"Law of the few" or "tipping point" as in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tipping_Point
It seems off-grid living (basic needs like food, water, energy) is not an issue with the government here.
The first step is to be an example or a living testimony of off-grid living to others in a peaceful way. Then through circle of influence build up the numbers and the community of like-minded individuals. As the community increases its numbers, sooner or later some individuals will have the connection to other individuals in the government through their circle of influence. Hopefully, new laws will be written to be more off-grid living friendly and dealing with other problems.
As a matter of fact, through similar bottom-to-top movement, the city here has recently allowed city residents keeping up to 10 fowls, 2 goats, and a mini-pig in the backyard. We are talking about fresh chicken eggs and goat milk every morning! It's a nice step toward off-grid living on food.
Rain barrels are not only allowed but encouraged in the city. The city even runs regular free classes on rainwater collection and gives out free rain barrels.
The issue with that is those with any actual power in government are in it for wealth, which the powers that shouldn't be (the hidden hands) have unlimited amounts.
I agree that they shouldn't have. Even some are in it mostly because of lust for power or greed, I have seen public opinions in social media force them to be more transparent nowadays.
By the way, at the end of the day, no matter how bad it was during the day, it's no longer bad when I can have a walk in my garden to collect and harvest legally raised and grown off-grid food in my garden in the city.
However, I look forward to the day I can be truly self-governance and off-grid in a rural area!
If things go their way. There will be no rural land left for any of us.
Why do they have unlimited amounts? Is it possible that that unlimited power actually has limits and that limit is our own participation with the very systems they use to siphon that power from the people? So in actual fact, the real power rests with us. All that is required is for us to realize how that power is given to them through our own ignorance and hold onto it for ourselves instead. Game up! But the implications of that simple choice are immense and most people are not ready yet to even contemplate that choice, let alone implement it!