The hot air blows in on me, as I sit here typing on my laptop. The heat does funny things to you sometimes. On the one hand it makes it hard to think and then on the other hand it cases everything to just seep out. There is no holding back when it comes to your emotions, to saying what is on your mind.
Which of course has it's advantages and disadvantages. There is a lot to be said for speaking your mind, to just being honest and up front. That is a trait I particularly like in people, someone who is willing to just tell it like it is. Life is too short to be doing little dances of deception around folk, trying to hide what it is you really feel or think because you fear they will not like what you have to say.
And the longer we leave things unspoken, the harder it is to then to speak our truth. Some of the time those concerns and worries, when left unsaid can turn into mountains of guilt that gnaw away at us. Burdens that we carry, that we tell ourselves that we should never have had, never have done.
A lot of the time those worries are unrequited, yet we get lost in that trail of thought that just pulls us down. This is why it is so important to just speak up, to be honest about how we feel or what we think. To just accept that we can think so many things, so many different things at any given moment and that as we grow and evolve then so do those thoughts.
As long as we allow ourselves to connect with our thoughts and feelings. To not try and hide behind any insecurities we may have.
Easier said than done though, right!
Yeah I was in that place, I guess we all go through it, but some seem to stay there, lost in their shadow never getting to embrace who they really are. Too caught up in what happens in their head and in the heads of others, to see the person that they are.
We can be so hard on ourselves at times, so bloody judgemental. Beating ourselves up over this and that and of course their is a time and a place for that when the circumstances call for it. But these little insecurities can turn into huge monster insecurities if we leave them unchecked.
Life is too short, we need to be spending more time caring for ourselves and being honest with ourselves. Because if we can not do that, how can we expect to be honest with anybody else.

Till next time be inspired to create and find more ways in which you can be of service to the earth!

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp

Strongly agree!
thanks @zeleiracordero xx
We could take a poll on this, cos I think the heat causes people to clam up and not be bothered explaining or talking much. My experience in very hot Northern Thailand, where it's still 33C at midnight and it's too hot to sleep.
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here things seem to really boil over in the heat, there are always lots of people coming to blows. It does get quiet hot here over 40 at times but mostly it is high 30's like now the nights are usually high twenties, I guess it effects people differently, definitely more tempers flare here x
I love when I just got finished writing a post, then check the feed and find another expressing the same gist. Though I must say, secrets do have power, and showing your hand too easily can become a bad habit. There was a time when I expressed my feelings without reflection as to the consequences of the statement. It was a result of poor boundaries (as I also mentioned in that post, lol) and shoring them up has done me alot of good. It's still a work in progress.
My expressions have therefore become even more valuable, in the long term.
yes it is best to hold back, to think before we act and yes definitely have boundaries put in place x I will come check out your post soon xx