My fifth (5th) #ulog: T.G.I.F end of stress

in #ulog7 years ago

Today.... My day wasnt that bad.tho it eained yesterday and the road was in a mess


I went to school early today due to the project i was to defend got to class. He came into the class and called out the first group because we where split into 4 groups, i was so scared caues i didnt prepare tho i was in the second group at last the first group didnt present due to some errors in thir work that alone made my day it was a sign of warningabd a second chance for me to go prepare
After leactures some of my departental pals got some selfie


One of my friend wgonis good at photoshop and photography was making a music video for a friend of his. I didn't really get to see the video but I got to cedtge camera which he used it's was awesome and amazing




Climbing towards the main school through the might hill. On getting there the power was turned off was later turned on. My class had bad electricity so we had to go somewhere else to charge up my phone and work on something


It's 4:37 pm and the generator was turned off and it was time to go home on getting home I over heard noise from outside wondering waht it was

Guess what it was ?

It's a match against two teams I don't know the teams but I didn't get to watch the March due to the fact that the cloud was changing


Volleyball team where also haveing their match too but I couldn't stay


Now here is the part I don't really like heading home i wanted to get money from the ATM machine to get a my belly filled with enough food and I came across something that will just kill your mind set the QUEE was too long and u can't wait because of the rain that wwas comming Soni had to go to another bank to get my money


but the only thing that stops me from coming home without heading for shelter RAIN it happened we finally meet again hmmm!!!


The rain was too much that the gutters where filled and even pored out on the road the scary part is that you will have to wait till you see no car comming before you can cross to the other side and if you are not fast you will get wet by the car splashing water on you


Finally I got home now another problem the power in thus country is fucked up

Well that us how my day went

Here,i am your celebrity and you are my fans.
So I to decide to join #ulog and #ulogs of @surpassinggoogle Thanks @surpassinggoogle for making this a hit


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Now here is the part I don't really like heading home i wanted to get money from the ATM machine to get a my belly filled with enough food and I came across something that will just kill your mind set the QUEE was too long and u can't wait because of the rain that wwas comming Soni had to go to another bank to get my money.
It should be coming instead of comming.

Am sorry about that I didn't seen it coming