This guy clearly had no idea how to use a computer and well the phone call proves he also has no personal communication skills. So... I get it, what skill could he have that could be useful in any way? Because those are the only two skills of any value in this world.
But the truth is, we all find something to complain about.
I live in the city I was raised in, the city my great grandfather and grandfather were raised in. I take on contract jobs because they exist. What I hear from employers time and time again are stories about how inept their employees are. The complaining makes me sick. The first thing I think is "I'm glad I'm just a contractor with no obligation but to finish this job, not figure out the legal details of how you want your business to operate." I refuse to read any documents regarding legal obligations as they may cloud my moral judgment. But then I have two alternative thoughts "If I find out they talk about me like this, I don't need to work for them anymore." and "Whatever your employees are doing, it's working because they still have a job through you." I've even heard someone complain about needing to "drug test". I was in such a LOL state after that, I had to go write a Steemit post on it."
Now, I'm just sick of complaining myself.
So getting back to guidance for job seekers. Let's be honest unless you are submitting to a job board, they will not go back and check all your references. So you put the name number email and address of someone you worked for(with) on a list... Now underneath that, you put some positive comment(in quotes and italicized) you can think of that is close to a quote from them(They might call and check "Is this what you said..." "Um... yeh I guess, it must have been after..."). If you can make the quote relate to the current potential employer good add. Then make these quotes and the intro letter as sycophantic as possible. ...and... your in.
Hey sounds like you've had some nasty "employers". The letter and the phone call were two different people.
I admire you for doing contract work!
All the best to you @luke490!
When I look at what people throughout the rest of the world have to deal with in interacting with their employers, I count my lucky stars. All people living in Mobile should.
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