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RE: Tree Tuesday: A Goodbye

in #treetuesday7 years ago

The city said we could pay to have it treated and keep it, but if it ever had to come down later, it would be at our own expense. My neighbor and I consulted an arborist. We were basically told that the treatment is quite costly, and unless you've been treating it for years, has a very slim chance of being effective. So you can spend the money and take a huge risk or spend less money and replant. With the possibility of me adopting two little ones in the near future, every penny is going to be needed, so I can't try and save it as much as it breaks my heart not to!


I understand. Must have been a difficult decision. Are you adopting trees? I hope you have a wonderful day, following you!

Two kids...and hopefully two trees as well :-)

Nice! How old are they gonna be? I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

They are one and three. My hands and heart are full!