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RE: Austria - The Gardens of Radstadt

in #travel6 years ago

I love seeing gardens (yards here in the states) put to good use. In most neighborhoods here there are rules against planting food-type plants in the front yard. After all, we have to maintain that well-manicured American look obtained by weed-free grass--grass that sucks up water, is often doused with weed killers, and provides nothing of actual value. At least in Texas, the state passed a state law that overrides local rules so that we can do xeroscaping. It can still be a struggle though to get it by the petunia partrol.

Proud member of #steemitbloggers @steemitbloggers


You know, I never considered that my front yard garden might be against the local laws. I live in Ohio and wanted to take advantage of every bit of our short growing season, so I planted tomatoes, peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, and leeks in my front yard. I added some dahlias for a bit of color. Anyway, I think the overall effect is quite pretty. It seems strange that communities would legislate that sort of thing.

I also don't understand our obsession with grass. You are quite right about it not contributing significant value. I'm currently encouraging the clover in my lawn to take over the grass. I have faith! 😀