The only thing we can do to try and predict what actually might happen over the next four years is look back at the past. To do that, we take all the cabinet members Trump has nominated, look at their experience and history and then try to develop a model that is based and historical fact.
If you do this, you see a very grim picture for most of the "advancements" the country has made over the past few years a the people are definitely coming in with agendas and bias towards a particular leaning.
However, this will not tell us if this is bad or not. Let's take the head of education nomination. The dialogue is she's against public education and wants to destroy it. Is this bad or good? Well, on one hand free education for all is a great concept. On the other the education system itself employees a model to churn out cogs of a wheel who can do little free-thinking. So good or bad? We will see that's for sure.
It also assumes you think we've made "advancements" in the past few years in terms of policy.
EDIT: I assume that is why you also put it in quotes. I don't see anything actually wrong with your response. It seems like a wait and see. We can try to predict with that information. Yet it will be a guess, speculation, and hopefully our probabilities are somewhat accurate. Yet even with the best probabilities it is still a guess. So I more or less watch and am going to react to what they actually do... I won't get worked up over what MIGHT BE. It sounds like yo are the same.
I will say that I was predicting Hillary would win. I was not happy about that as I think she is one very evil lady, but I was pretty sure she would win and had been tapped to win. The leaks revealing collusion in the DNC to make her beat Bernie Sanders just further cemented that.
I voted third party. I didn't endorse either of them, but had I been forced I would choose Trump over Hillary any day. It also had nothing to do with her gender. I'd choose a random woman off the street before I chose Hillary. I did far too much of my own research on her, and knew she was bad news from actual ACTIONS not simply things that were said.
So I was actually pleasantly surprised to see her lose. I was glad to be wrong, though from the way the media lashed out and the way she lashed out, and the hypocrisy involved I believe what I THOUGHT WOULD HAPPEN was actually the plan. It just failed. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time.
I could not have predicted the state of affairs we are in now.
I see most of their actions as an establishment and its propaganda arm flailing about like wild trying to figure out why it didn't work this time. Their solution, try more of the same type of stuff that failed.