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RE: Our 10 Year Old Has The Travel Bug: Are We in Trouble?

in #travel2 months ago

Seems to have worked like a charm embedding that youtube video.
I never been to Asia before and I am over 40 now.
Waking up at 6am is my normal go to and I can assure you it is because Hollywood was your way to make money.
I am still waiting fo my first job in 2025 and building a small business as well to get some extra cash in.
Traveling is the best. I wish I could do more but life is rough in Austria as well right now...


Oh yeah I ended up just posting the link from YouTube to make that work. And what's the business you're starting?

Already started it doing small repairs in IT and TV for a larger business. They provide me with clients and I give the a provision,
Mostly I am fixing elderly peoples tv or computers

Oh that's great 👍 I'm going with maintenance of homes or handyman service

That is great, something that is always needed.

yeah true

Oh geese, yeah, I think Europe in general is getting hit a lot harder than the US in terms of inflation and economic fall out!

Keep building you thing tho cause eventually we'll see the other side of the speed bump