The Flu Vaccination. - A 'Big Pharma' con job?

in #truth8 years ago (edited)


Winter isn't that far off, any day now they'll be coming for you.

Have you ever had the flu jab and then got the flu anyway? Quite a few people I know have myself included. It was years ago and believe me it was proper flu, not the kind when people have a day off work and then come in the next day. Don't you hate it when people have a day off for flu? It's a serious illness you ain't getting over it in 24 hours.

"Come on dude, your shot" "Shhh, just ringing the boss to tell him I've got the flu"


No it was the 4 days in bed, sweating, spewing and feeling like death kind, real flu. Right after I'd had the flu jab!
Why would that be? Surely I was protected? That's what they told me anyway. I realise there is a chance of side effects, however if you have the flu jab and the side effect is the flu what is the bloody point of having it? And more importantly does it even work?

Ringing any bells?


I have my doubts.

There is a plethora of information available regarding the flu vaccination programme and many journalists and indeed Steemians have written about it, especially regarding some of the questionable and frankly dangerous ingredients it contains such as thimerosal and formaldehyde. However the point of this post is to question its validity as a protection against influenza.

This is an interesting article.

I've cut this piece for you to read as I found it eye opening. Please read the whole article to understand the reasoning.

It doesn’t work: The Cochrane Database – an objective, gold-standard assessment of available evidence has plainly stated, in TWO STUDIES, that there is no data to support efficacy in children under two, and in adults. Even the former Chief Vaccine Officer at the FDA states: “there is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.” Liking the idea of being protected from the flu does not equate to being protected from the flu. That’s essentially what your vaccine-promoting doctor (or pharmacist) is engaging in – promoting an idea.

Promoting an idea! Very interesting , why would a doctor or pharmacist do that? Could it be that they are financially incentivised for promoting certain medical products regardless of their ability to combat the illnesses they were supposedly created to prevent?

This peaked my interest also. It is written regarding child vaccinations.
Again please take the time to read the 8 reasons as it reveals the pressure put on doctors to push for vaccines, not the flu injection in this particular article but it evidences the way doctors are courted by 'Big Pharma' and indoctrinated at medical school. If they act like this when it comes to the health of children they wouldn't have any more regard for adults, probably less.

A website named Dollars for Docs allows users to search its database by name to see if their doctor was given money from pharmaceutical companies. At this time, figures are available for the period from August 2013 to December 2014, and payments dating back to 2009 are available in the site’s archives. The site does not include research payments or shareholder interests, and payments to nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants are not included. Some doctors received millions of dollars in payments, and the staggering totals are also listed by state.


The following quotes are from the article and shows the manipulation that is used and encouraged to ensure public compliance.
The most worrying aspect for me personally is the implied threats of being fired by your doctor. A patient doctor relationship is often quite personal for the patient and the thought of having to find another doctor can be enough to get some to acquiesce.
Pretty dreadful way to act for a 'Professional' who you think has your best interests at heart.

“We learn that vaccines need to be given on schedule. We are indoctrinated with the mantra that ‘vaccines are safe and effective’—neither of which is true. Doctors today are given extensive training on how to talk to ‘hesitant’ parents—how to frighten them by vastly inflating the risks during natural infection … on the necessity of twisting parents’ arms to conform, or fire them from their practices. Doctors are trained that NOTHING bad should be said about any vaccine, period.”

"Doctors learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines … We don’t review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. So, when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good"


Thought provoking, disconcerting and just plain wrong. Moving on.........

Yet another interesting insight.

This section cut from the article just about sums up if you're deliberating whether to be the flu jab or not. They're always fighting last years strain and predicting how the strain will mutate is a million to one shot at best, so why do they keep pushing an ineffective vaccine?

The new study found that the vaccine is protecting just 3.4 per cent of people from flu.

Those who were vaccinated were slightly more likely to get the most common A(H3N2) strain that those who did not have the jab.

Officials said the statistic meant the jab did not protect them against the strain at all, but did not mean the vaccination could increase the chance of flu.

Slightly more likely to get the common strain of flu if you had the vaccine than if you didn't! What!? Why bother?

There are many studies/articles questioning the validity of the 'Big Pharma' vaccine push. This is interesting regarding the flu vaccine Tamiflu.

This is an other fairly damning finding.

Dr Malhotra also points to questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu – a flu drug the NHS spent £473m stockpiling. A 2014 report by a panel of eminent experts concluded it was no more effective than paracetamol


So the Britsh NHS stockpiled £43m (approx $56m) of a drug that was no more effective than paracetamol! A nice waste of taxpayers money even before the expense to administer it. What a disgraceful waste of public funds.

Thats the problem with government funded health, the accountability is pretty non-existent. I know they have enquiries every now and again and when the heat is on some poor sap is lead out in front of the press like a lamb to the slaughter to be offered as a sacrifice but really the problem lies with the politicians. They're the ones that mandate vaccine programs, there the ones that take money from big Pharma in campaign contributions and party donations. In some countries they even let the pharmaceutical companies 'self regulate' which is criminal, as it's not in their interests to highlight their failings.

So what do you do with this information?

Use it as a starting point to go do your due diligence, find out what is being injected into your body and what it contains. Look into its effectiveness for combating the illness it is allegedly preventing. Especially with children as they don't get to consent, you're doing that for them. Do the right thing by yourself and your loved ones to ensure you have all the facts before you commit. Because if you don't you may end up contracting the very illness you were hoping to prevent.

For much more easily digestible information check the many videos on the subject on YouTube.

Final words.

It is not my intention to delegate any blame whatsoever to the dedicated and hard working doctors, nurses and pharmacists that work in our health systems around the world. I have many friends and some relatives that are involved in healthcare and every one of them is a hero in their own way. The powers that control the current paradigm are who I have an issue with as they have been corrupted by the large pharmaceutical industry to ensure their products have a mandated market.

Thankyou for visiting @tremendospercy


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TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns



If you are an healthy adult who can probably deal well with the flu I also would not necessarily recommend getting the flu shot every year - However if you are in contact with low-immune-status people you should consider it.

It is well known that the flu shot is one of the worst working vaccines. While other vaccines may protect in 99.9% of cases the flu shot may only work in 70%. or 80% the next year. Or maybe 60%.

For myself (I am an aspiring doctor) I get the shot every year since I am in heavy contact with many weak people and want to do everything to protect them. All of our nurses, etc. are vaccinated as well. Have not seen any serious side effects so far.

But what I really want to say is, that you can not compare every vaccine to each other. We can really argue about the importance of all of then. I myself am not vaccineted everything available - Just because some illnesses do not occur where I live. But please do vaccine against Tetanus!, Measles and the other serious stuff.
Dozens of millions who already died due to those preventable illnesses must be enough.

Regarding your link: I did never get a single cent from a pharma company. And I know many practical pediatricians who also do not get paid for vaccinating. Still everybody is convinced about the importance!

Please research well before deciding against vaccines - and don't become a victim of selection bias.

Thank you for reading. I do think that we need to work together. Nobody has the total truth - not even science. But we need to work based on the best data available. And not based on emotions. And of course also not based on who pays the most for our actions.

Thank you for your well written reply. People do indeed need to do their research and due diligence prior to any vaccine and I agree with your advice re: tetanus. The biggest issue for most is the influence the producers have over government in mandating vaccinations. Political parties and politicians should not be able to take 'contributions' and then effectively work in the interests of big Pharma.

Thanky you for your reply too. Glad to see that we can discuss on a nice basis even though we obvioulsy have different approaches.
I am totally on your side that politics or pharma companys should not dictate what to vaccine. Whoever gives out vaccines should do this based on the modern knowledge backed up by science. And of course this science should be done well and not manipulated.
I only will recommend what I would give my own children. Maybe you should take a look at the Austrian vaccination plan:

The red ones are advised an free of charge. The blue ones are adviced but you would have to pay for them by yourself.

In my eyes you probably can argue about some of the blue ones, especially when you f.e. live in an area with no FSME cases. But I really think you should get the red ones.

If I would have a child right now I would follow this plan. What do you think?

PS: In case the picture is too small:

click here!This post received a 4.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @theaustrianguy! For more information,

Thanks for the nice response.
I would never judge anyone if they have an informed opinion, regardless of it being opposed to my own.
Everyone has to do what is right for them, I was vaccinated as a kid and I'm 50 now so I don't need any. I do however have a vaccine damaged nephew and have seen the horrific down sides.
I don't have or want children so find it difficult to put myself mentally into the position of a parent having to make the decision.
I'm sure others who see this will be able to use the information.
Thanks again.

click here!This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @theaustrianguy! For more information,

I've NEVER had a flu shot (I'm almost 46) and I've had real flu only once. I also rarely take antibiotics, perhaps 4X in 10 years. Our bodies are more than capable of dealing most minor illnesses. As for the flu vaccine is ludicrous...a big pharma con job.

Well in 50 and I've had 1. And that was 1 too many.
You're right about our bodies providing they haven't been compromised by, GMO, Chem trails and who knows what else.
Thx for reading.

Well said. I'm 10 years older than that, have never had a vaccine of any kind and apart from measles as a child and flu about 30 years ago, I'm never ill. Eat well and exercise to keep your immune system strong, stay away from the doctor in as far as possible, and your body will indeed be capable of fighting off most illness.

Every year my 82 year old mom gets the FLU vac, every year I call and she is sick for one month, I think it might be the one that takes her. Every year I plead with her and tell her not to take the FREE shot. She pleads back, the tv, tells her, the MSM, tells her to get the shot, and she does it. Every year I pray, she makes it past another winter, Pray with me, The Community

May the Lord keep your mother in good health all this winter.

Thank you for your thoughts, when will we see honesty in the medical community, why are we exposing or children to 50 vaccines.

I hope that day comes soon.....somehow!

Let the truth ring out to the unsuspecting

Let's hope she stays in good health. Thanks for reading and commenting.

I appreciate the support, I will talk to her again, before she takes the new, cure all, wrong flu strain for this year's flu, shot.

If anyone actually had to ask for the vaccines package insert BEFORE being vaccinated.. I can promise you that your hair will stand up after reading that!

Note how long and detailed they are as well.. covering their own asses for almost every single thing that could ever go wrong with the person getting vaccinated with the vaccine. It is plainly put INSANE TO VACCINATE FOR A DISEASE BY SIMPLY GUESSING WHICH STRAIN WILL POP UP THAT FOLLOWING SEASON!

That's the thing right? It's all in the vaccine inserts, people don't even need to ask their doctor for them, we can actually google it and download the pdf now.

But like @tremendospercy says people foolishly trust the government.

That fluoride has worked a treat.

Hasn't it just. Why anyone would trust a politician I'll never know.
Cheers for checking in babe.

I know right, it seems fundamental but people trust the Government.
Big mistake.

yea, just crazy how many sheeple walk among us!

Don't forget you have to be approved to sue the vaccine manufacture ( you have a better chance of being hit with a space rock to getting the approval).

True story dude.

VERY well written article thank you for taking the time to put this together. It should come to no surprise to you that I hate vaccines and think the whole thing to be one giant fraud! A deadly one at that... :'( Makes me cry every time I see vaccine injured children... :'( :'( :'( :'(

It sickens me the way people just allow there kids to be jabbed with poisons without question. My nephews life was destroyed by MMR.
Why anyone trusts their government on anything any more is beyond me.
Thx for reading and commenting babe.

No problema! I'm just so happy to be meeting people like you here!

Aww that's really nice of you to say babe. 😊
Ditto of course. 😉

great read, and thanks bud!

No worries, I hope things start to look up for you soon.

Well, Well, Well!

Look who put on their old man breEches ;)

Well done Perce, This is a well informed, superbly researched and enlightening article. You shed light and MANY questions on big Pharma and the con job that runs alongside with Vaccines.

This is a super hot topic at the moment. And it got a light shone in another corner of the big scam. Cant say well done enough.

Thank You for being brave and posting this information <3

Steemon And #BeBrave

Always babe.
I'm nothing compared to you when it comes to this subject and I look forward to your upcoming posts as they are always enlightening.
Steem on babe.

During the flue and cold season I hear all this noise about prevention and how it's your moral duty to safeguard your family, co-workers and fellow citizens by getting a flue shot. That's all it is is noise. Mindscaping the sheeple into believing what they want the sheeple to believe. Which is pretty much everything they say.

The idea that I'm a criminal for choosing not to follow their directives is proof of how far they're willing to go to make people comply. Got children? Get them in line for their shots or they may be expelled from the very schools the parents pay taxes for. And the dollars they spend keeping track of who's a sheeple and who is not just compounds the issue.

The sheer ballsiness of them to think they have a right to bang on your door to demand you do anything at all belies the police state that is slowly but surely entering into the human psyche. They know exactly what they are doing. If your loved on is in elder care it doesn't matter if you want to see your own parent during their last months, weeks, or days. It's getting so you can't even do that unless you can prove you are among the conformists.

The fact that vaccine makers don't even have to do proper studies to ensure efficacy and risk to the end user should be enough to make anyone with even one independent thought in their head realize that the only protection against those who claim to be our appointed protectors is to stay the hell away from them.

I was taught that the system runs on the principles of "you can do anything you want to do in life...just don't get caught" and the other being "question authority...always and in all ways". I now have a third now and I'm not ashamed to admit it and actually quite proud to live by it..."you can fight all you want to choose to give an inch or not, it doesn't matter...they're going to take the mile and give you the inch anyway."

We've allowed things to get this bad because we are like frogs in boiling water...clueless to our fate. The chef (read government, big business and institutional learning and scientific discovery ) are always bringing up new delights while leaving old ones on the menu to sell to the gullible who only think they've gotten wise to what's going on.

Proof is in the pudding. Do nothing and nothing is usually going to be the result...for them.

Another fine public service announcement Percy...I'll bet you for every single comment you get there are 1000 people who wouldn't even comment if they did read it for fear that they're being watched...and the sad thing is...they just very well may be right on that one. So who's stupid/brave now eh?


Wow! Even by your standards that is an epic comment dude.
I couldn't agree more with every single point you've made.
I'm fucking sick of it buddy, people need to wake up and smell the tyranny before it's too late.
Are people so chicken shit these days that they're happy sit silent and watch our countries descend into an Orwellian nightmare?
Well I'm not, I won't ever stop trying to get the truth out as long as these elite paedo loving corrupt scumbags control the current paradigm.
Sorry for the rant, I was due 😉

Excellent post TP - very well researched my friend. I must say I have been avoiding the flu shot for years for the one reason - every time I would get one, I would get sick - as you have indicated. SK.

Thx SK. It's an emotive subject for many and having a vaccine damaged nephew opened my eyes.
There are too many corrupted politicians making decisions based on the contributions recieved by big Pharma rather than the validity of their products. Hopefully that will changed but until then people need to be vigilant.

Too many corrupt politicians - can leave it at that! Sorry about your nephew. SK.

I had kids. I got a cold every year. That alone, very annoying... in the US.
I got a flue shot every year for 10 years; it helped; I stopped getting colds from my kids.
Still to this day, I no longer get simple colds; when I was getting several per year previous. I did seem to help..
that said, I no longer get flu shots for last 4 years, and I still don't get colds any more.

I absolutely do not trust us gov, and will no longer accept innoculations.

You're wise not to trust the government, they're corrupt and duplicitous.

Great article. The flue shot is a cash grab that makes people sick. Most 'flu' cases are not the flu at all. Usually respritory diseases including pnemonia which os the one that kills. The flu shot, complete toxic garbage

I agree with all of your points dude.
The cash grab is indeed sickening and most are unaware they are being fleeced and poisoned.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

Honestly can't say, but I have always wondered if longer exposure to illnesses would be more of a benefit.

Like a vaccine can let your body help recognize illnesses, but actually getting sick and tough-ing through it makes a difference if your body will learn much more about the illness. I don't know much about any of this at all, but it's always made me curious.

Injection a potentially deadly virus into the infirm/elderly, young children and pregnant mothers seems like bad decision to me. There are many articles that go much deeper into the validity of the flu vaccination program that show it to be quite nefarious. The intention of this post to provoke individual thought and research rather than trusting a corrupted system that doesn't have the best interest of individuals in mind when mandating vaccinations.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

I live in the tropics and I don't think anyone gets the flu here. I've never even had a cold. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it big pharma. Your drugs are no good here!

You eat a super healthy vegan diet and practice yoga regularly so I'm not surprised you don't get ill.
Thx for your constant support babe.

I used to get a cold maybe once a year in Oz. But here, never. I don't think flu germs can handle all that humidity!

Mould on the other hand....

I do not get the flu shot & I work for health insurance in the US. I have done my research (not as extensively as you!) And I used your link to check my Doctor and he's received 9200 according to that data. I don't trust anyone 😞 Healthcare is a cluster, for sure & yes... Politicians in bed with big pharma. Good article

Hey thanks babe. Your doctor sounds like a sell out. It's a shame they have been corrupted by money when they get paid well already. You can trust me 😀 Not every one is bad.

Thank you, dear. I know they are not all bad, but I have not just had one bad doctor, I've had numerous through the years for various ailments which cost me a lot of money in the long run to find out the issue was completely different than what I was diagnosed with. The happy story of it is it wasn't as bad and the treatment was not as negative as I had been led to believe. But it took my own leg work and determination. I am now very careful about which doctors I will put my trust in and I do a lot of research prior to taking new medications or agreeing to specific courses of treatment. hugs

Excellent post as always @tremendospercy thanks for sharing. Big Pharma make huge sums of money from vaccination schedules and as such they obviously want us to take us many as possible. The combination of huge monetary gain, concerns for public health plus impending legislation that aims to make vaccination a legal requirement, shouldn't sit easy with even it's most ardent supporters. Thanks for raising awareness on these issues, to me the flu shot is little more than a money making exercise. Again a great post, very well researched and written .. thankyou for supplying such valuable food for thought my friend.

Thank you for the kind words as ever my friend.
I do believe the whole industry has been corrupted and the best interests of the public are not being served.
Too many children are suffering life long dreadful ailments as a result of being vaccine damaged for it to carry on in the current way.
I just hope people heed the warning and research the best way to protect themselves and their children before blindly trusting the corrupt politicians and their equally corrupt partners in big Pharma.
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.

Could it be that they are financially incentive's for promoting certain medical products regardless of their ability to combat the illnesses they were supposedly created to prevent?

That question above ask the question we are all afraid to hear the answer to. After watching a documentary this weekend about top health companies sponsoring the very companies that are causing these health issues; I know the answer. It's alarming, its frightening, but it is the world we live in. Like the research you have done, we must all take responsibility and do the same. Thanks for the awesome post, yet again!

US doctors are given a $400 bonus for every child that completes the mandated vaccine schedule. The bonus program works on a sliding scale.

I wrote this post 10 months ago DOCTORS EXPOSED - Doctors are Bribed and Compromised by Big Pharma - Get the Facts!

Feel free to use any of my research to help others.

Thank you, I will have to take a look and bookmark some of it.

You're dead on, people need to trust in themselves and not the authorities.
Thank you for the kind words Kubster.

Anytime tremendospercy!

I use colloidal silver that I make myself, it fixes me within 12h.

I've bought and used collodial silver and I'm thinking about buying a machine to make my own. Please tell me a little bit about your experience with it. Or better still, write a blog post and let me know when you do and I will read it.

The more knowledge that we can get on to the blockchain the better.

I have also successfully used the Robert Beck protocol with electricity. Quite easy, just buy a cheap electric muscle trainer, hook up one pad to the one ankle, the other to the other ankle, and there you go for 20min at minimal power. Kills those fucking parasites in you! And even if you don't believe it, I almost died in the jungle in Africa from some scumbag shit I got from mosquitos. I was so frot that I hit my emergency kit with the evil MMS in it. I cured that shit within a night! I don't want to recommend any of these treatments to anyone, particularly not MMS. If you have some urinary infection then I can confirm you will be feeling much better after just 6 drops MMS. This is not a recommendation.I use the Ionic Pulser Pro made in Germany. I make 25ppm, about 3l at a time. I suffered from prostatitis for 18 years. One cup of 25ppm and it was GONE the next day. I purchased a little book on how to use Ag as a treatment

Thx for all your support dude.@steemtruth The colloidal silver you make yourself is great and you know it's made well. It's a good idea to have the stronger made stuff on hand as it can be tricky making the higher ppm's yourself.

Making it is brilliant and easy however I always have a stock of stronger stuff I've bought in my prep supplies. Thanks for checking in buddy.@lucky.digger I've used colloidal silver for years and it's amazing.

This government mandated monopoly over health is yet another example of how we the people are asleep at the wheel. We actually give government control over the very institution's we hold dear. Health, education, Emergency services. Why we allow the foxes to guard our hen house is beyond me.

Here is something to think about. If you refuse to get your child vaccinated your doctor can and in many cases does call the local child services bureau to inform them that not vaccinating your child is paramount to abuse.

Miss a couple day's of government mandated school child services may get the call. I found out the other day that school's are actually inspecting and photographing children's teeth. Don't like what they see guess who they call?

These institution's need no proof of neglect or abuse whatsoever. If they don't like your attitude they can make the call. They are told flat out to call child protective services for any reason.

I am not trying to suggest doctor's nurses or teacher's are douch bag's who are out there to get parent's in trouble. However I am suggesting that government are using our children as a mean's of control, and as a mean's to force their way in to our home's and strip us of our right's.

Anyone who is a parent 999,999 time's out of 1,000,000 will give up anything for their children, and do whatever is necessary to keep them safe. And we are slowly learning that the people we entrust to help us keep our children safe are the worst perpetrators of abuse against children.

All true sadly in the US. We're not quite suffering under that kind of authoritative structure here in the UK yet but I'm sure we're not far behind.
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.

#thestruggleisreal Keep up the good work Tremendous P

i don't take flu shots at all and touch wood, have never had a flu. I believe in herbs and Indian Ayurvedic philosophy which essentially means that you need to eat right kind of food besides other stuff. I do take oil of wild oregano (just 2 drops per day - intense stuff though) daily and never had any problem with virus, bacteria and fungus. Please check out the benefits of Oil of Wild Oregano.

I do know the benefits but thanks for bringing it up as others who read this may not.
Thanks for commenting.

Couldn't agree more! Our family is hardly ever sick ans vaccine free! Thanks for sharing. 😊

It's good to hear your family are vaccine free. Good on ya.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

I think the flu vaccine is mainly a money-making scam. As you noted, one of the 'side' effects is flu!! I'll stick with herbal remedies which are safe and effective both for prevention and treating symptoms. The Chinese herbalists have the most effective formulas, such as Gan Mao Ling, Yin Qiao, and Zhong Gan Ling. The only precaution with Chinese products is to make sure you are getting the real thing. I purchase from or A local acupuncturist/herbalist could probably also make a good recommendation as to where to purchase. Here's to good health this winter!

Great advice and thanks for taking the time to post such a great comment.

Resteemed !! Love it

Thank you so much. The subject is important, the more people exposed to it the better.

Thanks for an informative post. This is a subject of high interest for me. I've had concerns and doubts for some time now.

No worries, everyone has the right to do what's right for them. And you can only do that if you've looked into the subject. Blindly trusting a govt to make that decision for you I a bad idea IMO.
Cheers for reading and commenting.

God still heals today if anyone needs it. He has done it for me many times. I gave my life to Him in 2013. Then I learned about his healing. After I learned about it, I have not had a cold or flu since then, and I would be in households where I had sick people sneezing on me. In some instances, I would lay my hands on them and pray.

Think of it this way. When Jesus healed the leapers, did he ever even consider that he might get sick? No. Because it was impossible. I came to that same realization as I dwell in Christ.

Faith can indeed be a powerful weapon against illness. I've spent many years in many countries and have seen the power of spiritual healing across many faiths. I don't personally subscribe to any religion however I respect those who have faith and use it for the betterment of humanity.

There are that many different strains out there that can mutate at any time so I personally stay away from it.

My nan use to get the shot every year and end up feeling like rubbish for 2 weeks, totally run down and couldn't leave the house.

This would happen every time, as apposed to "maybe" catching the flu and end up feeling like rubbish for 2 weeks, totally run down and not being able to leave the house. She ended up getting the flu most times anyway.

Bloody awful the way they're harming the health of the elderly as well as the young.

All in the name of money. Sad times.

By law a little disclaimer brochure is added to every prescription, listing the directions, warnings, etc. On the pamphlet included with the flu vaccine each year it clearly states "This drug is not proven to prevent the flu"

I know right! And they are starting to mandate it's use on kids in school!
What a scam. Glad you're back 😉

These pharmaceutical companies have way to much power and governments all over seem to allow them to get away with bleeding us all dry , cheers mike

There all in it together sadly.

Unfortunately that's correct what chance do we little people have, cheers for your reply thanks mike

They are trying to autismized your children while stealing your money.

It's tragic but I agree.

What is your personal opinion on ADS? BTW, you may want to review some research by Alfred Kalcker who has substantial evidence that ADS is caused by parasites, but if you take the research serious you may wish to just continously and regularly use papaya smoothies to remedy the issue.

I have some experience with this. A friend of my daughter was ill for many years until she visited us once for lunch. She ate 5 plates of spaghetti although she was complaining about stomache problems and had been diagnosed with ADS. Immediately I saw there is something wrong with the kid, stomache problems and eating like a machine, what a contradiction!

Having trained myself to handle medical situations where there is no doctor - I have done a lot of work in Africa, but the hell hole of Africa, I told my daughter to let her make papaya smoothies, like one papaya including pips, per day. 3 days later she had her bowel and full with..., not going to explain it here.

She went back to the doctor, and he was very surprised saying "it's very uncommon for anyone to have this in the western world" and that's why she was treated incorrectly for YEARS. I learnt all this nonsense from working in environments where there is no doctor, in Africa. Let me know your personal opion. Thanks. Also, thank you for your upvotes.

Papaya seeds contain components that immobilize the metabolism of many worms and parasites. You have the same in pepper and radishes, but the content is highest in papaya pips.

Lucky Diggers "Nuke Em" treatment: Buy 3 papayas, good and large, slightly soft and ripe. Cut one in half for every day of 3 consecutive days. For each day, scrape out the pips and put into your blender. And some water. Add some of the papaya meat. Blend. That should leave you with 4 glasses of terrible-looking and very shit tasting but healthy smoothie. Just drink one glass every 4h. Keep on doing the coming 2 days, if you can. If you are infested with parasites and worms you will be shitting them out by latest the coming days. Usually you will be infested with 2 or 3 different types of worms. If you do have worms, then try to continue taking about 2 glasses of that mixture every day for another week.

I did a lot of personal experimenting with papayas since I couldnt find enough information. As an engineer and your friend, just a man who loves to be outdoors, all I had was the information from all my "Where there are no doctors" literature. I knew that I can nuke parasites with papaya, but I didnt know how and if this treatment can kill me. So I tested all this myself, on myself. Starting carefully. I am 80kg, and that treatmeant is alright. So if you are a little sexy woman with lets say 50kg or 60kg, then you may want to reduce that to 2/3rds the quantity. It tastes a bit like wasabi sauce. Eat the meat of the papaya too. Don't worry. Nuke em!

Caution: Avoid intake during pregnancy.

Whoa, great comment. I believe your health is absolutely related to 'gut' health. A few years ago I started taking it seriously and did everything I could to ensure my Mrs and I had a healthy gut.
We've been pretty much illness free since I'm sure it's no coincidence.
Cheers buddy, I'll give the papaya a go.

Great post. upvoted and resteemed. Please visit my blog @bikash-tutor. Thank you.

Thank you very much, and thanks for reading.

I hate vaccines. I think it is all about the money!

Totally dude.

awesome post:) flu is really a serious matter ........!!
thanks for this important post :)

Super post TP! Upvoted mate and resteemed.

Thanks a lot dude, and thanks for checking in.


Such a nice and good descriptive post.Nice share.

thanks for this wonderful information

Human's do not need vaccinations. If we detox our bodies, mainly by healing our organs of elimination (kidneys, GI tract, colon, liver), our lymph system will filter/drain through the kidneys and we will rid the body of toxins that cause "disease" and "sickness."

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This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!

Excellent buddy.

This post got a 90.91 % upvote thanks to @tremendospercy - Hail Eris !

I stopped getting flu shots after my step dad told me about the competitions him and his buddies have selling expired vaccines for chritmas bonuses. He worked for big pharma as a sales rep. Doesnt know anything about medicine, just knows how to sell shit. Those are the people perpetuating big pharma. Salesman. Ready to say or do anything for a profit.

That's exactly my point buddy. Not exactly got our best interests at heart have they? Thanks for reading and commenting dude.

Very interesting topic.
I very much believe in vaccination but I never get the flu jab.
The body needs to be able to fight.
My wife's a nurse so she gets it and I think that's fine as she's much more exposed to flu than me.

Yeah, it's difficult to know what's best with many vaccinations but the flu jab is a scam IMO.
Thx for reading and commenting dude.

Of all the vaccines out there, this is the one healthy adults can skip. Children and the elderly should get it through. The flu vaccine is very reliable due to the rateat which the flu mutates. Good read though.

For me the concept of inoculating poisons in the body to protect it is just I sane. It s so much based on Pasteur s mistakes.. have a good lifestyle and be positive in your mind , and you can fight anything. Why trust doctors that are paid for keeping you sick?

Absolutely dude, great comment.

Thanks for sharing this important post ...
We were brilliant at meeting the Staff Flu vaccination target last year .. here's an early reminder of why its so important!

Thanks for sharing. I can't remember the last time I got a vaccination. That may be why I don't have allergies and other problems people have. Not to take all credit because it's due to God's grace. Keep the posts coming!

Excellent . One of my greatest fears is mandatory vaccination. Nightmarish. Many agenda involved here...patients for life for medical mafia, perhaps chip insertion for two way transmission. They already gave as SV-40, a form of cancer, in the 60's with the flawed polio vac. More depopulation. Just today a friend got a call to come in for pneumococcal shot. JMJ. And then to criminalize mothers that dont "immunize" their children. We are losing our freedoms incrementally and its accelerating.

This post has received a 9.74 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @tremendospercy.

I have a better natural way to heal the flu: you can have a look on my article: @Bibitcoin

I keep hearing more and more nurses and counselors reflecting my own thoughts on this subject ... BigPharma is selling a nation hammers. That's what they make so EVERYTHING can be fixed with it.

nice post
I upvoted you,please lock up my post too and dont forget to upvote me