@krnel tell the truth .. !! It is one of the things that costs more in life, because we have been told that to say that a pious lie is a lesser evil, the problem is that nobody has the same concept of a pious liar, and if that was not enough, many people would not They are healthy in their heads and they deceive themselves too many times.
Telling the truth implies recognizing each one's weaknesses. It implies to recognize the errors, the faults, the bad moments by which it happens, it implies to recognize that it is not perfect and that lacked some preparation or experience.
Telling the truth has the greatest reward in personal and professional growth, the trust it generates in others, people trust what they say and share, although it is often difficult for them to accept it. The other reality is that many people have never proposed telling the truth and, by extension, think that the world deceives them.
Yes, self-deception is strong. It's easier to fool ourselves than to fool others :P
Speaking truth is the greatest rewards indeed :D Trust is a proxy for truth. No truth = no trust.
the bad thing about the lie is that at any moment you know the truth, metaphor "no crime is perfect .."