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RE: When does a myth become truth? Pt 3 - The Mystery of Puma Punku.

in #truth8 years ago

These cities were metropolises for a race that had non Earthly heritage. The Bible touches briefly on this subject but does not go into great detail. Races of people existed with different genetics than today's humans (you and I). They used superior technologies involving frequency generation and pulse wave energies. This is explains their precision cuts and moving giant slabs in place (floating stones in a zero gravity zone). The true history has been withheld by the elite or shadow governments. The Smithsonian is a perfect example. The sole purpose of that pre CIA organization is to confiscate evidence and archive it and only present artifacts that fit a pre determined narrative.


I agree entirely buddy.
The evidence is difficult to provide to give the scientific community what they demand to accept the truth.The evidence is all out there waiting to be put together but as you say powerful controlling entities don't want us to know what really happened in the distant past. I have no doubt the Vatican, British museum, smithsonian etc have plenty to prove the existence of advanced races living here in antiquity but that would throw the current paradigm into chaos. I don't care who it upsets though I want to know the truth.

I am a research scientist. We have evidence of a history that is hidden from us. I was speaking truths. It gets even more concerning. Believe it or not there are non human species that interact with the military industrial complex and technologies are being exchanged. Unfortunately the deal for the "aliens" is they feed off of fear and turmoil vibrations/frequencies. This is why we have perpetual war and global crisis and can never "seem" to get along

I totally believe it buddy, the evidence of 'Archontic' manipulators is widespread although those who propose it are labelled as conspiracy nuts.
The MIC has been involved with these entities for decades at least possibly much longer than even the most awake think.
It doesn't serve any controlling entity whether humans or alien to our planet for us to get on as a species as their power would be nullified.
Great to hear from a scientist who has stepped out of the mainstream to speak out, I'm certain there are multitudes who want to but don't for fear of ridicule or career suicide.
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.

You are welcome, and yes it did cost me my career. However, I refused to be a coward. I spoke my mind and it cost me but at least I can look into a mirror every morning and sleep good at night.

Good on ya mate.
Spoken like a real man.
Hats off to ya dude.