When does a myth become truth? Pt 3 - The Mystery of Puma Punku.

in #truth8 years ago (edited)


Puma Punku is in my opinion the most amazing and confusing historical site anywhere on earth....

Not many people have even heard of Puma Punku and as far as I'm concerned the reason for that is mainstream academics don't want to talk about. The site is situated in western Boliva a stones throw from the more well known historical site of Tiwanaku close to Lake Titicaca.
Tiwanaku is an amazing site in itself with many interesting anomalies when you consider some of the strange aspects of the site.



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The picture above is of an area of the site known as the Kalasasaya sunken plaza and it has a 'wall of faces'. These faces depict the races of all of mankind, placed here at a time when the world wasn't in anyway connected! Click here for an excellent 360 degree view.
All races are represented and some are extremely weird like the face that some have postulated looks like the classic 'grey alien'.
Don't run away I'm not suggesting it is however the question needs to be answered, how could the builders of this site have possibly known about the many races that populated the planet when this was constructed? Mainstream academics have never answered the question.

Because it can't really be explained.
When you consider the level of technology that was allegedly available to the people who are supposed to have built it coupled with the fact they were supposedly not in contact with other continents you have an intriguing mystery.
Please take the time to take a deeper a look at Tiwanaku as it is an amazing archaelogical site however I do want to forge ahead with its 'sister' site Puma Punku as it is even more fascinating.

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The name Puma Punku translates to 'The Puma's Door' and is believed to date to 536AD however some archaeologists have dated it thousands of years before this time, some even date it as far back as 15,000BC ! The site is one of total devastation as if it was blown up in antiquity or destroyed by some cataclysmic event. The blocks weighing up to 130 metric tonnes are strewn all over the place as if thrown around by a giant. Many are still buried in the earth as if the area was washed over by an enormous flood at some time in the distant past.


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In these images is obvious that the builders were advanced as the cuts are perfect, the surfaces as smooth as glass and the angle of the cuts are astounding. The people that are supposed to have shaped these stones didn't have metal tools if mainstream academia are to be believed. Give me a break!

Look at the quality of these cuts.
As a layman you may look at it and think 'so what' but as any stonemason or engineer will tell you, those cuts are pretty damn difficult if not impossible without the aid modern machinery and techniques. We'll dig deeper into the astounding quality of this stonework as we continue.

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This article by Amusing Planet is interesting as firstly has amazing pictures of the site but also some very interesting quotes. Here are some......

In assembling the walls of Puma punku, each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top of the lower stone at a certain angle, and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle. The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. Many of the joints are so precise that not even a razor blade will fit between the stones. Much of the masonry is characterized by accurately cut rectilinear blocks of such uniformity that they could be interchanged for one another while maintaining a level surface and even joints. The blocks were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanaku’s Inca successors hundreds of years later.

And a similar quote in the same article...

The most intriguing thing about Puma punku is the stonework. Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. The technical finesse and precision displayed in these stone blocks is astounding. Not even a razor blade can slide between the rocks. Some of these blocks are finished to 'machine' quality and the holes drilled to perfection. This is supposed to have been achieved by a civilization that had no writing system and was ignorant of the existence of the wheel. Something doesn’t add up.

Check out some of the close up pictures of the engineered stonework...



These two are very interesting as they show evidence of a drill being used!
The one below is even more fascinating as every whole is the exact same distance apart and the exact same depth!



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As you can see it is fairly evident that whoever built this temple if that's what is is clearly had access to advanced engineering techniques and tools. Graham Hancock author of Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods wrote this on this website regarding Puma Punku.

I have often thought about the high scientific ( specifically engineering ) expertise found at Puma Punku and how it might relate to Machu Picchu and indeed, all of Peru. I realize this is pure speculation, but considering the state of Puma Punku being totally dismantled by what appears to have been a muddy tidal wave from some kind of tsunami of sorts; I believe that site was the seat of a high command of personnel who was involved in overseeing most if not all of that part of the world. The sophistication of the interlocking granite blocks and the prior knowledge as suggested by such sophistication of design suggests a lot of brainpower located at that site. I think they had some way of knowing that a catastrophe was about to take place and they 'bugged out' to a safer place such as Machu Picchu. I will try to develop this line of thought over the next few posts to amplify on my theory. Peru is just too advanced to be created by the Inca. I believe the Inca just settled in already ancient structures and proceeded to build their own brand of civilization.

The evidence of highly advanced engineering continues with from eminent engineer Christopher Dunn author of Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt who is cited at the bottom of this piece from Revelations of the Ancient World .

Another “anomaly” is that Puma Punku shows perfectly drilled holes, showing patterns that we are all familiar with in modern times. But the precision, shapes and accuracy of those stoneworks are barely imaginable without computer-assisted machinery. This is not speculation. It is simply admitted by archeologists or engineers who visited Puma Punku.

It is true that there are existing drilling techniques which could allow drilling in stones like andesite (7/10 on the Mohs scale of hardness) but as long as techniques remain hand-driven, they can’t reach Puma Punku’s level of precision, let alone on so many occasions.

For any type of activity, if the goal is reaching a certain level of precision, there is a need for appropriate tools required to assess whether the end result is reached. Meaning that they had to have similar equipment to what we use today to demonstrate how flat, precise, and regular their end work is.

The flatness of stones and the straightness of cuts are almost immaculate. According to engineer Chris Dunn, some surfaces of Puma Punku megaliths are within 2/10,000 of an inch of being laser flat. Such precision is not reachable with hand tools. Only highly advanced powered systems, deep geometrical and mathematical knowledge can allow such results.


So what can we conclude from this?

When you consider the evidence I brought forward in the first of this series The Lost City of Dwarka showing that unbelievable stories of mythical cities are based on fact, and then in the second part Mohenjo-Daro - A city 'Nuked' in Antiquity it continues questioning western academia's interpretations of what Hindu and other Asian scholars call history.
With this in mind when you look at the startling feats of engineering seen at Puma Punku it becomes easier to call into question what we've been told about our distant past.
Now I'm not going to sit here and say to you that it was 'Aliens' or 'Gods' that were responsible for constructing Puma Punku. However someone with skills and technology equivalent to what we have today did, so who was it?
The technology that was seemingly available to our distant ancestors but it does raise a few questions.

  1. Where did the skills originate?
  2. What machinery or tools were available and where did they originate?
  3. Why has no serious investigation from mainstream academia taken place in regards to these questions?

As ever there is so much more to this story and the deeper you dig the most questions arise. I have only scratched the surface in this post in the hope of inspiring others to go and take a more in depth look at the ancient history we're spoon fed because in my opinion a lot of it has been 'decided' before serious investigation.

Thank you for visiting @tremendospercy



TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns


that's interesting post!

Another fantastic slice of information and history! It's remarkable that any "expert" would have the audacity to state that work of this magnitude was carried out with the use of primitive hand tools. In respect of the great flood as far as I'm aware pretty much every belief system and religion in the world has a flood myth. Like the wall of faces displays the truth of the ancient world is an interconnected civilisation based upon high architecture, science, astronomy and a deep understanding as to the true nature of reality (the Piri Reis map is another fascinating aside). Indeed much of this information is still held within the upper echelons of secret societies.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the keys to our future lay hidden within our ancient past. Vast amounts of information and artifacts are stored within museum/vatican vaults, they fail to conform to the dogmatic view of history that's been handed down to us and as such are kept from public scrutiny. Thanks for sharing this excellent post my friend, upvoted and resteemed!

Dead on my friend.
Piri Reis will know doubt make an appearance in future posts as it's an amazing piece of evidence regarding the mapping of the planet in antiquity. Puma Punku is unique also as it looks to have been deliberately dismantled or destroyed prior to a flood caused by a cataclysm. The place is at 12,000ft elevation so it was a pretty 'biblical' flood.
The hypothesis of the builders doing a runner as they had prior knowledge of the coming destruction is an interesting one that I'll be looking into. Some cosmic event methinks.
Cheers for reading and a great comment as ever dude.

I have loved this series TP - upvoted and resteemed. Here is my take though.

Just as artists and craftsmen exist today, they existed thousands of years ago too - and they set about to create beauty that our engineers, steemians etc create now.

And they had time on their hands, vast numbers of of perhaps underemployed peoples and they would have mastered their surrounds - say stone, rocks, mining, carving & sculpting. Stone-masonry in general.

Now take this a step further - they, like us build something and they want it to be perfect. So they cut, grind, sand to the get a 'great' fit and a smooth finish.

Now add a couple of thousand years of stone on stone weight, wind and water and all of a sudden that 'great' fit becomes a 'too perfect fit' one that was not possible by ancient technology.

In the end it was merely great craftsmanship combined with gravity and nature.

I know this isn't as romantic as what some historians would have you believe - but often the most logical explanation is the right one.



Hmmm, the problem with that theory is the engineering tolerances of the internal cuts and perfection of the drilled holes. No amount of time, effort, craftsmanship and luck could ever achieve this with the tools available to the alleged builders, especially when consider that were not talking sandstone either. No mate something else occurred here. There are many examples of ancient stonework and edifices which show the amazing skill of masons in the past however this is off the charts by comparison.

Wowwwwww....what a trip. Thank you again for another history lesson TremendosPercy!

I know right?! Puma Punku is a real head scratcher that forces people to consider the theory of advances races on earth in the very distant past. It makes me laugh that the mainstream academics ignore the people they say built it who themselves say they didn't as it was already there when their ancestors arrived!
"You built it" - "No we didn't"- "Well we have no other theories so you did!" It's such BS.
Thanks for reading and commenting babe.

Yep, it's just cunty...

Totally babe 😜

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Wow. I love your history lessons. So many fascinating places and so many questions that still aren't answered! Anyone who says history is boring ought to read your posts.

There are so many places in this category that get ignored as they don't fit the 'narrative' of the mainstream academics. And that is a lovely thing to say, thank you.
Thanks for reading and leaving such a kind comment.

The mysteries of places such as this are astounding. I believe there were two other greatly advanced technological eras, much like our today, on Earth in our past. And they were absolutely destroyed. Annihilated and lost forever, with few survivors to repopulate.

Great article- this is one I have not heard of before!

They certainly are astounding. I agree that we have had at least two epochs when advanced civilisations have populated the planet. The destruction is evident and the flood story can be found in all cultures around the world as well as in the geological records. Did they evolve here or come here? Plenty of circumstantial evidence of the latter, none whatsoever of the former. Watch this space.
Thanks for reading and commenting babe.

I'm on the fence whether they were placed or evolved. Nonetheless, great mysterious shares.

Dangit. Just what I need, another thing to unsettle my belief system. Damn you man. I saw the first couple photos and pretty much assumed it was like movie set pieces, like something made by Dwarves from Lord of the Rings. The style of the cuts and the holes drilled are absurdly clean and difficult.

Let us know if you find out the answers to all your questions please :) SOMEBODY knows. The truth is out there.

I agree the truth is out there however I fear this will forever remain a mystery.
I didn't really get that deep in the post, there is plenty more evidence regarding the lining up of the site to certain star points that archeoastronomers have looked into suggesting it's construction was way back.
Thanks for reading buddy, forget everything you know about our ancient history, most of it is different to what we've been told.

Very interesting! A worthwhile read @tremendospercy

Thanks for reading babe.

Awesome, I hadn't heard much about this site, that detail in the stone is phenomenal. I will have to speed up my post of the Egyptian hieroglyphs I hunted down in Australia a few years ago.
I'll have to check out the other post in this series, good stuff.

Thanks buddy, those hieroglyphs in Oz are amazing, the flying saucer is a mindfuck too! The aboriginal story of the two Egyptian brothers visiting in antiquity is unbelievable. One got killed by a snake! The irony eh.

Its crazy! So I had to find it while I was road tripping' the east coast. I felt like Indiana Jones. No info or signs anywhere!

hey, I know nothing of this story. Have you posted about it @the-fillosopher ?

Thanks for the reminder @spaingaroo, I almost forgot again. I finished my post about it today if you want to take a look https://steemit.com/teamaustralia/@the-fillosopher/egyptian-hieroglyphs-in-australia.

I am really loving these posts. This is not stuff that comes by way of normal means, so I really appreciate you compiling all this information for us!

Hey thanks for saying so babe. It's by design that were not taught about these anomalies in our ancient history.Religions and Empires have been built around the lies we've been told and the truth doesn't serve our current controlling entities. Hopefully the next part in this series will be even more of an eye opener as it will explain certain stories that are mainstream but misconstrued by mistake or design. Watch this space.
Thanks for reading and the kind comment.

Very interesting and to be honest you really got me thinking!
A long time ago I was in a debate with a friend about pyramids and the fact that I did not believe humans build those. Heavy stones lifted that high? All in perfect shape and most of all all the pyramids are in line with each other..... It confuses me and I like that. It makes one think deeper.

Thank you for sharing this amazing piece! I loved every word of it!

It's difficult for many people to forget the programming of church and state and open their minds to what possibly went on here 10's or even 100's of thousand s of years ago.
It ain't what they tell us. Thanks for reading it babe. Many who will comment here already know we've been lied to for all of our history, it's those who are just starting to question that I want to influence the most. The truth movement is getting more press and the more awake people the better.
It's not just about the things that are happening today it's everything that has ever happened.

Awesome write up, obvious who it was if you think about it...

I love Giorgio Tsoukalos. He can be a bit dogmatic on some things as he's so desperate to prove the existence of Ancient Aliens however the work he's done to bring or mainstream is amazing.

Such a fascinating place. That stonework and cuts are mind blowing.

They are indeed, I was an engineer when I was younger and I can't imagine how they were done with the tools historians say were available. Impossible dude.

Aliens ;-)

Fascinating article. One of the many surprises of so called pre-history that we are not told about. Keep em coming!

Thanks buddy.
I'll certainly be posting a few more in this series. Thank you for reading.

Very interesting post, I don't think I even knew about this ancient marvel! Those seams are stunning.

Followed! and upvoted this cool post.I've been trying to go through each #steemsilvergold member so that I can become familiar with their content and follow them. And now that I've checked you out:

Thanks for checking me out dude. I haven't posted a PM post in a while but I'm an avid stacker of gold and silver.
As you can see in my thread I write truth and comedy stuff which is a nice mix I think. I've got a new 10oz Queens beast being delivered this week so I'll drop a post with a picture in a few days.

What an awesome article TP and to think that they were able to carry out that level of engineering back then astounds me. F.y.i mate, you can change your background cover now, and I bet you have a load of pics and images to choose from. Here's a link to good article if you don't know about it already dude.

Hey thanks dude,
The quality of the stonework is dumbfounding.
I did know about the banners although I didn't read that piece, I'll take a look.
Cheers for the link and reading the post buddy.

You're welcome mate and makes you wonder whether Black & Decker was around at this time? Always dude.

Great post Lord Percy! Have you visited this site yourself? The entire Lake Titicaca area is surrounded with amazing ruins, it has been the center of many different civilizations stretching back long before the Inca (which is what most people associate it with today). I personally feel like modern man has a really hard time giving ancient man the credit due - it is really hard for us to conceptualize that people were exactly as smart back then as we are now, although the tech has changed. IMO the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, and in this case I believe ancient man was just a lot better at engineering and stonemasonry than we can conceive of today! But that is like, my opinion, man. :) Cheers and looking forward to more thought provoking posts! - Carl (AKA gnashster)

Occam's razor would ordinarily be my go to point but in this case it just doesn't add up.
The stones are too hard and brittle to have been worked in the way suggested, the people who academics say built the site didn't have any metallurgy anywhere else, the site is at 12,000ft way above the tree line therefore no logs were available to move the stone which came from up to 60k away and they didn't have the wheel!
Sorry buddy, Something else going on here.
Cheers for reading.

These cities were metropolises for a race that had non Earthly heritage. The Bible touches briefly on this subject but does not go into great detail. Races of people existed with different genetics than today's humans (you and I). They used superior technologies involving frequency generation and pulse wave energies. This is explains their precision cuts and moving giant slabs in place (floating stones in a zero gravity zone). The true history has been withheld by the elite or shadow governments. The Smithsonian is a perfect example. The sole purpose of that pre CIA organization is to confiscate evidence and archive it and only present artifacts that fit a pre determined narrative.

I agree entirely buddy.
The evidence is difficult to provide to give the scientific community what they demand to accept the truth.The evidence is all out there waiting to be put together but as you say powerful controlling entities don't want us to know what really happened in the distant past. I have no doubt the Vatican, British museum, smithsonian etc have plenty to prove the existence of advanced races living here in antiquity but that would throw the current paradigm into chaos. I don't care who it upsets though I want to know the truth.

I am a research scientist. We have evidence of a history that is hidden from us. I was speaking truths. It gets even more concerning. Believe it or not there are non human species that interact with the military industrial complex and technologies are being exchanged. Unfortunately the deal for the "aliens" is they feed off of fear and turmoil vibrations/frequencies. This is why we have perpetual war and global crisis and can never "seem" to get along

I totally believe it buddy, the evidence of 'Archontic' manipulators is widespread although those who propose it are labelled as conspiracy nuts.
The MIC has been involved with these entities for decades at least possibly much longer than even the most awake think.
It doesn't serve any controlling entity whether humans or alien to our planet for us to get on as a species as their power would be nullified.
Great to hear from a scientist who has stepped out of the mainstream to speak out, I'm certain there are multitudes who want to but don't for fear of ridicule or career suicide.
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.

You are welcome, and yes it did cost me my career. However, I refused to be a coward. I spoke my mind and it cost me but at least I can look into a mirror every morning and sleep good at night.

Good on ya mate.
Spoken like a real man.
Hats off to ya dude.

Holy Cow @temendouspercy Great post !! " 'The Puma's Door' and is believed to date to 536AD however some archaeologists have dated it thousands of years before this time, some even date it as far back as 15,000BC ! " yes love this sort of thing) Notice that huge structure so brilliantly built and broken clean in two !! Wonder what could have done that ?? lol upvoted my friend, have not read it all yet going out but will when i have a nice quiet moment ) steem On Buddy )

Yeah man the subject is so interesting, I don't know if you read the two previous posts in this series but they'll al go to show that in the distant past a superior intelligence lived here on earth. Maybe they were indigenous maybe not, but they were definately not cavemen. They came before and after these folks!

Honestly, there's nothing mysterious about Puma Punku, because our early ancestors already knew quite a good deal about archtecture, math and construction.
I believe what has made the image of Puma Punku change into a mystery and challenge, if I can put it that way, is the TV show Ancient Aliens where they claim the locals used serious tools tipped with "diamonds" and alien technology to construct these sites.
However, what they mention to say is, that our ancestors where masters of building complex structures such as the Pyramids, the Wall of China and many others.
Modern scientists have a problem to admit into history and science alike what doesn't fit their version of what evolution should be, that's what it's all about.

Thanks for your comment dude. Modern scientists are indeed the problem. I agree they had skills and knowledge in the distant past as that is evident, the question is 'who are they? Also the stones have been machined, how?
The decendants of the people alledged to have constructed the site insist it was already constructed when their ancestors arrived so the question remains who built it and how.

I do not believe that these sites were built by the aliens. Maybe the humans during those times had their own tools that were as perfect as the ones we have today.

The reason why most of us doubt that these sites were indeed built by humans was that we want to think that we are technologically advanced than those ancient people.

Just because the stone has a precise cut and the holes were at an equal distance doesn’t mean that these were built by aliens.
There are many such places around the world that are too perfect to be believed, I do believe aliens exists but I do not believe that these places were built by the aliens.

If you're right and these were built by humans with advanced technology, where did it come from?
There is no evidence of chronological development up to that point of advancement. Therefore either many thousands of years of history has been destroyed as it couldn't have happened overnight if it was natural evolution or they were given the technology by someone else advanced. Either way we have an intriguing mystery yet to be explained.

I did not say they had the technology, I did say that they might have had the tools that made the perfect cuts.

If aliens were on earth then where are they now? And why isn’t there any solid proof of their existence? Why don’t we find any of their skulls buried or in amber, and more importantly why don’t I have alien cousins? Lol.

We all know that a lot of knowledge has been lost, civilizations were destroyed in rain, floods, and earthquakes.

Growing up in India, I have seen many temples which look as if they were designed and built by aliens, but no, all of these temples were built by humans. Some temples even took more than a hundred years to build, and there are many which are carved out of single piece of rock/mountain.

All all of these were built with simple tools.

the question now should be where are they and why did they leave? massive wipeout?!

Exactly buddy. The evidence of multiple mass wipeouts is there to be seen in the geological records all over the planet. The issue is that most academics don't accept there were advanced humans around at the time. All that is left for us to ponder over are stone monuments which cannot accurately be carbon dated.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

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This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

This post has received a 11.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @tremendospercy.

What an amazing place I've never even heard of.

The place is amazing and I didn't even really dig that that deep in this post. There are many places like this around the world that defy all known logic in regards to our distant past.

Thanks for dropping in dude. Check out my other works @tremendospercy that I've done already and the ones to come.

Fascinating stuff, ancient Vedic scripture has some vague refferences to advanced civilizations which existed.

I'm not a expert on the subject, but give the 3-4 billion year history of the Earth, it isn't a stretch of the imagination to consider the existence of pre-historic advanced cultures.
Humans are a funny lot as we are seeing right now with quite literaly a hysterical enthousiasm to erase history.
And as you mentioned why has modern science neglected to seriously investigate this Puma Punku site?
I be following ya!

these posts are tremendous @tremendospercy, I missed one of them so just going to catch them up.

I keep finding comments that I have half done, and not posted.
so sorry my man

No worries dude, it's so difficult keeping up with everyone these days.
Thanks for reading buddy.

it's a damn shame though, if I wasn't trying to make a go of this, in the making it work sense, I would be able to spend more time on the parts of this that I really want to be on, like getting into comments on your posts.

Although I must admit, I haven't got anything to add or takeaway on this series so far. It's fascinating stuff.

What I hate is re-reading something and coming across some half written comment, as happened to me earlier.

Great job assembling the article. The pictures defy all explanation that some primitive people were able to do this. But why do you think scientists are so dismissive of all this obvious evidence of advancement?

Perhaps it is not surprising to find that in those ancient times there was great knowledge to be found across the Ocean, in India. And what is intriguing is that over there that knowledge has survived to today. Here is Indian thinker Ashish Dalela presenting an amazing account of Vedic cosmology which meshes observational science (done through the senses) with introspection (mind,


I think scientist are resistant as it would upset their paradigm. Everything they have spent years learning will be thrown out of the window. I think is is very short sighted and just plain wrong to dismiss this obvious advanced work. Yes the way we look at the distant past would change but isn't it better to know the truth than to believe a lie?
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy. Cheers for the link.