
you should be! I thought I had a system! well hey if you ever don't hear from me for a few hours just say hey did you see my comments? I don't know what else to say but I'm mortified by my mistake! lol.

You should apparently review your system, lol! I might or I might not! If you don't respond to me then you don't like me enough, LOL!

You should be mortified, hahaha!

yes Ma'am I'm still mortified and trying to get over that mistake! but hey, come to think of it, I should be offended at you too!
yeah, I didn't see any comments from you in my post yesterday!
the one about the cattle?

Well, well, I'm on vacation, don't you know? 😉 I'm doing my best but can't spend all day on Steemit 😉

vacation? I thought you were there to visit your Grandmother.
so this is really just a leisure time of running around site seeing? well that must be nice to take off whenever you want and go spoil yourself!

Are you always picking words from the context? LOL!

I'm visiting my grandmother but I can't sit with her all day long. I go there every day for 3 hours but for the rest of the day I spend time with my mom and siblings.

I told you it's not whenever I want but you just won't listen, lol! :D

howdy there my (maybe) friend Martina! yes I like taking words out of context! or maybe it's just a language problem I have...

like the last sentence doesn't make sense to my English.."it's not whenever I want" ..hhmm..what's not whenever you want?

and another thing Miss are on vacation so you can't be bothered to go to my posts but I see you on everyone else's...but that's ok...yeah that's understandable..I'm just the ugly American over here so I don't get the prime visits from royalty like some people do...yeah that's understandable...I don't even speak but one language so I'm sure that puts me way down on the list too! lol.