To shift from slave think is a tough and challenging process. It requires that we learn how to have healthy, respectful, balanced, centered relationships with our self, our body, Creator, Mother Earth and all the other kings and queens on this planet. Peace, patience, non-violence, love, kindness and goodness are all necessary skills and attributes to work on during that process. Towards others, but most importantly towards self!
Self-love and respect are the hardest to learn on this journey and to feel worthy of self-governance. We have been indoctrinated since birth that we need others to care for us, that we are weak and incompetent to do so ourselves. It is a journey worth the effort.
My friend, once again I agree with you 100%. It was indeed the toughest journey for me and I know many others who still struggle with self-love, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness. We are taught that it is selfish to do this type of work. Shame, guilt and other covert violent behaviours are used to prevent people from doing this work. It is sad, but it is shifting too. People are doing it despite the covert violence of others.