Respect People Enough to Tell Them the Truth

in #truth7 years ago

Truth is an important part of life, and people need to hear things they might not know. Do we compromise the truth because we think they can't "handle" it or that it will "hurt" them? Do we dilute the truth? Do we water it down? Do we limit the truth? Do we constrict the truth? Why?

cant handle the truth
Unknown Source

If we do that, then it says we don't respect people enough to tell them the truth, as if they are not going to be strong enough and able to handle the truth. It's patronizing to not share uncompromising versions of the truth. We are making assumptions about their capability to hear the truth we have to share. As if we can handle it, but others can't, as if they don't have the ability to respond to truths like we do.

Truth is a powerful thing to share to inspire others. Many truths inspired and motivated us to get us to where we are now. Why can't we share those same truths with others to inspire them? The powerful message we received was not diluted, watered down or compromised, why should we be giving others an altered version of the truth? Are we trying to placate their delicate sensibilities? Where is the impact of the truth then when it's watered down from the original powerful message?

If we care about the truth that inspired us and can inspire others, possible to change for the better, then shouldn't we be giving them the same message we received? We shouldn't be placating them to make them accept the message just so we can get them to accept it, by feeding them a watered-down version of truth that is less inspiring and moving.

To share the truth as it is, is a duty of sorts; a duty to the truth, to ourselves, to others and to the idea of community. If we want to be united in truth, then we need to be on the same page of understanding important things about what is going on. Truth unites. Lies divide.

Truth can change all of our lives for the better, and bring us all closer to the common reality we share. Truth can heal us from our false ways. We can choose to do things another way, if we recognize the exploitation, enslavement, harm and violence of how we are doing things in the world; either individually or as a collective group at various levels, be it at the local community or global human species.

We can choose to stop supporting and participating in various wrongs once we see what they are. But this requires us to face the truth. This requires others to face the truth. We have great potential to change if we understand why there is a need to.

open eyes painful, truth
Unknown Source

Speak the truth, and help others be inspired, driven and motivated by it. Be a force for change in the world, and speak truth into existence. In the end and bigger picture, does holding-back, constricting, limited, diluting or compromising the truth really help you, others or the world? I don't think so. If they ignore it, deny, it, reject it, or get offended or hurt but it, then so be it. But maybe that temporary pain and suffering from hearing the truth is what is needed to help people open their eyes and move forward.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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We talked about this before on one of your previous posts. I used to be loud with truth to those who were in my circle, and what it resulted in was alienating most of them. After way to many years of this wall between us, I decided to pull back from this behavior. I stalk my thoughts now much more than I used to, and determine the advantages/disadvantages to each mental skirmish.

I have realized that people have programs running in their head, and they will double down on being irrational to protect the views they hold. Most people are not open to an exchange of ideas, instead wishing to force their views on you (seeking to coerce your agreements). Knowing this about human nature now, I choose to instead be more like a hunter than warrior. I try to leave as little evidence of myself as I can, unless there is an openness to my presence.

There are many battles a person can't win, and a wise warrior will pick the battlegrounds carefully and choose not to lose again and again on those there is no hope of accomplishing anything with. I don't compromise and lie, but I am no longer desperate to pull others out of their programming. That is for the most part a battleground that can't be won. My energy is limited, my time left limited and no longer do I squander it on those who have no respect for it. Unless they directly threaten me or persist in trying to coerce me in some way, I leave most to their own hell now.

determine the advantages/disadvantages to each mental skirmish.

I tend to do that as well. I want the respect of people telling me the truth, I wish they wanted the same. People don't have the level of care for truth or desire to hear about errors with open arms... :/

Yeah, if someone is open to it, then they want the respect of being told the truth about issues. The backfire effect is strong.

Time is limited, pick your battles indeed. But when talking about something, say it like it is ;) That's what I do. Respect them enough to be able to handle the message about the topic. Thanks for the feedback.

@krnel tell the truth .. !! It is one of the things that costs more in life, because we have been told that to say that a pious lie is a lesser evil, the problem is that nobody has the same concept of a pious liar, and if that was not enough, many people would not They are healthy in their heads and they deceive themselves too many times.

Telling the truth implies recognizing each one's weaknesses. It implies to recognize the errors, the faults, the bad moments by which it happens, it implies to recognize that it is not perfect and that lacked some preparation or experience.

Telling the truth has the greatest reward in personal and professional growth, the trust it generates in others, people trust what they say and share, although it is often difficult for them to accept it. The other reality is that many people have never proposed telling the truth and, by extension, think that the world deceives them.

Yes, self-deception is strong. It's easier to fool ourselves than to fool others :P

Speaking truth is the greatest rewards indeed :D Trust is a proxy for truth. No truth = no trust.

the bad thing about the lie is that at any moment you know the truth, metaphor "no crime is perfect .."

Some people would rather live a lie and ignorance is bliss for them rather than being hurt by the truth.

Yet I would prefer a quick yank of the bandage and feel the pain, the blood, sweat and tears that maybe associated to the truth because by knowing it we can make adjustments and move towards moving on and learning from it.

That image you used perfectly sums up the feeling of people.

I agree. If it's gonna hurt, better to face it head on and be healed quicker to move on from accepting it than linger in denial longer :/

Majority of the people in world today hates to hear the truth because it is bitter. They just want to be pamper for the wrong they have done. Nobody want to say the truth anymore because of the love they have for money and wealth accumulation. The Bible says the love of money is the tooth of all evils. Deviating from the truth has really brought devastion to the world. But I would say truth is sweet, because it will always guide and direct you to the right path.
@krnel thanks for writing this post, I love it.

Yes, money isn't a problem min itself, it's a useful tool, but the love/desire for money is a problem ;) Deviate from the truth and you deviate off the path of reality ;) It's sweet indeed in the long path forward, despite being bitter at first :P

Are we trying to placate their delicate sensibilities?

more like we are we trying to appease our delicate sensibilities

we just don't want to deal with or have the time to give to the person . Either way you are not only short changing the person but yourself

Yes, good point, we don't want to deal with the interference, hassle, friction, tension, pressure and conflict that comes from confronting people on issues of truth. Compromising truth is compromising ourselves.

True love cannot lie. You cannot lie to someone you love. If you think that you can, then what you have is not love.

Indeed. Truth is love. Love is truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. That's my motto I came up with years ago as a way to live.

The most beautiful aspect of this is your decision to act on your inspiration. May your life leave behind a large wake that lives forever and touches many.

I believe wisdom is a requirement to tell the truth, otherwise people may not grasp it and let the truth go :)

Edit: Forgot to say -> Thank you for the post!, there is truth in there :)

Yes, that can happen. But better to let them have the truth and deal with it in however they do, that to restrict their access to it, no? You're welcome ;)

I for one love to hear the truth no matter the circumstances or how bad it is. I say to those close to me. Whenever you see am doing something wrong, call me to order. I prefer someone hits me with the truth and face me with a lie. When one accepts the truth, necessary adjustments can be made to be a better person. I see myself as very blunt and straightforward, the truth never departs from my lips

That's exactly how to do it :) Good job :)

If we were to see behind the curtain, there was no longer a curtain, right?
but there is :)

Not sure I follow...

Truth are bitter, and speaking lie is sin @krnel i agree speaking truth all the time needs a lot a courages . i dont see a person who never lied in life. ..but at the same time telling a lie for other benefit is not that bad..i hope you understood what i mean..