experience through your amazing clicks.. It's really fentastic shots that you made over there..colorful. @exyle was happy and satisfied not only because of meal..may be you didn't notice that where he is sitting.. very near to his faveroute things.. the bottles...!!

Thank you!

I gained ten pounds just looking at all those photos of scrumptious food! lol Wonderful photos of the city. I like all those roosters. I also like the benches in the park by the water. Ice cream too! This was an amazing trip. Thanks for taking us along.

Lol, nicely put! And thank you for checking out the post. Next time hopefully you get make it to Steemfest 3. :)

Wow, what great food, and places to discover. I can tell you were having a blast there. good for you, my friend.

It was awesome. Thanks. :)

I seriously don't know where lisbao is located

"Lisboa" is "Lisbon". Sorry, maybe I should have made that a little clearer. :)

Thanks for sharing your Lisbon experience through your amazing clicks.. food Looks delicious! I defenitely have to try it! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the kind words, @keks. :)

Beauty in Lisboa... Good pics!

dear @rea, very nice written article, nice memmories of lisbon during steemfest. veey enjoyful and excited momments. i hope you enjoyed too much. wonderful photography. love your post too much. be happy all the time, best wishes from me.

Thanks, @rebeel. :)

Very cool

This city looks good

Very well written post and beautiful pictures. I feel that I was there with you!

Thanks, @team101. :)

Your artical for your trip ia asome and your photogrfic images are seeme to we are really feel good

lovely. I've never been to Portugal, but it just went up a few places on my bucket list ;-)

You won't regret a visit there, I'm sure. :)

Hey! Great post. I'm also trying to get into location-based writing. Would love if you could check out my post and tell me what you think: https://steemit.com/blog/@rebeccamqamelo/notes-from-sf-the-emergence-of-beauty

@rea that is a beautiful city good to visit for tourist

nice article

upvote my post beauty...



Great food is like great sex. The more you have the more you want.
Is it Wright ??
If wrong please forgive me.

Nice comparison, lol. Actually, I can see some similarities. :)

Awesome post! Keep it up! ^_^

Great Post! Thank You!

very nice one !!

delicious food. I really liked the publication, Portugal is a beautiful country I hope someday to meet you, greetings from Venezuela.

Gotto love nata!!!

Nice post.