Treasure Finds: WIN STEEM!

in #treasurefinds6 years ago

This weekend’s treasure find was a perfect find for Father’s Day, because it gave the boys something to do when my lad came down to bring his stepdad a few beers and have vegie tacos with us for Sunday lunch. The Marantz amp that my Dad had given us ten years ago (an excellent quality one at the time, and if it hadn’t blown, would still be awesome) had bitten the bullet so for the last few months we’ve been just listening to the sound from the television through the television. That kinda sucks – listening to the season finale of Game of Thrones is definitely not as thunderingly awesome as it is pumping through an amp and some good speakers. Oh, and the telly? That’s another hand me down from Dad, who does like to update his tech, meaning we get good quality second hand for a budget price. I swear Dad just updates for us sometimes. We have a woman who we sold our last two tellies to when Dad updated, so we have her number saved as she insists we just call her so the tech passes down the line.

I am so not a fan of buying new just for the sake of it, even if I really, really want it. I won’t get a loan for something no matter how much I want it, and I’ll always look for second hand over brand new. And new isn’t always necessarily the best anyway – sometimes old school can do just the job, or secondhand still be as thumpingly awesome as something that just rolled off the shelf. Waiting for what we want calls for patience, but if it’s meant to be, it WILL come your way. We’ve been waiting for months for a new amp. Months. Jamie had almost even considered new.

So, Sunday morning the man was doing his usual thumb through Facebook Marketplace and shoving Landrovers in my face and saying ‘Can I please buy this one’ when he finally found it. A new amp for $50. Not only that, but all the speakers. The subwoofer alone is still worth $600 bucks on the marketplace.


The whole thing new would have been around 2500 bucks – the guy just said ‘he had too much stuff’ and wanted rid of it. Seriously. Too much stuff? The system’s worth serious money to us, and we know we could have easily sold it on and made at least a grand’s profit – but we needed a good sound system for the television and to play our tunes through. Whilst we don’t need a CD player we do need to play Spotify or plug our phones in to listen to Jamie’s dub mixes which he finds online – thumping tunes makes us happy some days when silence doesn’t.


The boy is doing a degree in Audio and Sound engineering so it was sweet to watch the two of them chat sound systems (Jamie used to have a reggae sound system in England back in the day so knows a thing or too about the tech) and drink a beer or two.

Seriously though. Fifty bucks. What a treasurefind!

First song on new stereo?

Sounded freaking awesome!

And the old speakers? Perfectly good Bang and Olufsen speakers - they went to my son. Because we always should do as this quote says -

'Hold material goods and wealth on a flat palm and not in a clenched fist' - Alistair Begg

here.If you'd like to use the #treasurefinds tag, you'll be in the running to win 50 Steem. As things are slow at the moment (even more so this week due to the Hard Fork!) I'm going to collect all them in a post draft and make a decision when I hit 50 #treasurefinds posts, even if that takes til Christmas. You can post anything you like - from charity shop finds to gemstones, old family photos hidden in attics to a plant pushing up from the concrete in the middle of a city, to an old book you've been searching for for years, to a collection of ammonites and feathers on a windowsill. As long as it's a 'find' and makes your heart jump for joy, it's in the running. You can read the original post


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I think the biggest treasure here is watching the boys together and the injection of awesome quality sound into your world. There can never be enough awesome, shared, happy sound. GREAT find!

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I love all the old stuff. What a great deal. I've got a broken 60's Scott stereo amp here that needs a little repair and quite a few old guitar amps from the 50's and sixties. Nothing sounds like the real deal no matter what anyone says. :)

Well I don't think that this system is that old haha. But we do like the proper job. It just sounds better as well. I know people like their small tech but to me this says stereo in capital letters and that's what we like. There is just something more authentic about it I think. I'm looking forward to playing some vinyl on it this weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

I love the sound of a good tube/valve one from the 60's. With the matching speakers the music from that era sounds amazing. Young people have no idea :) Yours is great too. Real speakers move air like it's supposed to be. Like a live band!

I know how to hook up all the surround sound type stuff, because I used to work for Radio Shack. X3 But I've never personally been into it (plus, I live in an apartment building and it's annoying af when the neighbors have a subwoofer because all the rest of us hear is thudding). I do have a nifty Bose speaker that was a Yule gift from my BIL who works for Bose, and it's quite nice. When I first got it I had it hooked up to the TV, but I never watch the TV anymore, so it's just separate and I dock my iPod in it when I want music. :)
But yeah, all the rambling to say I have an idea of how much a good system can cost and WOW, score for you!

Haha I love your long winded comments! I get to know a little bit more about you. I was pretty happy with this find full stop the Bummer was that my son plugged in his speakers when he got up to Melbourne and for some reason he blew his amplifier. I think because they plugged in to many speakers or something. Kids. We will have to look out for one for him now but I am not sure a bargain like this comes along too often!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! That's a serious treasure find indeed :D And one that will be put to good use :D

I know right! Pretty serious. We are now on a treasure hunt for another one as my son blew his own amplifier as soon as he got up to Melbourne. I am not sure something this good is likely to come along soon though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha! No that's why it's a treasure find! Very very unique! But good luck scoring a 'second best' for your son ;-)

I am the queen of treasure hunting, from handmade pottery to books for my library. I could do a long-ass post of my favourites.

25 steem
just kidding if you want them just pay in steem for sending costs! ;)