  • Be genuine.
  • Be respectful of others, even the people that treat you bad. Don't stoop to their level. (*not too much of a problem here yet though)
  • Write about anything you enjoy writing.
  • Don't focus on the money aspect. It will do well sometimes, and suck other times. If you focus on the money during those sucky times you'll not be enjoying yourself as much. Best not focus on it. Just do what you want and when they do well great, if they don't the key is you are having fun and some CEO is not getting rich off of your content.
  • Don't use the down vote simply because you don't like a topic.
  • The few times I've really been open about who I am and thought I would be ridiculed for something I said the community was actually very supportive and those posts did well. So be genuine. Show us YOU. Don't try to be someone else.
  • If you see someone else post a topic that does well, don't rush out and try to write something in the same topic, unless it is because they inspired some questions or ideas that were not covered in their posts. Clones don't do well, and it usually only happens when you are focusing on money rather than having fun.
  • Don't beg for money and votes. I've seen people write about something bad happening like losing their house and we support them. Yet if a person frequently writes similar posts they start to not be genuine and people stop listening. So again... be genuine.
  • If your posts make nothing or very little... remind yourself that on facebook, reddit, twitter, etc they ALWAYS make you nothing.

Thanks for writing ! taking the time, I appreciate the tips.
ALB ( All The Best)

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