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RE: Thanksgiving Arguments: Is Trump a Nazi?

in #trump3 months ago

The Varyag is currently polishing an article on the fascism-adjacent ideologies of National Socialism and National Bolshevism, to be published on Thanksgiving Day because the publication schedule is totally unaffected by holidays, and there is one particular socialist soypod whose holidays are regularly ruined by refutations of his rubbish being published round those times. I think you'll enjoy it.

On a side note, anyone who wants a better summary of Project 2025 than what Wikipedia has to offer should watch this:


I'll have to watch the video later. I know Wikipedia writers and other NPCs fear the thought of abolishing the DOE and other agencies no matter how little evidence there is for real tangible benefits over the decades.

James Lindsay argues there is a reactionary cycle from socialism to fascism as society spirals down the drain, but the communist ideology sees it as spiralling toward perfection. Not sure what to think of his ideas.

Lindsay is wrong, as many have already explained. I like the fact that he drew attention to the occult (specifically Gnostic) origins of socialism, but he wasn't the first, as that distinction belongs to Eric Voegelin. However, the rest of his commentary on society and political theory is rather lack-lustre.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
The Liberal-to-Marxist Pipeline
Exhibit C:
On the Hatred of Humanity

There is nothing "reactionary" about socialism, it is a revolutionary ideology, and all the things that utopian socialists see as "mistakes" of scientific socialism are, in fact, their logical conclusions.
Communism didn’t “fail” in Cambodia, it succeeded, and the death toll shows that. They want to accelerate the process of the “end of history,” so they introduce the state police [sic](should be “secret police”), gulags, mass starvation; these things are part of the process, not a “mistake.” This is where I disagree with James Lindsay, who said these things were “mistakes,” but by reading someone like Stalin, their intent becomes obvious. - Lewis Barton

Dave Smith recently got into an argument with Lindsay, and covered it on his podcast episode #1198, A Response to James Lindsay

Happy Thanksgiving! I'll watch this video later. The article I mentioned is now live, and this isn't the end of my deep dive. I have pies to bake and podcasts from Eurosiberia to catch up on.