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RE: Tribe Steem Up, Earth Tribe, Freedom Tribe Unite for an Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan Meal - Recipe for a Better World: Spicy Chilly and Salad

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

wooohooo thiis awesome and what fun! love your recipe and wow that pressure cooker. great team effidt and my kind of peeps. i’d never seen the yeast before and may try that instead of cheese. does it taste good?


It tastes sorta cheesy, definitely used in most any vegan cheese recipe to help give it that flavor profile. Quite high in protein, though you don't want to eat it all the time because it is rather acidic.

@kennyskitchen ah acid is not my friend and thank you so much for letting me know! i love that you know so much about food. appreciating Kenny's words of cooking wisdom. if you patent that i need royalties LOL

You're very welcome!

Luckily I don't believe in intellectual property, so no worries there :-P

@kennyskitchen yayyyyyaaaaa so happy you don't believe in IP. Woo hooo

It was great as a topping on the chilly, I haven't found a ton of other uses for it yet however. I tried to put it in a smoothie once and Kenny had to stop me.

ever been cheba hut? its like total stoner sandwiches with like ritz crackers and anchovies with seaweed. ahahah
i never been but they say its off the hook. there's even food pairing with different strains. all i know is two puffs and i'm done. like toast so i have to be selective if i go there.
i prefer cbd myself. not sure how i got onto this but ... here i am.
i will try it on chili for sure bc i'm trying to wean myself off of cheese and meat. ho hummmm the agony .. is REAL

@elamental ahaha omgeeee "put it in a smoothie" you crack me uppppp ... that's stoner food.

I am right there with you with the giving up of meat and cheese. I have already given up meat (aside form seafood), but its the cheese that I am having a little trouble with. Using the nutritional yeast as a substitute is helping, but its not good to eat too frequently. Never been to Cheba Hut... is that in Portland?

@elamental you are sooo lucky! i need to get there. i will so use it and not sure if cheba is in OR but it is in CO lol

Nice, it is easy to get there btw, just make the decision and do it... I am about to make the decision on this cheese thing, but i will miss it greatly.

i think i will try to get to the rainbow festival. :)
i may get to costa rica to see flauwy ... i feel that calling for sure!
for some reason i do feel like i will see you all soon. i'm not sure how i know this, and i mean that i will see you and meet you all face to face in this realm not just when we "go home." lol

Yes we will. I seem to be meeting more and more Steemians in person. Blessings sister.