I know how to hook up all the surround sound type stuff, because I used to work for Radio Shack. X3 But I've never personally been into it (plus, I live in an apartment building and it's annoying af when the neighbors have a subwoofer because all the rest of us hear is thudding). I do have a nifty Bose speaker that was a Yule gift from my BIL who works for Bose, and it's quite nice. When I first got it I had it hooked up to the TV, but I never watch the TV anymore, so it's just separate and I dock my iPod in it when I want music. :)
But yeah, all the rambling to say I have an idea of how much a good system can cost and WOW, score for you!
Haha I love your long winded comments! I get to know a little bit more about you. I was pretty happy with this find full stop the Bummer was that my son plugged in his speakers when he got up to Melbourne and for some reason he blew his amplifier. I think because they plugged in to many speakers or something. Kids. We will have to look out for one for him now but I am not sure a bargain like this comes along too often!
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