Travel adventures - Germany - Hohentwiel

in #travelfeed7 years ago

Hohentwiel - the largest fortress ruin in Germany doesn't cease to amaze us. We've been there several times and we keep coming back whenever we have visitors staying with us or if we don't feel like driving for too long.

Yesterday was one of those days when we didn't want to stay at home but also didn't want to spend all day on the road. Hohentwiel is located in the Hegau region of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany and it takes us around 20 minutes to get there by car. It is a perfect place for a one day trip!

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It took us around 30 minutes to get from the parking to the fortress. It is a very steep hike but luckily there are a few spots where you can take a break and enjoy the views. The entrance fee to the fortress is EUR 4.50. Don't forget to get the ticket at the visitor center next to the parking place as this is the only place where you can get them. And you don't want to walk all the way back and forth again.

This part is called Galgenrain. The gallows were places here in the past. They were a visible sign of high jurisdiction of the owner of Hohentwiel and his right to judge the life and death. The conditions of the fortress were harsh and soldiers often deserted. If they could not be found, their names were slapped on the gallows which meant they would be executed by hanging as soon as they were found.

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Just a few meters away there was a flock of sheep.

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They were curious and started to slowly approach us...

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After a few seconds they lost their interest and continued eating. We saw a young man on the other side of the field - probably their shepherd. He must have said something because all of the sudden they all turned around and disappeared. It all went so fast! Isn't it amazing that so many sheep listen to one person?

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We continued up the hill until we reached The Alexandertor and The Tunnel. This way to the fortress was also used in the past. It is not known when exactly it was built but most likely between 16th and 18th century.

We made it and finally reached the fortress that was a few meters further up.

Hohentwiel is one of the many volcanic formations of the Hegau region. It was an ideal vantage points for fortresses and other structures in the past. The first castle was built on Hohentwiel in 914.

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It has a rich history. During 10th and 11th century it was used by Swabian Duke. In 13th century the fortress was owned by lords of Klingenberg and it was used as a usual knight's castle. Luckily, in 16th century under Duke Ulrich of Württemberg it became the Württemberg gem in the midst of Austrian sovereignty. In 1801, the French emperor Napoleon ordered that Hohentwiel be destroyed.

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The lower fortress was entered through The Eugentor . It formed a first defense bastion. Here were always the most important utilities: storage and quarters, doctor's house and pharmacy, winery, sutler, iron smith, cisterns and bakery. The further transport to the upper fortress was done by donkeys and horses.

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Take your time, walk around and imagine the fortress before it was destroyed.

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Yes, we will be climbing up again 😊

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This is the most enjoyable part of the fortress as it's flat 😊

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Are you ready to climb up the bumpy cobble - stone path? You can't see it very well on the photo, but it is a very steep path. As each stone is of different size and it is difficult to walk there it is important to have good shoes. Before we reached the top, my husband hurt his knee and we had to stop for a while. He couldn't walk very well for the rest of the day but luckily his knee doesn't hurt today.

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This is the Schmittefelsen which was an important defense point because from here you can see the vast surrounding with neighboring hills of Hohenstoffen, Hohenkrähen and Hohenhewen.

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Here was The Hauptmannsturm in the past. It was home of Kommandant Konrad Widerhold who was well knows for his defense of fortress Hohentwiel during the Thirty years' war.

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The church was consecrated in 1645 and the church tower, which is the tallest building on Hohentwiel, was rebuilt in 1845 when the first observation deck was constructed.

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Can you see the hill in the middle?

As I mentioned before the region is called Hegau and it is an extraordinary region because of its topography. There are nine completely harmless relics of volcanic activity that took place 14 million years ago. This one is called Hohenkrähen. Such landscape is unusual for Germany and there are lots of tourist coming here each day to climb up the 'volcanos'.

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Let's go back to Hohentwiel. There are still many things to see before we reach the tower.

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Once you reach the upper level of the fortress you will realize that you can see the tower from everywhere - a perfect meeting point in case somebody gets 'lost' in this huge complex.

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In the past people thought that The Langen Baus was the ruin of former monastery St. Georg that was here in 10th century. However now we know that the building is from 16th century. There were stables on the ground floor and rooms for officers on the upper floors.

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Once we walk up the stairs we will reach the level with school, rectory, manufacture of barrels, arsenal and the Duke's castle.

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But first, let's take a break, eat a snack and enjoy the views of the volcanic region...

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This is a part of Duke's castle. I like that window on the lower floor.

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We are finally coming to the tower. Behind this tunnel there is a courtyard with the church tower. Let's have a look.

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My husband didn't want to go there as his knee was still hurting so I went up on my own. I spent there only a minute as there were many bees flying around and they didn't seem to be happy. They didn't get that the flowers don't grow on the tower! Duh!?

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I looked around and went back downstairs. Of course I took some photos too. This is the Duke's castle - can you see that window from the other photo?

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The right side of the castle with some volcanoes in the back.

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This is Singen with lake Constance in the back. When there are not clouds in the mountains you can see the Swiss Alps too. I was not lucky today.

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This is the highway to Stuttgart. We drive there when we go to The Netherlands.

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In the Middle Ages, like the Hohentwiel, the other volcanoes of the Hegau proved to be perfect locations for castles and small fortifications. There are 380 of them within a radius of 20 kilometers, making the Hegau one of the regions with the most castles in Germany. I think I'll be back to show you more.

Hohentwiel is one of the oldest nature reserves in Germany. The mountain with the highest vineyards in the country was declared a nature reserve in 1943. I like red wine from this region and I bought a couple of bottles again 😊

All pictures are taken by my Nikon D3200 AF-S NIKKOR 18-55 mm 1:3.5-5.6 G II (except of the ones indicated in the article).

Thank you for reading!


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It is such a well written and detailed article that I actually felt like I am walking right there with you..Back in my hometown we had a similar fort just an hour away and I would go twice in a month, so I know how you feel about this place.. there are some places you can never get tired of visiting.
Much love and hugs ❤️

Thank you so much for your kind words! Why did you actually move out? I don't think I have read about it in your posts...

Oh yes, these are places that we never forget even though we may be so far away from them :)

Much love and hugs to you too my dear!

Got married last year so moved to a new city with my partner..😅
I can travel the world and will still miss that place, so many memories and it's a different connection.. I would go thr when I was happy, when I felt alone or just when I wanted to scream.. May be when I will go back this time will take some photographs and share here.. I am sure you will love it

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Hahaha, I also got married and moved to Switzerland. Otherwise I would never think of moving here...

Oh, that would be great! I would love to see that place! Can't wait! :)

I hear you! ;) i can't wait to go back as well..
where were you before you got married..

At that time I was based in Prague. But before I used to live in Belgium and in Slovakia. I have to go now as I'm boarding the plane :) Talk to you later my dear!

have a safe journey... Love ❤️

@delishtreats your post should be the no. 1 in travel trending page, great photos with great article, thank you for sharing with us. Regards.

Thank you so much! I'm so pleased that you like it! :)

Its a lovely fortress! I love the photo of the tunnel looking out into the hill, it's my favourite one. I think it's such a contrast between the old and the new world.

Thank you for stopping by. It is an amazing place and doesn't matter how often you go you will always find something that you haven't seen before :)

I like that contrast too! I was waiting for about 5 minutes to get a shot without people on it :D

Wow, thank you for including the full history! B’coz I Enjoy reading about historical sites specially abandoned castles like this.

Nice to know bout Germany’s largest fortress ruin.
Beautiful sceneries ❤️

Thank you for stopping by! I'm pleased that you enjoyed it :)

That's awesome that you are so close to a place like that! I want to go see some castles so badly. I can only imagine the history that those walls have seen! It's crazy thinking how much hard work went into building all of that, as well. Can you imagine getting all of those stones up there?? Thank you for another wonderful journey! :)

I'm very lucky to live in such a beautiful place. There are plenty of castles around us. Oh, you are right. It's very steep there and I wouldn't like to be among those who had to push them up :) Thank you for stopping by Katie!

What a place to see! Feels that even though it is a time of old, it still has its magic that carries through time. Tales that we hear and movies that we see help us imagine what those days might be like. Now I feel like watching a medieval movie :D

Hahaha, I try to post photos in chronological order so that my readers can get into the sphere. I see that it's working and it makes me happy :)

Thank you for stopping by!

What an awesome visit! I was lucky enough to visit Germany back in high school (about a million years ago) and we toured a number of castles - however, I don't think this was one of them. But now, thanks to all your amazing photos, I feel like I've been there!

Thanks so much for sharing this, and congrats on the #steemitbloggers member boost!


I'm glad that you feel like you've been there!

Thank you for stopping by! Oh, I was actually just getting my iron infusion when I've noticed the member boost and it absolutely made my day! :)

You're very welcome, and I know what you mean - the times I've gotten a boost totally made my day too! The #steemitbloggers community is wicked awesomesauce! 😊 💜

I love that last shot... very stunning view captured there! As always, amazing Martina!

Thank you Dave! I'll keep going there until the sky will be clear so that you can see the Swiss Alps panorama too. It is amazing!

So awesome! So much information, thank you for taking the time to put this together. It’s interesting to try and imagine how a place that’s been long barren may have looked when it was running in its prime. Such a different life than you and I know. Very cool post @delishtreats.

P.s. you always seem to be traveling which I find so refreshing. I truly enjoy your blog my friend. Happy travels!

Thank you for your kind comment! :) Yes, it takes me a lot of time but I enjoy writing and sharing my travel :)

Oh, I try to travel as much as I can. Last couple of weeks I spent more time at home than on 'road' as I was a bit tired of traveling. Not in a bad way though.. I was just missing my own bed :D

I can relate, I’m such a home body in that there’s nothing like the comforts of home. “Free spirits”. :)

Great post. So many photos and such great history lesson. I found the window in the Duke's castle. Its the only one with the vertical split :) I love the photos looking down on the town below. You can imagine the castle controlling the countryside below.

Thank you for stopping by!

Yes! You got it right :) I love that window because it's the only one with the vertical split in the entire ruin :)

Exactly, it was the best position not only to defense the land but also to control it.

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Nice photos! I am a history buff and love reading the stories about the history of many things. Sheep following one person when called, yes, they have no mind of their own to speak of. It reminds me of the people in this world. Many are like the sheep!

Thank you for stopping by!

I also enjoy history and architecture. And you are right, we have a saying in Slovak that says: Following like a sheep.. meaning blindly, without thinking..

Hello there, I'm from Germany as well! I've never been to Hohentwiel, though. Maybe I will, it sounds great :)

I live in Switzerland but very close to the border that's why it only take us 20 minutes to get there :)

You should, Hegau is really pretty!

Thank you for stopping by!

Oh, ok. That's a convenient place to live then :)

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What a cool place to have in day trip range! I would love to visit a castle one day - I was obsessed with them growing up!

Really? I love castles too! I think I already visited almost all of them in Switzerland :D I find it fascinating to learn about the history and how it looked like long time ago.

Thank you for stopping by!

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Impressive castle and photos! It looks somewhat familiar, I'm wondering if I had visited it in the past and just not completely remembered what it was called.

Some of the last shots look like they are taken from the air, but you don't mention having a drone (I think), was it just from a high vantage point?

When we went there for the first time we had no idea how it was called. We saw it from the highway and thought: Hey! Let's have a look :)

They are taken from the tower.. I don't own a drone yet but I'd love to get one :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Wow. You spent quite a bit of time on this post. I am here reading it because of @basicstoliving's post derived from inspiration of this blog post. The fourth pic from the bottom is my favorite...the city in the background does it for me and the awesome round angles of the building. Good stuff. Loved the castle pictures also

Oh, yes I did, but I enjoyed it :) I like writing about history and architecture. And travel of course!

I saw his post and I'm pleased to know that I inspired him to talk about it..

It's nice to hear that you have your favorite one. I like that one too :)

Thank you for stopping by!

You are very welcome. It is nice to learn about someone new on Steemit!

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Lovely place, Lovely Fort, Lovely Photography and above all Lovely write up. @delishtreats we have so common things..even when we get bored at home or any relatives comes in..we too go out to see ...some historic it Taj Mahal or Red fort. Best way to spend days to explore some old ruins....


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in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

Really great photos.. It's a blessing to have the opportunity to enjoy such beauty.

Thank you for stopping by! Yes, I do feel blessed for the chance to travel :)

Well done on another great post

Thank you for stopping by!

A fortress with a fantastic view. That 30 minutes hike if all worth it with that spectacular view. If the walls could talk, so many tales these walls have seen.

Thank you for stopping by! Well, it was 30 minutes to get to the fortress only. Then there is a very steep hike inside of the complex :) But yes, it was worth it!

You are right. And I would listen carefully to them :)

Beautiful! If I ever make it back to Germany this is now on my list.

It should be! It is such an amazing place and I hope you'll be lucky to enjoy the Swiss Alps panorama too! I couldn't see it last weekend however I've seen it a few times before :)

I really like your travel log now!

Thanks for sharing.Really seems like a great place to travel @delishtreats!

Thank you for stopping by!

My pleasure.

I can see why you keep going back. It's gorgeous 😊

Thank you for stopping by! I'm glad you liked it!

wonderful pictures especially ones with the sheeps. Seems like the weather followed you into adventure.

Thank you for stopping by! I'm so glad that you like the one with sheep. I'm too bad in taking photos of animals... They always seem to run away from me.. but these sheep were nice and patient with me :)

I have one small hint for you. No matter how stupid it looks, talk to them..they turn the head...

I didn't know that! Will try it! 😊

Very enjoyable read. I love visiting the castle ruins in Europe. Your post is almost like being there.

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Thank you for stopping by and for your support! It's nice that you can travel by visiting blogs without actually traveling :) Easy, cheap and you can do it anytime you wish :)

I love traveling in Germany. All the castles are awesome. I haven't been to this one, but it looks incredible.

Thank you for stopping by! Oh yes, Germany has so much to offer. It is a beautiful country. I hope you will be able to visit this one in the future :)

thank you @delishtreats for the walk. The sheep that came unexpectedly was random but cute. What rich history Hohentwiel has and thank God it is still preserved till today. I bet there were many stories that happened during the olden days that we don't even know. The imagination and feeling while walking through the gallows and the many parts of this place must have been wonderful. Not forget to mention it has a scenic view from the top!

howdy there delishtreats...oh my gosh....what the???? you live close to this place too? Ya'll just happen to live close to some of the most amazing places in the world! wow. I need a view like that. where can I get me one of those castles?
well, and look at those comments! lol. you're killin it kiddo. where's curie?

Hahaha, I got curie 11 days ago. Check out this one to see it:

Well, I must admit it's beautiful here. I don't need to travel half a world to get to amazing places and I feel blessed that I'm able to live here.

Move to Europe! There are so many amazing castles around!! From the comments I see that many people like castles so I might go to a few of them and prepare some posts too :)

I'm really glad you like my blog @janton!

thanks for that link, I'll check it out, almost afraid too.. make my junky posts look like back country rubbish! lol.
castles are my favorite! that famous one in Germany? can't think of the name of it now, that would be a dream to go there.
no I don't like your blog I LOVE your blog. but how are you able to travel everywhere for these?
I mean, and that times tons of time.

Hahaha, nooo.. your style is simply different than mine and that's ok :) Do you mean the Neuschwanstein Castle? I haven't been there but it's not too far away so I can plan to go there and make a post!

Aawww, thank you! I'm pleased that you LOVE it! :)

Girls can plan better than boys, can't they? LOL
I stopped working a few months ago and I'm now preparing a project for next year so since I don't work 9 to 5 I am flexible and can organize my day the way I like :)

howdy again this fine Friday delishtreats! yes that Neuschwanstein Castle! that's what I want to see, that's my dream home but of course I would accept a little smaller version but what the views must be like from that thing!!!<?>? wow.

yes please please please please go there and do a post or it might take several to do it justice.

Okay so you used to work in a boring office and told them to shove it, I'm outta here! and at the moment you can just travel around and cost is not issue? so in addition to living in the most beautiful country in the world producing world class posts you also are wealthy enough that you don't have to work???
and here I felt bad for you because you had a sore arm! lol. poor baby!

I'll go there asap!

Do you always jump into conclusions without knowing all the facts? Hahaha

The story is a little bit different but I could only tell you on discord 😉

And it still hurts! So I am a poor baby!

poor thing! with your wealth why don't you just hire someone to do your posts for you? ahaha!

I love jumping to conclusions, that gives you something intelligent to say back to me in correcting me. that way I'll always be impressed with your vast knowledge!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Awesome Views and Photos!!!!!

Thank you for stopping by!

Thank you for sharing this! I love old European ruins; America just isn't old enough to have the same type of history. It's so cool this is just a day trip for you!

Thank you for stopping by! Yes, the surroundings here are amazing! I have many great sights just 'behind the corner'! Never been to America but I can imagine it's very different 😊

Yeah, the oldest European settlement I've been to is Colonial Williamsburg and the oldest structures there are from the 1600s. If you end up in America at any point I'd say the National Parks are the places to go.

Then you should definitely head to Europe! There is so much history around! I love Italy.. I can't get enough of the cities there. Imagine you walk on the same streets as people did 2000 years ago! It's so surreal!

Thank you for the tip! I love nature so this would be perfect for me!

Even I love traveling

I'm sure you do :)