The Old Dog Advises: If You’re Looking For a Job Don’t do This! Do This Instead!

in #unemployment8 years ago (edited)

  I run a small business and as the economy worsens I get more and more job inquiries by phone or through the mail. It’s noon right now and I’ve had one of each so far today. There is a problem with most of these inquiries and it’s time to “vent” some advice!  

  Here is What Not to Do!  

First of all have a look a the cover letter (shown below) for this C.V. that arrived a few hours ago. Excuse me Mr. Job Applicant but it couldn't be much worse! You're not applying as a "rocket scientist" but neat and clean would be nice! After all I have a Facility Services (cleaning) company. HELLO!

This is His Cover Letter! Can You Say: "What Garbage"?

Now Let's Check Out His C.V. 

Is there any wonder that this guy has a problem finding and keeping a job? He was born in 1968 and his job experience has more holes in it than a giant slab of Swiss cheese!  

Yes these two pieces of paper above just arrived in the mail today! I'm on my way now to donate them to the pet store to use as a bird cage lining! The sad thing is that the majority of the applications that I get are similar! 

Now Let Me Tell You About The Job Inquiry Phone Call That I Received!

Please beware because it doesn't get any better!

Dring Dring

Him: " Um er... Hello is this a company? Um er... I need a job. I live far away but I want a job where you are and um er....  do you got one for me?"

Me: "Well we're not hiring right now but.." CLANG! The guy hung up on me! Can you believe it? I may have given him some advice or let him send me an e mail with his C.V. etc... But no! Unbelievable!

For Those Who Are Looking For a Job do This!

1.) When Applying in Writing:

At least write a proper cover letter and Résumé! I'm not going to explain how to do that here as there are plenty of references for that info. They should at least be neat, clean, precise, and NOT with STUFF written in by hand!

2.) When Calling on The Phone or in Person:

Anticipate questions and be ready with the answers. Do a practice session if necessary!

Here is a list of questions that may come up:

  • Why have you applied here?
  • What are your strongest points? 
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • Why have you been unemployed for this long?
  • What do you know about the job/company/industry?
  •  Have you already done this type of work?
  • What experience have you had in this field?
  • What skills can you offer?
  • Describe yourself.
  • How do you perform under pressure?
  • What happened at your last job?
  • What would your last employer say about you?
  • How many days did you miss at your last job?
  • What plans do you have for the future?
  • When can you start?

Questions For Discussion

  • Do you think that I'm over reacting to the C.V. that I received?
  • Have you ever seen one that bad?
  • Do you think that he was just fulfilling his obligation to "look for work" while on unemployment benefits?
  • What is the work situation like in your area?

I hope that you enjoyed my rant about what to do and not do when looking for a job.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


great one, we also receive some very strange inbound inquiries or CVs - you should become HR advisor Mr. Bones

Yes indeed!

Well, I find that the truth is, that most people don't want to have a job. It drains the life out of people as they are likely only applying to receive financial compensation, not for the joy of the experience. Our society is set-up to push people into life-times of engagement in things they don't want to do. All of their lives they have been told what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why to do it. Most people are never given the opportunity to build a life on their own terms, instead forced into the life they are shown they are required to have. They have never developed skills, have no idea what their passions are, and have no inspiration to enter the work force because it is not truly of their own desire but out of the need to survive.

It's difficult to stand up and speak for yourself or sell yourself, when you're not even sold on yourself. It's difficult to entice someone to provide you a job, when you don't want a job yourself. It's difficult to convince someone of your skills when you haven't developed skills your are passionate about. And it's difficult to remain employed with consistency when it's a drudgery to do something against your soul's desire everyday.

People ask (at the @gardenofeden) to come live with us because they want to get away from having a "job" and having to be a part of a society that feels more oppressive than uplifting. Those people never make it at the GOE, because they are actually running away from their lives, not moving toward something that ignites their soul's purpose. It is no wonder to me that they are attempting to run away, considering the life they have been taught is their only path, with years and years of oppression and degradation.

I presume those applying for work with you in the examples you give are people who have experienced such a life of disempowerment. In my opinion, good employees (and employers) are hard to find, as when money is the incentive and passion is removed from the equation, there will never be the amazing team effort that is required to excel beyond our wildest dreams. Really, who truly wants anything less than that?

I agree that from a employer's perspective these are not the people you want to have supporting your business, but I am not surprised at all by their feeble attempts to get employed. There are people who would totally love doing the jobs you have to offer, just as there are people at the GOE who love doing the dishes, emptying the compost and taking out the trash. Engaging divine purpose is a powerful motivator.

I love that you offer this up here for people to improve their own skills, see the (obvious) ways they are shooting themselves in the foot through their approach, and hopefully to see how important it is to believe in yourself, if others are to believe in you.

Thanks again, @kus-knee, for a thought and conversation provoking post.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Thank you for the acknowledgement and the sweet little gift in my wallet!! You share the love on many levels @kus-knee. Thank you for being such a stable icon for this Steemit community! Blessing to you!

Why what a great reply. It's longer than my post and deserves up votes! Thanks for caring!

I didn't realize how long of a response it was until after I wrote it! You often bring up subjects that spark a response in me. I enjoy reading your posts and appreciate the opportunity to engage different points of view. Thanks for continuing to bring value to this Steemit platform @kus-knee.

@kus-knee very good article and I love the tips you gave on the possible question people may encounter when applying for a job.

There's a lot of employment here but I think compared to other countries in the EU we have a better situation.

well, sorry but I don't agree in the European employment standard. I guess this is why so many people don't have a job here and they take people from Asia or elsewhere instead.

Where I came from we don't give a damn on what a person's diploma says nor his job experiences or if there's a gap on the years of his working experience on his CV. We let them show us what they can do or scrutinize them on the interview and psychologist do it there and whoever fits the job best, diploma or not , full or scented CV or not - the right person who'd get to do the job properly gets the job. That's how it is.

I think the NL is becoming more open to that, they're giving skilled immigrants a chance to study and get a diploma or do and On the Job Training to get a certificate if they are already old and even give a referral. It's awesome isn't it?

Thanks for your intersting reply!

If I were the employer, you rant would be more than justified! This is outrageous really and, as you put it so well, real garbage. The phone call were equally not respectful neither for you or your business. I did see really bad C.V.s as well as horrendous interviews and so on. I have to admit, there's a lot of that quality level out there... as you underline so aptly in the end questions, maybe the individuals were "looking" for work as they are on employment benefits
and don't actually want a job!? It would make a lot of sense.

Here' in Haida Gwaii, if you are looking for work, you may apply to work in the resource extraction realms (Logging, fishing and a bit of mining), or services and the arts, on so many levels. Otherwise, the last option is the government. Not much out there unless you are already in line for a job based on traditional knowledge and have a job lined up for the future or you already are working at it.

Thanks for the reflections and keep on Steeming, especially to let go of that pressure! ;) Namaste :)

Yes I don't think that he was looking for a job, just trying to extend unemployment benefits.

dont look for a job at all!
become a freelancer or stsrt your own company or write great Steemit articles for a living ;)

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Most young people write horribly and with bad grammar these days that they should be sent back to school.

You could be right.

It looks like The Old Dog is full of valuable advice today. I hope those in need of work take note.

Thanks. I couldn't hold back any longer!

You definitely started my day with a chuckle. Thanks.

Do you think that I'm over reacting to the C.V. that I received?

  • In my opinion, yes that's little over eacting but that is a normal for me. Why? Because you have responsible to maintain your small business. You have obligation as employer to run your small business also to give "daily bread" for your employee. You have big "rock" at your shoulder to carry on, so you need someone to help you get through it, to give your "daily bread" for yourself and your employee.

Have you ever seen one that bad?

  • Sorry I forgot about it, because to many thing bad happen to me when looking for job, but I have one experience which one my candidate employer treated me as "human". I got that job but I can not join them. The reason in my heart...... I do not know.....????

Do you think that he was just fulfilling his obligation to "look for work" while on unemployment benefits?

  • May be..... because I do not know the meaning about unemployment benefit.

What is the work situation like in your area?

  • I ever worked with "devil employer". I can not tell you because it is long story. You can see Film or Video with title "Devil wear prada". That situation in that movie is similiar with me.


Oh my goodness! I hope you will not be offended but this had me laughing so hard it brightened my outlook after a nasty day of research. Funny but not so funny as you have to endure these kinds of people lacking in so many skills. It is true the public schools have failed the children miserably. Many no longer can write but only print and on and on it goes. I know this is serious stuff but I still can't stop laughing. Maybe you should put out an Ebook if you had enough of these stories because they are both interesting and funny.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

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Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

This guy clearly had no idea how to use a computer and well the phone call proves he also has no personal communication skills. So... I get it, what skill could he have that could be useful in any way? Because those are the only two skills of any value in this world.

But the truth is, we all find something to complain about.
I live in the city I was raised in, the city my great grandfather and grandfather were raised in. I take on contract jobs because they exist. What I hear from employers time and time again are stories about how inept their employees are. The complaining makes me sick. The first thing I think is "I'm glad I'm just a contractor with no obligation but to finish this job, not figure out the legal details of how you want your business to operate." I refuse to read any documents regarding legal obligations as they may cloud my moral judgment. But then I have two alternative thoughts "If I find out they talk about me like this, I don't need to work for them anymore." and "Whatever your employees are doing, it's working because they still have a job through you." I've even heard someone complain about needing to "drug test". I was in such a LOL state after that, I had to go write a Steemit post on it."
Now, I'm just sick of complaining myself.

So getting back to guidance for job seekers. Let's be honest unless you are submitting to a job board, they will not go back and check all your references. So you put the name number email and address of someone you worked for(with) on a list... Now underneath that, you put some positive comment(in quotes and italicized) you can think of that is close to a quote from them(They might call and check "Is this what you said..." "Um... yeh I guess, it must have been after..."). If you can make the quote relate to the current potential employer good add. Then make these quotes and the intro letter as sycophantic as possible. ...and... your in.

Hey sounds like you've had some nasty "employers". The letter and the phone call were two different people.

I admire you for doing contract work!

All the best to you @luke490!

When I look at what people throughout the rest of the world have to deal with in interacting with their employers, I count my lucky stars. All people living in Mobile should.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

La tua storia e incredibile ma almeno divertente!
Non posso credere che vivi nel Svizzera. La mi sembra piu come da Bangladesh

Si ma secondo me non vuole un lavoro ma solo la prova che sta cercando!

Ah yes, the cover letter and resume! When I was in a position to hire people I immediately rejected the ones with spelling and grammar errors. Firstly, I was in the newspaper business and headed the obituary department. I needed someone who knew the difference between Cavalry and Calvary, or typed public viewing instead of PUBIC viewing (it's happened). So, if they don't care about their OWN things then how can I expect them to care about perfect strangers?

Sounds like you've got some funny stories. Do I smell a post arriving?

Literally could be called tales from the crypt. LOL
But if you want funny then I posted a video today. You might get a laugh!

Good one!

Interesting post. Look for me!

I'm glad that you found it interesting. Sure I'll have a look.

I learnt something from it . its nice man

Hi @bushman, nice of you to stop by!

@kus-knee, I think your rant is totally justified! I have been in business for myself for a long time, including a couple of periods where I dealt with hiring and firing employees.

"are you hiring?" their whole demeanor and attitude literally screams at me that it is a major imposition on their lives that they even have to ask. In a sense, they make me feel like it's their belief I should just hand them 500 USD simply for breathing and let them go to lunch!I agree with @everlove that most people really don't want a job. For some of the ones who now walk into our gallery and ask

One of the things I notice more and more is a lack of patience. I don't know if its a result of our faster and faster world, in which "communication" is now considered a 140-character twitter message... but with jobs, it almost feels like people (especially age 30 and under) expect to come in, work hard (fair enough) and then be manager of the company after 3 months. Definitely NOT "fair enough."

There is no doubt that life is difficult, economically speaking... I have recently heard a couple of people say that "JOB" is just an abbreviation for "Just Over Broke." Which, of course, does not tend to inspire people very much. And yet... we (and job applicants) still need to do our best and make a good impression. As a person with a small company, I also want people to work who represent the company well... not slobs who don't care.

The worst one I had was a young man who came in and gave a 10 minute "lecture" on what to do to make our shop better... and by his words made it perfectly clear that he had absolutely no practical experience. When I said we didn't have a place available, he replied "Oh well, YOUR loss," like I had just dismissed great genius.

The work situation here is not good-- this is largely a town that depends on tourism; the available jobs here tend to all be lower wage in the hospitality industry and sales, but it is quite expensive to live here-- rent is quite high. Which now means more and more people who work here cannot live here-- they have to either drive 45 minutes or take the bus for an hour from places where they can afford to live.

It 's nice to learn from your perspective and experience. Thanks for the comment!