Well, I find that the truth is, that most people don't want to have a job. It drains the life out of people as they are likely only applying to receive financial compensation, not for the joy of the experience. Our society is set-up to push people into life-times of engagement in things they don't want to do. All of their lives they have been told what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why to do it. Most people are never given the opportunity to build a life on their own terms, instead forced into the life they are shown they are required to have. They have never developed skills, have no idea what their passions are, and have no inspiration to enter the work force because it is not truly of their own desire but out of the need to survive.
It's difficult to stand up and speak for yourself or sell yourself, when you're not even sold on yourself. It's difficult to entice someone to provide you a job, when you don't want a job yourself. It's difficult to convince someone of your skills when you haven't developed skills your are passionate about. And it's difficult to remain employed with consistency when it's a drudgery to do something against your soul's desire everyday.
People ask (at the @gardenofeden) to come live with us because they want to get away from having a "job" and having to be a part of a society that feels more oppressive than uplifting. Those people never make it at the GOE, because they are actually running away from their lives, not moving toward something that ignites their soul's purpose. It is no wonder to me that they are attempting to run away, considering the life they have been taught is their only path, with years and years of oppression and degradation.
I presume those applying for work with you in the examples you give are people who have experienced such a life of disempowerment. In my opinion, good employees (and employers) are hard to find, as when money is the incentive and passion is removed from the equation, there will never be the amazing team effort that is required to excel beyond our wildest dreams. Really, who truly wants anything less than that?
I agree that from a employer's perspective these are not the people you want to have supporting your business, but I am not surprised at all by their feeble attempts to get employed. There are people who would totally love doing the jobs you have to offer, just as there are people at the GOE who love doing the dishes, emptying the compost and taking out the trash. Engaging divine purpose is a powerful motivator.
I love that you offer this up here for people to improve their own skills, see the (obvious) ways they are shooting themselves in the foot through their approach, and hopefully to see how important it is to believe in yourself, if others are to believe in you.
Thanks again, @kus-knee, for a thought and conversation provoking post.
The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!
Please check your wallet!
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Thank you for the acknowledgement and the sweet little gift in my wallet!! You share the love on many levels @kus-knee. Thank you for being such a stable icon for this Steemit community! Blessing to you!
Why what a great reply. It's longer than my post and deserves up votes! Thanks for caring!
I didn't realize how long of a response it was until after I wrote it! You often bring up subjects that spark a response in me. I enjoy reading your posts and appreciate the opportunity to engage different points of view. Thanks for continuing to bring value to this Steemit platform @kus-knee.