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RE: End Times - Revelations & Humanity - Timeline

in #truth3 years ago

Sorry, can't even get through the beginning of the video...

Too many falsehoods already.
God is not like that. God does not make any judgements.
God loves each and ever person.

However, an analogy, from God's perspective, we are playing a video game.
And some of us are playing cops, and some of us are playing robbers.
God sees that we are having fun playing the video game, and is not about to stop it.

So, God will never stop the coming of the antichrist.
It would be like the parent pulling the plug on the video game
or taking the controller when the boss fight happens.

One huge problem is that if Jesus Christ (Ixous - usually translated as Joshua.. .except this time) came back right now, he would be proclaimed as the antichrist by most christian churches.
So much is wrong with how we have come to interpret the Bible. Including things like we keep the old and new testament. And we change all the specific names of beings into "god". (Elohim, that is just another name for god...)

We don't even teach people about what a sin is.
Instead, relying on a Authority Fallacy "God doesn't like that"

Soooo, Jesus already came back, 3 times, in 2012.
However, this does not preclude the events in Revelations happening.
There will be wars, and rumors of wars as fights break out all over the world and come to basically civil war, everywhere.

A figure will be put forth to gain power to TPTshouldn'tB. And this one will perform miracles, etc.
Like Fruadchi, but more and better publicity.
It could be Trump...
The only thing that is a problem is that the groups are splintering too much for one icon to merge many together.

Anyway, be prepared for a lot of chaotic people shifts, and earth shifts.


Falsehoods in what video?

My video or the video recommended in my video?

Neither of us vloggers authored Scriptures that lay out a timeline of events and I didn't "interpret" any Scripture, simply relayed what many a scholar and believer is stating as far as "Where we are in the end of times, timeline".

As for "interpretations" of scripture, I actually touched on that, with the example of words not found in scripture, yet can be applied depending on how one understands (interprets) what is written.

But fine, if the video is too triggering to watch all the way through, then so be it, the only reason I am talking about these topics is so that people start sharing information and talking and caring, as it will not be easy to get through any of the coming events as a lone wolf or wanna be Rambo. Humanity must not be lost, it has to be saved, but the only way to achieve that is for each individual to do it, as there is no "saving someone from themself".

Stay safe,

Prep up,

God bless.

Commenting on the video at the bottom. (Rise of Antichrist movie)

I skipped forward even, but the narrator kept making the same errors.
And when you start from these errors, you get a false understanding of Christ.

So many times, he focuses on "God judging"
And he thinks, the core of his belief seems to be, that you get to the end of this life and you go to court and are on trial for your life. "God will judge you"... and find you wanting because you are an imperfect creature and he never loved you anyways... but at least all those evil mo.fos gonna go to hell.

However, the judging is more of a in depth "movie" analysis of what worked in this lifetime and what failed. What lessons got learned. What didn't work so well.
If you listen, that "trial" is going on right now. (there is no time on that side, so this is all happening at once. And why not get the "trial data" from the original source, and be there)

Afterwards everyone will go to hell, for as long as they need, and heaven, for as long as they need. And then usually get reincarnated. (the reason for the "trial", so can plan...)

So, this narrator seems to focus on the punishment that will be coming for all those bad, self serving, people.
When the focus needs to be on what actually makes a better world.

(an example of what i mean)
Not burying sex as a deep sin, but also not engaging in casual, meaningless sex.
The human body was designed by the creator to enjoy sex. Sex is not the sin.
The sin is not respecting your sexuality.
In not understanding that sex is a combining of two people on many levels, and this is profound. (Micro-chimerism being the change of a woman by every person she slept with.)
And so, we will see a lot of people lose their ability to have children.
Their sin of destroying their sexuality results in losing fertility.

OK, that makes more sense now, I can see and comprehend what you are saying.

Yes, in all this negativity, the fear of being judged justly without the ability to "lie" to the judge is very intimidating to many (mea culpa) no matter what that judicial process may actually be like at the end of the day.

However, it is clearly stated by Jesus in his parables as to what to expect in ref. to judgement and how there will be no exceptions among us who commit crimes. The fact that he has paid the penalty (the fine) for our sins is still subject to us SINCERELY repenting and to do that faith is required.

However, if one does go further and read into the end times of his 1,000 year rule, even those who were genuinely ignorant shall be justly served justice based upon their lives and much of what you say can easily be understood to be applicable in their lives.

The fact that the vlogger/narrator/author of that video starts from that premise that you disagree with is no reason to shrug it off or ignore it, in fact it is something to consider and look into, as The Holy Bible both Old and New Testament depict justice to be somewhat "brutal" when it is applicable. i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah as one all too often example given, then the great flood aka "Noah's Flood" and the list goes on, but those two are without any doubt probably the most dramatic and hard to fathom penalties given to mankind through the course of history as recorded in The Holy Bible.

Now, if a person does not believe in these accounts, that still doesn't reduce or delete the lesson being given: "Justice SHALL be served, accordingly."

or in the words of some other wisdoms out there: "At the end of it all, one gets what one deserves."

Now, this may not be in line with all your views of how you perceive God, but it is in line/accordance with may a Bible teaching, chapter and verse. So I wouldn't be "writing it off" simply because God can be so loving and merciful to the point that he sacrificed his one and only beloved Son so that justice can be ensured.

On that note: I have to mention that the word "Love" is first written in The Holy Bible when Abraham was told to sacrifice his one and only son, whom he Loved so much. Rather befitting that the word Love be first used there. Some may say "coincidence", but in the only language that has letters, pictograms and numbers in each and every letter and was in that day and age used to write Books and coherently utilize all three 'codes' without it being "jibberish", I dare say that 'my money is on it not being a coincidence'.

Thanks for elaborating on your initial reply and I sincerely hope that you can understand why so many of us see things from angles that may not necessarily align up with some of the views you expressed. Yet, in no way do I wish to state that you can't or shouldn't stick to your path to Truth. Each of us is unique and so too is our path to the Truth.

Stay safe,

prep up,

God bless.