We were so far behind, but we've made it ! This community keeps surprising me everyday !
Congratulation to everyone BUT don't be too happy too fast, we may still be end up on the 2nd place. So keep voting, keep making this dream come true !
Here is the link to vote if you don't have :
What a fantastic achievement if we can pull this off! I just love it how this community comes together!
It's trully inspiring!
come on don't make me choose between those two..isn't the margin too close? I vote for multiscalar winners aka 2 winners that split 50/50!!!
Vote for the best always steem
Resteem This Post
Let's be sure every freaking steemers voting this poll and smash ETH !
Thanks for resteem the post ;)
This is my pleasure for my friend
Thats so damn awesome!
Think it has alot to do with everyone here posting about it.
Means our community is STRONG! 😀❤️
So strong! That's amazing !!! A reason more to go out tonight an celebrate !
We had 7% of the vote with like 16,000 votes! What a comeback! Steemit has the best community! Now just have to finish strong!
15 h 46 min left my friend, we can do it !!! That was a hell of a come back !
We might actually win. I am sure there are many Seemers that have yet to vote!!
Yes we can ! Let's make rain these blogs to strongly suggest steeemers to vote the poll !
Nothing can stop us, not even the freaking ethereum !
It comes a time when we have to support Steem with every power we have :)
It seem that we've done it ! That's sooooo cooool !
Now ceep the position - just like in Sparta , even the result show we are not 300 only :)
That's sooo cool, let's see if we can make it through the 15 hours 46 minuts left ...
STEEM to the moon my friend!!! Exciting times!!
Sooooo exiting !
Wow! I'm beginning to love steemians the more for this. Up Steemians!!! Up Steem. Thanks for sharing @glitterfart.
Still can't beleive it !
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Definitely gonna resteem. Voted up on both my twitter accounts. Not gonna let up either. Those percents need to be quite a bit higher before I can feel comfortable!
Oh my god !! were currently number one this is fantastic. thanks to all the steemians posting, sharing and voting on this tweet :)
Awesome! The power of the community at work :)
Oh my gosh! I really did not think we would be able to get ahead at all with the massive lead ETC had!
Neither did I but hey ... here we are, let's keep the victory for 15 more hours and Steem will go to the moon !
WOOT! Let's WIN by a huge lead :D
This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of May 26. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $18.08 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: May 26 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
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Seems like the community is strong and pushing :)
Please check out my posts.
You are doing very well with so few followers ! Congrats !
Thank you! Doing best I can for now. I believe in content's originality and quality. Thats what I stand for!
That's a very good ideology. Stick with it. 👍. Steemit needs quality posts like yours
Thank you, friend! :)
Wow!!! what a turnaround. I can remember when i voted, steem was way behind and to be honest i thought we wouldn't be able to make it. I read some coments from people, they sounded very optimistic and now i can see why. Kudos to steem and the steemit community, we saved our best for the last and kicked them up the butt. 👍
The poll is over now and ... we've lost it :(
We lost, but it's not all bad... Check out my article about the talking points from the vote:
That's a sad one
This community will continue to blow our minds. I've been here for just two weeks and I have already met some incredible people to brainstorm groundbreaking ideas with. And I made $60 doing it! :-D
Even if it all comes crashing down, the whole experience will catapult many of us on to do great things.
yeah but the mental masturbation is getting old after less than 24hours here
we need to get serious here and focus on more important things besides steem crypto and kissing ass for coin.
we need to get the real material ready for launch .
I mean I like chatting bout steem and crypto, learned alot today, but the funds are unbalanced.
that's the problem with always doing the same thing,you become only that, steeming bout crypto-steeming and steeming...
not real
look at where the money is going...we are underfunding all the other branches...that is a regression in regards to the other platforms you guys are trying to overtake..gonna need to re-code this thing a bit to balance the incentives with real life stuff...hey I hope I can code a contract for that just for you guys in eos one day ;)
I did not come here to sell out my writing skills and inspiration and needs in exchange for money...sorry I had to express what I felt and I mean no respect .
Peoples focus is all messed up, their values are all messed up, I think that we are partcipating in mental intercourse which is much more important and productive than mental masturbation. I'm not talking about all or even most, but that's ok.
Here I'm acting very close to how I would if I didn't have to worry about slaving away to survive. If I can just be me and make money doing it, I can eventually start to help others do the same. Hopefully I'm I can start to help them shift their focus to being more productive even now, without even having capital to back me up. So yeah, I know you mean, but I don't see the point in randomly pointing out the negative aspects. I like your writing by the way, I was meaning to comment, I will reread again.