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RE: Trump Assassination Attempt Bombardment

in #trump8 months ago

It could simply be someone struggling with mental health issues. The rhetoric from both sides of the aisle has been so toxic that it’s surprising something like this hasn’t happened sooner to Trump, Biden, or other members of the Senate and House.

Combine that with our inadequate mental health support system, and you get situations like this and school shootings.

What’s even worse is that neither party genuinely cares about helping those people.

Neither side is truly interested in supporting the lower and middle class, either. People on both the left and the right just grab snippets and videos that confirm their biases, keeping themselves stuck in echo chambers.

And how many of those people actually take the time to do thorough research? Most people just do a quick Google search, find information that supports what they already believe, and call it a day.

Honestly, our politics are a mess, and our society isn’t helping. We’re obsessed with instant gratification, unable to have open dialogues without being complete jerks to each other, and failing at critical thinking. And it’s only getting worse.

A lot of people vote along party lines instead of choosing a candidate who truly represents their beliefs (though, to be fair, no candidate will ever align perfectly with all your beliefs—unless you’re the candidate, I guess!).

Ultimately, I don’t know how we can change the direction of politics in the States, but it’s only going to get worse.


It used to be possible to treat mental illness until a combination of civil rights lawyers and Scientologists fought against involuntary treatment. You can make the help available, but legally can't compel them to undergo treatment. The criminal system is aware that a significant number of inmates are incarcerated as a result of crimes committed by mentally ill people. There is little rehabilitation value from imprisonment when they aren't fully aware of their actions. Most go on to reoffend and end up in prison again. The only time they can be legally compelled to get treatment is for trial. After conviction, treatment is voluntary.

While I don't disagree with what you said compulsory treatment remains a complex issue, involving ethical, legal, and medical considerations. Enhancing mental health services and support systems could provide more effective interventions before individuals enter the criminal justice system.

Studies show that the stigma around mental illness—basically being judged or looked down on by others—often stops people from getting the help they need. The fear of being discriminated against in social, cultural, and work environments also keeps people from seeking treatment.

Honestly, our whole system needs to be reworked.

Wow brother you're so right, it's true some just do a quick Google search and as long as it supports what they do they're okay.... I agree pretty shocking this hasn't happened earlier. I'm sure Trump expected this and when I finally happened with him not dying he's going to use that to assure his win

It’s possible, but I’m not sure how much this actually changes things. Most voters already know who they’re going to vote for, and I don’t think this will sway their opinions.

Where I see a big difference is that apathetic conservatives are more likely to vote, which could make a difference in swing states. However, conservatives statistically tend to vote at a higher rate than their liberal counterparts.

But many liberals tend to be apathetic as well, so this could also motivate them to get out and vote.

Definitely going to be a wild experience during the voting period brother