When I entered into the temple, it was the time of the ceremony.
It seems that the Buddhist ceremony is performed in the basis of reading the teaches by Buddha like singing a song.
The rhythm of reading the teaches by Buddha was as same as that of Korean traditional folk music.
It was so comfortable and peaceful for me.
The ceremony was held in every hall of the temple.
I took an action video of the ceremony to introduce the feeling of the rhythm of the Buddhist praying.
The most impressive scene was that of Myeongbu-jeon hall which was the place of praying for the dead.
The monk's every moving looked so spiritual. It was so simple, but very touching moment.
The ceremony had been performed more than 1 hour, for that one hour the monks were chanting continuously.
The most important quality to be a Korean Buddhist monk seemed the ability of singing.
I strongly recommend to look at those ceremony when you visit Korea. In every Sunday, the ceremony is performed at 9 - 10 o'clock casually.
▶️ DTube
I so love to hear monks singing and chanting. It is truly food for the soul and always a deeply moving experience.
It was interesting to see.Thank you for the video, @slowwalker .
I have always been interested to visit such a temple and see how
the monks behave at the ceremony.
When you listen to their singing-you forget about everything ...
Really....awesome post 📪 ....my dear lovely friend @slowwalker .
interesting post...as always
that's new thing i seeing through your post monks rhythm of the Buddhist praying ceremony moment.
very nice.
I have never really been through this kind of situation as from where I am majority of the population is Muslim and we have our own culture besides it is really great to go through your blog as for the couple of months (I must say this) I have seen most of your journeys that you shared with us. Each one was indeed a cool new experience.
While the video was really very calm.
love the video @slowwalker ^_^
wow! I always liked it. I would like to see it live. I would like to hear the monks sing
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Special Buddhist Ceremony in Whaeom-sa Temple. #steem #steemtalent #JoinSteemit #steemit
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Just incredible. very wonderful video. I love everything about this!
and also this is a very beautiful and powerful image...you have a real talent! Great shot, as always!
Monks are so peaceful and they maintain their temples perfectly
Amazing this is known as tibetan Buddhist prayers you can also find many Tibetan meditation prayers
Thank you for this video, it is nice to see a simple figure of monk initially and later when you show the whole hall with huge figures of Buddhas that is really impressive to see how tiny the people are. In reality when you stand in front of them and see ceremony that might be very emotional too. Love it!
The Monks really are very peaceful while doing their religious tasks in and around the temple @slowwalker and it is a good sight to see and very inspiring too.
When I was in Thailand, my phone had an app to hear monk's chanting. I could not understand it, but it soothed my soul to turn it on.
I came by to thank you for your recent upvotes for me and for my son @bxlphabet. It was not really so recent now, as I have been having wifi issues, but I wanted you to know this was so encouraging.
I'm so glad I found your blog @slowwalker. I'll be looking out for more peaceful inspiration :)