A short trip to Italy - Kurztrip nach Italien

in #travel8 years ago

As I've got some days off I made the decision to go to Italy for some days. Basically a short trip to lake garda actually to enjoy some tasty Pasta and a nice glass of wine with it 😊

I've already been to Italy many times during my childhood and developed some kind of passion for this country, its people and food. So I just have to get back there from time to time.

Fortunately it's as well only a 4 hours drive for me to lake garda, one of my favorite places in Italy. This region just offers a great landscape, nice hotels and a lot of activities for everyone. You may go hiking, swimming, get on your bicycle or motorbike or simply enjoy good wine and food in small local ammenities 😊

I think you can feel that I really love this place on earth. Did anyone of you visit Italy already and if you did what was your favorit about it?

Da ich ein paar Tage frei habe kam mir spontan die Idee zu einem Kurztrip nach Italien. Gesagt getan und ab ging es an den Gardasee, um leckere Pasta mit einem guten Glass Wein zu genießen 😊

Während meiner Kindheit war ich mit meinen Eltern bereits einige Male in Italien und muss irgendwie eine gewisse Liebe dazu entwickelt haben. Deshalb zieht es mich wohl auch immer wieder zurück dorthin 😃

Glücklicherweise sind es für mich nur 4 Stunden Fahrt bis zum Gardasee, meiner absoluten Lieblingsgegend in Italien. Die vergehen dann auch immer wie im Flug aufgrund der ganzen Vorfreude hinsichtlich der Schönheit der Gegend. Die Landschaft, der See und vieles mehr bieten etwas für jedermann. Ob man nun wandern möchte, aufs Fahrrad oder Motorrad steigt oder einfach nur das Gute Essen und den Wein genießen möchte. Ich liebe es einfach alles

Die Bildbeschriftungen habe ich auf Englisch gehalten, weil es so übersichtlicher ist. Ich hoffe ihr nehmt mir das nicht übel 😉

This is the restaurant within my Hotel. It got an amazing view if you ask me 😊

Here's a small part of the Hotels own garden, which is just wonderful.

And last but not least the Pool with a great view on lake garda 😃


That so beautiful 😍 Lake Garda its amazing , i hope i can go to Italy next time 😊

I can only agree on that with you 😊 Italy is an amazing country in general but lake garda is definitely one of the nicest places down there in the south 😉 I hope you can make it there.

Yeah i hope :)

Ciao! I'm Italian... nice place Grada Lake! ...and it seems that you spent beautiful days!
Where were you exactly? I guess in Riva del Garda, right?
The internal court of the hotel is very beautiful! :)

Ciao @pluginbinnie 😊 Your guess on Riva del Garda was unfortunately not correct, it was Laveno Mombello a little more in the south 😉 & regarding the internal court you are right, it's really beautiful 😊

You are fortunate to be able to travel and it's a wonderful thing you can capture this and share the experience with us. Steem is great place to keep your memories. I am happy you were pleased with your feature as I couldn't find any photos of you and I wanted to make it personal. I feel a breath of relief on this issue for me. Thank you for visiting the others on the list. I am following and upvoting.

Glad that you like it 😊 & Yeah I didn't really introduce myself on Steemit so far. Just a little within my comments & Posts 😅 I got a draft on my Computer since a few days but am not really satisfied with it so far 🙄