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RE: The Old Dog Advises: If You’re Looking For a Job Don’t do This! Do This Instead!

in #unemployment8 years ago

Do you think that I'm over reacting to the C.V. that I received?

  • In my opinion, yes that's little over eacting but that is a normal for me. Why? Because you have responsible to maintain your small business. You have obligation as employer to run your small business also to give "daily bread" for your employee. You have big "rock" at your shoulder to carry on, so you need someone to help you get through it, to give your "daily bread" for yourself and your employee.

Have you ever seen one that bad?

  • Sorry I forgot about it, because to many thing bad happen to me when looking for job, but I have one experience which one my candidate employer treated me as "human". I got that job but I can not join them. The reason in my heart...... I do not know.....????

Do you think that he was just fulfilling his obligation to "look for work" while on unemployment benefits?

  • May be..... because I do not know the meaning about unemployment benefit.

What is the work situation like in your area?

  • I ever worked with "devil employer". I can not tell you because it is long story. You can see Film or Video with title "Devil wear prada". That situation in that movie is similiar with me.



Oh my goodness! I hope you will not be offended but this had me laughing so hard it brightened my outlook after a nasty day of research. Funny but not so funny as you have to endure these kinds of people lacking in so many skills. It is true the public schools have failed the children miserably. Many no longer can write but only print and on and on it goes. I know this is serious stuff but I still can't stop laughing. Maybe you should put out an Ebook if you had enough of these stories because they are both interesting and funny.

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