Changgyeong Gung had been built in King Seong Jong of Choson Dynasty at 1483 AD.
This palace had been used for the official ceremony of the Kingdom, for example coronation and welcome ceremony for the foreign diplomats.
It was said that Changgyeong Gung had suffered several fire disasters in it’s history.
Changgyeong Gung was a stage of tragic struggle around King.
One Queen was sentenced to death amongst the struggle.
She was described as an wicked women, but as you know, history is a record of the winner.
The most tragic incident was this palace turn into a Zoo under the Japanese Rule.
The major buildings had been destroyed by Japanese Imperialist for making parks for ordinary people. But at that time, everyone knew very well the reason of making Park in Changgyeong Gung. Japanese Imperialist had tried to weaken the Royalty of people to Choson Kingdom.
As Changgyeong Gung had been changed into Zoo, the name of Palace was also changed into Changgyeong Won. Here Won means Park.
Up until 1981 years, the decision turn the Park into the Palace was made.
Zoo and animals were move to Seoul Grand Park. The palace had been rebuilt for years.
I had been in Changgyeong Gung for 40 years ago when it was a Zoo Park last time.
So it was amazing to look at real appearance of the Palace.
Changgyeong Gung was located in eastern part of Chang Deok Gung what I posted last time.
In my guess, the pics explain better than my poor English.
Let’ s go.
I looked at Sun behind the trees walking over from Chang Deok Gung to Changgyeong Gung.
Scene at dusk was awesome
I could look down the Palace on the way from Chang Deok Gung
There were several extraordinary stones on the road
I took some pics of main building of Changgyeong Gung
One of the best Pavilion
The name of this pavilion is 'Ham In Jeong' which means 'Pavilion of Filling Goodness '
Interesting name of gate 'Accepting Sunshine Gate'
View from opposite direction.
Thank you so much
Thank you @slowwalker for your interesting historical tales about Oriental culture and memorials.
Happy New Year, my friend!

thank you happy new year
Nice story, with nice pictures.
But i got no idea where it is.
Have you ever have heard of steemitworldmap.com ?
Maybe if you would mark the spot on that service, your posts would gain even more value and attraction.
Well said Boss, well said; steemitworldmap.com is definitely a place to announce a beautiful writeup like @slowwalker's post in order to gain the rightful attention this beautiful post deserve. Cheers Boss for always taking out time to discover useful writeups as you scan across Steemit. Following your leads all the way Boss. Smiles.
Yeah brother
Oh my mistake!
There is Seoul , Korea.
I am posting on Korea in a raw.
So I didn't write place.
Thank you so much for visiting
Nice story, with nice pictures.
But i got no idea where it is.
Have you ever have heard of steemitworldmap.com ?
Maybe if you would mark the spot on that service, your posts would gain even more value and attraction
Thank you for posting @slowwalker, nim.
What lovely photographs and story to bring to Steemians....sounds like a perfect ending. So lovely to see a place especially a palace restored.
The age of it is remarkable indeed.
Happy New Year to you and yours. Cheers.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Happy New Year
사진 멋지네요~~ 좋은구경 하고 갑니다~~
It is fun to travelling so nice places. I wish I have enough time to travel.
Me too, i hope to visit korea this year
you can
Thank you for your spirit
창경궁 안가봤는데ㅎㅎ 가보고싶네요
Great post and interesting place. Thanks for sharing :)
Looks like the photo is coming from here. It's a wonderful place to do. @slowwalker
thank you for visiting
great capture! I really love nature photos!
Very interesting shots. History in action.
Nice Place ...
I like the Way You Explain it Nice Move !
thank you
오늘은 창경궁에 가셨네요
사진들이 너무 멋집니다.
좋은하루 되세요
Hi, are you from korea ?
감사합니다. 홧팅
Wow, you made great photos, thanks. I like China)
Thinks it traditional beautiful place to see @slowwalker
Thank you so much
Interesting story and impressive pictures. Thank you!
It's so ridiculous that the palace was turned into a zoo under the Japanese rule . but everything can be changed at that time. a history tragedy . thanks for your sharing .
thank you.
history is a history
تصوير جميل اتمنى ان تكون بخيرمرحبا اخى @slowwalker
happy nwe year
This is perfect🔥🔥
Wow! This is such a beautiful picture... I wanna travel to Korea now and also take pictures.
Wowwwww! Amazing piece of information. That is a good background history of the place. You are good and those pictures you shared are of professional quality. Nice work friend, I love your post.
thank you
I love these pictures. It takes me right back to my time in South Korea. The performance that is conducted in the front of the complex was I interesting to me. It shows the cultural dedication and pride of the Korean people.
멋지네요 ㅎㅎ 한번 가봐야겠어요
I have a novel with a story story in the palace that you write it.
the author is a korean man with a background of war stories, honor, devotion and betrayal.
I had read the dark history of the Korean nation when occupied by japan. this is the same with our country, aceh and indonesia that ever felt dark due to colonized japan.
but as bad as any colonist, history must be straightened out. and the relics that had been confused must be rebuilt.
but the Korean nation has mupu menta herself. they are advancing economically, technologically and culturally.
Wowwwwwwww. This is a beautiful comment, straight from the heart! The korean nation are strong people doing excellently in the world today. Nice comment! Cheers friend.
I think, it is a comment of the children of the nation who have heard the story of the imprisonment of the same nation.thank's my friend
You are welcome dear friend! Smiles.
I want to jump on the plane and go to the Korea.After seeing these photos in these photographs, I do not know how to do it on my room.Great photos and writing.Thank yo my friend.. @slowwalker
That is what I called Epic writing. That author is good and the pictures great too. Wowwwww
thank you
Your welcome ! I hope you will continue to share these.. @slowwalker
may be i reasteam your post dear
Please vote my post
i am doing vote on your post.................. :P :)))
Amazing captures......i always like your photography sense..
Beautiful photos and text. Really appreciate your hard work :). Keep it going
I like always your post this is also one of the best post keep it up hope you will do goo thank you dear @slowwalker happy new year 2018 @tuhin201.
Awesome Photos . you are best photographer
@slowwalker always a good read wity great photos . Hope you had a very good xmas and new year
The photos look beautiful
Nice Plase and nice photography....
I like always your post this is also one of the best post keep it up hope you will do goo thank you dear @ slowwalker happy new year. I always wait for your post
good friends, I really enjoy your story friends
beautiful place! I don't think I've visited here since elementary school
Nice travel @slowwalker
i need to go there especially when its so close to beijing
I really enjoy your history postings. I can also enjoy the beauty of historic photos from you in great detail. But I really like the word in this paper "History is the record of the winners". Thank you very much for sharing @slowwalker.
I love places like this. I always wantoed to visit japan or china and go chceck out all those places. I have to do it someday. Thanks for sharing.
a nice palace, and every country has its own uniqueness and english has an extraordinary palace
Historical facts are interesting , and due to tradedies and concequences we see what we see today . Appreciate for the history .
This is exactly why I like Steemit so much. I would not have seen these pictures otherwise and now I did and enjoyed it very much. Thank you and a Happy New Year.
You took some fantastic pictures, very good!
Good information and picture _
very good beatiful photos
오늘은 유독 사진이 더 멋진거 같습니다
잘보고 갑니다
is it a Korean or japanize?
This place is amazing and I love to see such an amazing places. It gives me a motivation to leave the comfort of my own home and travel the world.
Great pics too!
This is korea
thank you
hahaha... agreed sir @slowwalker !
thank you for always sharing those history with beautiful photos.