Trump Assassination Attempt Bombardment

in #trump8 months ago


Whelp unfortunately there's no way I could post about anything other than this assassination attempt against Trump. What a wild ride it's been in the first 24 hours.

My feed is absolutely cluttered with propaganda, accusations, and conspiracy theory.

The perfect picture

At first the outcome of this event was so absolutely perfect for Trump that it was initially difficult to believe it wasn't a completely staged event. The picture perfect fist pump and the framing of the image were just stunning for a random event like this. That and the fact that he was grazed by the bullet... he gets all the benefits of being a martyr without actually dying or even suffering a serious wound. It seriously couldn't have been better for his campaign, which is obviously a suspicious outcome.


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That's why I say hey man nice shot.

After more and more information was leaking out about the event... like the shooter on the roof being taken out and someone behind Trump being killed by a stray bullet... it seemed like something that would have been incredibly difficult to stage. However, the internet still clings to the theory of a potentially black flag event. Did the Secret Service allow this to happen?

Gunman was spotted minutes before firing.

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~~~ embed:1812398609108705643 twitter metadata:SjZWaWRlb3N8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSjZWaWRlb3Mvc3RhdHVzLzE4MTIzOTg2MDkxMDg3MDU2NDN8 ~~~

I even saw someone claim that the Secret Service was specifically ordered to not fire on the shooter by the top brass. There was also some antifa guy in the crowd that people are saying they were going to try to pin this all on. The misinformation pouring out of this event is difficult to parse so I'm sure a narrative will change and forge into something in the coming days and weeks. Whether or not that narrative will be accurate is wholly unclear.


News not reporting or falsely reporting



LoL are they serious?

Several left-wing media outlets absolutely refuse to honestly report on this assassination attempt, presumably because they understand, like we all do, that the way this thing played out can only exponentially invigorate his campaign and none of these outlets wants to play a part in spreading the word. But still... if this was the case they should of just said nothing instead of writing garbage like "popping sounds" in place of blatantly obvious gunfire. Truly a sight to behold. Decline of the empire in full swing; full on 1984 status, that.

Let me be clear:

I absolutely hate Andrew Tate on a deep and personal level but when he talks about politics and power I tend to agree with him, which is annoying but it is what it is. Thus begins all the 20/20 hindsight highlights that will inevitably result from this event. Who hinted that Trump might face a moment like this? These people are hailed as wizards of some sort even if the original statement was very much a shot in the dark. Good old cold reading doing its thing. Or is it?

It's also pretty crazy that right after Trump got convicted on all those counts but then people realized he would face no consequences so so many people on the left were overtly calling for an assassination. "Well if the president can't get in trouble then why doesn't the Biden administration just take him out?" Ha, yeah that's not going to age well. Yikes. Trump derangement syndrome in full effect. The left is conditioned to believe that every problem in their lives is a direct result of Trump's existence. Pretty crazy to see it play out like this.


I don't like Trump, but if he survives at this point he can't lose. The way this all played out is absolutely insane. It legit reminds me of all those CERN conspiracy theories about literally manipulating the timeline using particle acceleration and interdimensional manipulation. That's how crazy an event like this is. It's just too perfect orchestrated within a completely chaotic environment. Wild times. The simulation continues onward.


It is certainly a lot to sort out and it has been an intense 24 hours or so. One of the big things that has been hard for me to sort out is if Trump is part of the system and this is all part of the show or is he an entity that can't be controlled and that is why the Republicans didn't like him and the Democrats hate him because he couldn't be bought. His status and wealth was generated outside of politics?

I don't know. I personally was never a huge Trump fan but even before all this they just kept trying to take this guy down over and over again and he was still there so he earned my respect. I don't know how far the deep state goes and who is really in charge but if the president and their administration has any power I personally think we would be way better off with Trump than Biden.

It does seem like an inside job and that they let the shooter take his shots. It is interesting that Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate, and Alex Jones called that it will be their last option to eliminate him. They want Robert Kennedy Jr. gone as well trying to pretend he doesn't exist. Mainstream media keeps trying to sweep RFK under the rug. They didn't want him in the debate. That is part of the reason I think that the deep state who took out JFK and RFK out wants to take out Trump and RFK Jr.

I agree with about 95% of what Andrew Tate says. I do consider his wealth was mainly created by committing fraud against rich Simps but suddenly when the guy talks about the Matrix or all this other stuff about how interconnected the media outlets are he is super articulate and is very good at explaining his points.

I often say Olympus Has Fallen. George W Bush should be charged with War Crimes and Biden should be charged for Treason. If we have a chance it does seem like MAYBE guys like Trump or RFK are our best shot. I do think they will attempt to take both these guys out again in the next couple of months.

Part of me wishes Trump and RFK would run together and I think we could flush out the CIA, FBI, Secret Service and finally learn the secrets of Area 51 and the truth behind stuff like 9/11.

You've put a lot of thought into this, which I appreciate. The real problem I have with all the Presidential candidates is that they are all lifelong Democrats and absolutely dedicated Zionists. The rest of my dislike for them is relatively minor compared to those issues.

Do you feel like there is anyone coming up that is uncompromised? I typically don't like Lawyers and Kennedy is a litigator so he really seems to want to approach things through the court system. Trump to me is more of an entertainer and previously had donated to the Clintons. Don't get me wrong he has more and more of my respect.
Biden and myself like ice-cream. That's all we have in common.

I like a lot of stuff Vivik says but I really feel like he has had these presidential aspirations for a long time and I get the same feeling with Desantis.

I like Rand Paul. He presses the scammers like Faucci but wasn't in the running.

I don't like politics in general but with all this stuff it gets thrown in our faces and it's tough to get away from all of it and there certainly is a feeling that things are on the cusp of really breaking.

I recall Trump stating while being interviewed by Oprah that if he ever ran for President he'd run as a Republican because they're easier to lie to, and I know he was mentored by Roy Cohn until 1986 (when Cohn died of AIDS), and then took up with Jeffery Epstein. Both Cohn and Epstein were notorious child sex traffickers and extortionists. Whitney Webb's 'One Nation Under Blackmail' has more details.

As soon as he was President, he was all friendly with the swamp instead of draining it. He campaigned on 'jailing crooked Hillary', but when he became President he said she and Bill were great people. I have a LOT of reservations about Trump.

Thomas Massie has been a ferocious Representative that I have not yet heard a bad thing about, or say anything I disagreed with. Unfortunately on July 7th his wife Rhonda passed away, and I haven't heard from him since. We'll see if he can continue his dedicated work in Congress after such a terrible thing, but he's not running, and neither is Dr. Paul.

Dr. Shiva Ayyudurai is currently running for President, and is not a Zionist. However, he's not going to win.

I have reservations about him as well. A lot of the stuff he campaigned on last time he didn't complete and now a lot of what he says are a lot of the same stuff. Also I don't like how he handled the Scamdemic and he sporadically flexes that he helped roll out the "vaccine" but in reality that just messed a bunch of people up. I like that RFK called out the vaccine and Faucci.

Like you say...too perfect ..

I heard it was a republican that took the shot on him. I don't know how accurate that is though. I think what bugs my wife the most is that they keep calling him the "president" instead of the "former president". It drives her crazy!

Calling an ex-President "President" is an honorific, a sign of respect for a former leader. ALL former Presidents used to be called like that until President Carter was defeated in 1980 and they began to refer to ex-Democrat Presidents by just their last name. Thus "President Carter" became "Carter" while ex-President Regan was referred to by the PROPER honorific "President Reagan"

Notice that former President Obama is often referred to simply as "Obama" (which is disrespectful to his former office), while Former President Trump is referred to as "the former President" or "Ex-President Trump" which is ALSO disrespectful. Larry King once said "You don't have to like the person, but have respect for the office."

If I met Donald Trump, I would greet him this way: "Good afternoon President Trump, it's an honor to meet you" I would do this as a sign of respect.

Good for you, I would not. He is trash and without honor.

I read he was a registered republican who made a donation to a liberal PAC. I suspect mental issues probably played more of a role than politics.

You are probably right.

Look for Trumps plane or helicopter to blowup/crash.

That said, what the bleep was this?
Either the most egregious case of SS not doing an adequate job or the most complex setup we have ever seen.

I am inclined to believe both.
The JFK haircut happened with SS support.

On the photograph, that was just good luck. I have seen that kind of luck before. In fact, most of the best pictures are like that. I have seen professionals flub a shoot of just trying to recreate something like this.

Oh there is all kind of conspiracy theories floating around at this point. Yesterday was a weird day all around, lol. Didn't think it was going to end up with me watching Trump get shot while I was eating a steak, lol. Looks like the CIA is up to their old games, haha. He can't lose now unless they finish the job. That just sealed his re-election.

That raised fist shot will be all over the place just like his mugshot. The thing is, does he risk any more open-air rallies? Or lay low and run a virtual campaign until election day? Or... Will he be "Yevgeny Prigozhin-ed" in the air?

Nah, that dude is FIRED UP now, lol. He'll still get out there. The SS will be stepping up there game too.

Also in Germany the left government-boot-licking mass media ignored the assassination and spoke about that Trump "fell". But hours later they switched and now report about the assassination attempt and why secret service ignored the warnings.

Most disturbing: a "journalist" paid from public broadcaster ARD tweeted that unfortunately the bullet missed him and he finds it phantastic when faschists die. I hope he loses his job finally.

My feed is absolutely cluttered with propaganda, accusations, and conspiracy theory.

You need a better feed.

Did the Secret Service allow this to happen?

I am more of a system and process thinker. So the more I learn from connecting some dots, the more I realize that chaos is inevitable and directly influence by mediocracy within the system. We are all #TooFuckeh Just need to plan accordingly. So don't trust that someone else is protecting you from a shooter when their #1 priority is something else.

Thanks for another grey matter exercise.

May Positive pepEntropy be with you.I'm having a !MEME of a #FUN time.


2000 people die at sea every year.
Let that sink in

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There are so many questions and theories floating around about this! Was it staged? Was it allowed to happen without Trump's knowledge? Was it a legit attempt by a lone gunman? Unfortunately, like so much else we'll probably never know the truth. People are having a great time arguing about it on social media. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to divide America even further.

How can this be staged? Would you take the risk that someone from 100m hits your ear? Completely ridiculous.

I didn’t come up with the theory, it’s all over social media. It’s crazy though!

Still you could think for yourself and not repeat obviously false theories.

That's insane! I found out about this seconds away when the news started sharing this event and it felt like fake to me for a while! So close to a disaster which could be a trauma for thousands of people watching the speech live!

Very nice post!

I just published a post about this event (with another perspective). After this, I guess Trump practically has the victory in his hands.

I don't like Trump, but if he survives at this point he can't lose.


Agreed. What a horrible election season we are having here. Maybe it just looks really bad up close, but good choices. Only disaster on the horizon. I guess the world comes along for the ride. capture the spirit of the moment perfectly in this blog.

I seriously didn't know someone got shot as well I have to go look at it again wow... At first I thought it was planned to make him look good but now there's a chance it's so real. Biden probably realizes the only way to win is to kill Trump 🤔

I don't think it would be Biden, who is too demented to hatch any plans. But definitely somebody favorable to Biden.

Yes absolutely you're right, it basically has to be someone that would prefer Biden on the seat and hurts Trump to death

It could simply be someone struggling with mental health issues. The rhetoric from both sides of the aisle has been so toxic that it’s surprising something like this hasn’t happened sooner to Trump, Biden, or other members of the Senate and House.

Combine that with our inadequate mental health support system, and you get situations like this and school shootings.

What’s even worse is that neither party genuinely cares about helping those people.

Neither side is truly interested in supporting the lower and middle class, either. People on both the left and the right just grab snippets and videos that confirm their biases, keeping themselves stuck in echo chambers.

And how many of those people actually take the time to do thorough research? Most people just do a quick Google search, find information that supports what they already believe, and call it a day.

Honestly, our politics are a mess, and our society isn’t helping. We’re obsessed with instant gratification, unable to have open dialogues without being complete jerks to each other, and failing at critical thinking. And it’s only getting worse.

A lot of people vote along party lines instead of choosing a candidate who truly represents their beliefs (though, to be fair, no candidate will ever align perfectly with all your beliefs—unless you’re the candidate, I guess!).

Ultimately, I don’t know how we can change the direction of politics in the States, but it’s only going to get worse.

It used to be possible to treat mental illness until a combination of civil rights lawyers and Scientologists fought against involuntary treatment. You can make the help available, but legally can't compel them to undergo treatment. The criminal system is aware that a significant number of inmates are incarcerated as a result of crimes committed by mentally ill people. There is little rehabilitation value from imprisonment when they aren't fully aware of their actions. Most go on to reoffend and end up in prison again. The only time they can be legally compelled to get treatment is for trial. After conviction, treatment is voluntary.

While I don't disagree with what you said compulsory treatment remains a complex issue, involving ethical, legal, and medical considerations. Enhancing mental health services and support systems could provide more effective interventions before individuals enter the criminal justice system.

Studies show that the stigma around mental illness—basically being judged or looked down on by others—often stops people from getting the help they need. The fear of being discriminated against in social, cultural, and work environments also keeps people from seeking treatment.

Honestly, our whole system needs to be reworked.

Wow brother you're so right, it's true some just do a quick Google search and as long as it supports what they do they're okay.... I agree pretty shocking this hasn't happened earlier. I'm sure Trump expected this and when I finally happened with him not dying he's going to use that to assure his win

It’s possible, but I’m not sure how much this actually changes things. Most voters already know who they’re going to vote for, and I don’t think this will sway their opinions.

Where I see a big difference is that apathetic conservatives are more likely to vote, which could make a difference in swing states. However, conservatives statistically tend to vote at a higher rate than their liberal counterparts.

But many liberals tend to be apathetic as well, so this could also motivate them to get out and vote.

Definitely going to be a wild experience during the voting period brother

I thought the assassin was a sniper.

Welcome to the matrix!

I watched the video, I am still surprised how no one behind him got hit. Felt stage. Well, I really don't know.

Last I read, one attendee was killed and two others were critically injured.

Whaooo, I did not see that news. I will check for facts. Thanks for this information

Iff to would have been very sad if he got killed
Trump is capable to win and that’s why they want to assassinate him

Unlike fiction, reality does not have to make any sense.

Great read, appreciate your work putting this together.

I was live when I came into a bar in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, with CNN livestreaming.

Trump may win or not. Attempt assassination seems to be working out for him.

Love the illustrations of counterweight from trump's fist to the ss sleeve. LOL. More to the point, what made him so bold as to look up AFTER shots had been fired. I still think it had some staging to it. I think Trump knew about it. I just get this feeling. And I'm usually right about these types of things.

On this post Trump assignation attempt thumbnail I see metaphor for freedom struggling with safety and protection to unleash its potential.
The ones who are meant to take the bullet hid behind the guy they should protect.

You can hear in this video that he deliberately stops the security team from getting him out so that he can hype the crowd. These people are literally meant to be putting their bodies in harm's way to protect him, so:

a) He didn't care.
b) They went along with it despite them not knowing if they were going to get shot as a result.

Neither of those things are inspiring!

He is nothing if he's not a showman. We have to give him that. If a showman survives a shot to the head - why not say fuck it and give the people a show?

Seems to be an authentic reaction given his character. Maybe he felt that the people needed to know he was ok and that was worth the risk. He turned his head just before the bullet arrived? Horrifyingly close!

Yeah I don't blame him at all!

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It shows a reckless disregard for the lives of other people.

What billionaire or world leader shows any type of care for other people though, in honesty? I can’t think of any.

We can all think we would do something in the moment but until that moment comes, we never truly know. Would I stay down or stand up to rally people like a leader? I have no idea until that happens. I suspect he also had no idea and this was a very raw reaction which is quite fascinating.

Someone like Trudeau or Obama wouldn’t have ever done that I think. People like Churchill or Roosevelt seem like they would. Strong men, not cowering weak ones.

Strong people don't put the lives of others needlessly in danger (esp. not for a photo opportunity). I'm pretty sure none of those leaders would have done this, specifically.

Of all the things the Secret Service did here this is honestly the least of my concerns.
I also don't expect Trump to care about the lives of his handlers after he's just been grazed by a bullet.
A compromised state of mind is understandable.
Who's life was more at risk? The agents or another headshot?
It's their job to do their job.
He was there to hype up the crowd and that's exactly what he did.
SS botched this so bad on so many levels it looks purposeful.
But who knows maybe they really are that incompetent or had a very bad day.

If purposeful, then this ego/hype moment is evidence of that.