We've been playing a lot of werewolf for the past two years. I have never really played mage. I think Vampire could be a lot of fun, but yes, I think it needs someone who is willing to make world-building their full time job to run the campaign.
Werewolf was one of the first things I played when we first started playing World of Darkness a hundred million years ago, I remember my Galliard fondly XD
sadly that game didn't get far due to scheduling conflicts
World building and designing games can take up quite a bit of time but I don't think it takes up full time hours (I don't know I haven't actually bothered to calculate how much time I spend on my games, I know it's a bit x_x). Ever since I found out that professional GMs are a thing I've actually been kind of tempted to try but I'm put off by RPG Horror Stories and the fact I have no idea how good I actually am as I've only played with people I know and judge my ability soley on the fact that they kept coming back ready and wanting to play and not just to hang ^_^;
I am the Storyteller for our Werewolf game, and I've ST'd Vampire before. With Vampire, I think it works best when there's an open world filled with political intrigue and nefarious plots and a sense of the weight of centuries. Tracking all of those...
Those games are harder to balance, too, because the slow descent into being a bad guy can be disheartening, but being a vampire superhero feels like a betrayal of the genre. I think there's a good way to do it...or maybe my friends just don't really want to experience the shameful slide into darkness, lol. We prefer to be werewolf superheroes trying to save the world while fighting our dark sides.
Well different people like different things XD I have a strong feeling one of my players prefers to be heroic, one I'm not sure about and the rest probably wouldn't mind being bad guys as long as it's a fun story. Better play what you enjoy right :)
I love that system XD Do you have a favourite thing you like to play?
We've been playing a lot of werewolf for the past two years. I have never really played mage. I think Vampire could be a lot of fun, but yes, I think it needs someone who is willing to make world-building their full time job to run the campaign.
Werewolf was one of the first things I played when we first started playing World of Darkness a hundred million years ago, I remember my Galliard fondly XD
sadly that game didn't get far due to scheduling conflicts
World building and designing games can take up quite a bit of time but I don't think it takes up full time hours (I don't know I haven't actually bothered to calculate how much time I spend on my games, I know it's a bit x_x). Ever since I found out that professional GMs are a thing I've actually been kind of tempted to try but I'm put off by RPG Horror Stories and the fact I have no idea how good I actually am as I've only played with people I know and judge my ability soley on the fact that they kept coming back ready and wanting to play and not just to hang ^_^;
I am the Storyteller for our Werewolf game, and I've ST'd Vampire before. With Vampire, I think it works best when there's an open world filled with political intrigue and nefarious plots and a sense of the weight of centuries. Tracking all of those...
Those games are harder to balance, too, because the slow descent into being a bad guy can be disheartening, but being a vampire superhero feels like a betrayal of the genre. I think there's a good way to do it...or maybe my friends just don't really want to experience the shameful slide into darkness, lol. We prefer to be werewolf superheroes trying to save the world while fighting our dark sides.
Well different people like different things XD I have a strong feeling one of my players prefers to be heroic, one I'm not sure about and the rest probably wouldn't mind being bad guys as long as it's a fun story. Better play what you enjoy right :)