Debate Forum - Week 1 - Sponsored in part by @FullTimeGeek

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Over the years people have been expressing their frustration with governments around the world as they seem out of touch with the average Jane and Joe.  There is a lot of discussions about how to solve the problem with the greed, corruption, massive debt, continual war, pollution, trade agreements and even pedophilia that has gone rampant in the halls of power.

This weeks Debate Forum question: Do we continue to work towards cleaning up existing government, financial and economic institutions, revolt or do we explore peaceful self-governance as an alternative?  How do you see this unfolding?

The rules of this debate:

  1. Keep comments on topic.
  2. No personal attacks, name calling or yelling.  
  3. Be respectful, thoughtful and articulate with your thoughts and views.
  4. Participants can ask questions but lets limit the discussion threads to three deep.  That means the individual can respond to the question posed and then the thread must stop.  
  5. The post with the highest vote count will win the debate.  Highest value will not be used to determine the winner but will naturally reward commenters who make excellent points.  That way everyone's vote counts the same when it comes to the final prize.  I will break any ties.
  6. Debate deadline is 10pm MST December 2, 2017.  At which point I will then tabulate the results and send the prize to the winner.
  7. Curators are encourage to vote as well, giving higher percentage upvotes for well thought out and written responses, lower or no vote for anybody who breaks the rules or fails to articulate their position.  
  8. Winner will receive all the SBD that I receive from this post, complements of the curators who are participating and partially sponsored by @FullTimeGeek.  
  9. I am the moderator and as such I disqualify myself from winning.  My decisions are final and I will keep any steem this post generates.  I will not tolerate covert or overt violence in this debate.  Please keep it respectful and on topic.

The goal of this contest is to engage the readers with thoughtful debate and to explore ideas that are not commonly made available to the average Jane and Joe.  I also want to see if this is a good way to get low steem users participating and being rewarded with steem to help them build influence on this platform.  Readers are reminded that all comments are the opinions of those who are posting and as such it is your responsibility to do your own research and make up your own mind on these topics.  There is no write or wrong answer.  Let us debate this issue with respect, honour, dignity, heart and intelligence.  

1960 debate between Nixon and JFK. (public domain)

  1. cleaning up existing government, financial and economic institutions
  2. revolt
  3. peaceful self-governance

So as I see it, the three methods cited for change are individually not possible ! But when combined they make for a powerful tool for mankind to address the clear dangers we face right now !
What if we combined all three ?
What if all people from all nations had their own account on a blockchain very similar to Steemit ! Where the problems we face could be exposed, addressed and by this method solved ? I truly believe that all soveriegn citezens from all nations could by this technology vote on world issues and in a manner which would be totally transparent and free from cohersion and political manipulation ! As the rule of nature would be in play "the survival of the fittest" in ideas would be visible and the solutions to any given problem would would be made available, uptaken and exercised !
I feel that through blockchain technology we could have world votes on important issues we are facing, that the true consensus of peoples could be reached and applied by this manner!
The solution to all of our problems is right here before us on our screen !
The despotic centralised governments run by the power mad and greedy should by this world connection of individuals be removed and finally the pressing issues we all see and face could be addressed in a fair and open manner !
The world is ours and given to us by our ancestors blood, in this new age of cyber expression we no longer have need of a small group of people that dictate to us how we should live, as this decision can be built by us all with one click of our mouse !

Thankyou @wwf for this brilliant initiative, this idea is the beginning of great things I am sure ) Steem Absolutely On !

So what you propose then is a blockchain technology to allow people to vote on issues as a democracy. How do you propose to enforce the results of that vote? Would you not require a police force to ensure the wishes of the majority are being carried out and what about the wishs of the minority? Would that not end up being a mob rule scenario? Or would it work more like a republic where everyone has a veto? There are many who are suggesting that a blockchain technology could either free us or enslave us. The line between the two ends up being very thin so caution is required.

I also agree with you in that a hybrid approach may be necessary is the majority of people are either unable or unwilling to govern themselves yet. So the need for government is still necessary. However, through education and hard work, there should be no reason why a transition from dependency to freedom could not take place.

You say combine all 3. How would that look? It seems like you have given a 4th option of using blockchain. Or maybe it is not a 4th option but a tool to be used. In either case I don't see how blockchain combines all 3? Please clarify.

Yes you have got the thing i am trying to put across @jet.wilda ! As indeed the blockchain terchnology we know and use now already in steemit is just a tool by which we could remove the need of centralised governnance by the few of the many ! This would be the revolt desperatlely needed, which would be of course pacific in nature ! Every inhabitant of this world could have an account set up, with proof of individuality with his or her passport as verification for this ! Then all people of all nations would be able to connect and see current issues and probllems we face ! With people and communities exposing their specific soilutions to specific problems ! The best solution or one that recieved the most votes or consensus of opinion would be the one implemented and used as the solution to the problem exposed ! Seems pretty clear and simple to me ! So you see by this manner we could indeed implement a peaceful revolt against the centralised tyranny we see today where the people of the world could find their voice and right to self governance through transparent vote and expression with Blockcahin Technology !

We cannot look for solutions to problems from the system that created them in the first place! Peacefully replace the current system would be the best option. I'm hoping
that platforms like Steemit can be the new currency of thought. Spreading the word in person and creating community here actually turns our thoughts and creative action into currency! If we can take back the currency from the central bankers that would be a great victory.

Peaceful civil disobedience would help. While the future may look bleak to some, I still hold out hope humanity may be able to break free from the mind control and propaganda placed on it by governance. Collective community here on platforms like Steemit, cryptocurrencies, and spreading information person to person are some solutions to moving mankind foward as conscienceness accelerates this revolution of the mind

Being disobedient would imply a parent / child relationship, so I've used the term peaceful non-compliance instead. How does creating currency result in freedom? How do you see self-governance being supported by a currency or blockchain?

If we can replace the current fiat system, maybe we will have an opportunity to change peoples idea's of what currency is or has potential to be. This would be a transitional step toward self governance. I have not yet invested into cryptocurrency, I only have Steem dollars earned by posts and up votes which isnt much. I see there is value in the things you and others post as information or entertainment. That community is our currency, even tho we are thousands of miles away! We should share. I have transferred SBD to others whom I appreciate and will continue to do so.

I remain skeptical on both the block chain and cryptocurrencies. I am hopeful that both can be a vehicle towards self governance.

every revolution had a leader, and its not easy to find the right one, if all the people wanted to do something, then they need some idols, so again leaders come up ... Iran had a revolution, because before us, our father's were thinking that government was wrong and they have to change it, taking the king down... so a leader came and he told people : I will bring freedom! I will share all the goods with all the people, free oil, free electricity and more .... .
but well now you can come and see what was the result. ( the result was lies)
I also want all the things that you said, I dont want a government to rule us, and I want people to have the same power, nobody should have more power than the others. but again we will find out that some people are doing crimes, so we need to create a group of people to take care of cities and places ... . because all the people of the world are not good, crimes happen everywhere, and as I know, some people ( I mean criminals) never change, even if you try your best, he may love to kill or love to rape or ... .
so again we will create police stations.
then they will need a boss again to organised.
then that boss need a group to check what is he doing, to make sure he is doing his job ok.
and well in all the parts of our new system, which has no government, we need groups of people to take care of those places, actually we will create a new government which we call it People's government, Like Iran when they said : No west , No east, Islamic Republic , and what people who did that revolution in Iran was saying : Independence , Freedom, Islamic Republic, in their thought Islam was a thing to change everything and make everything good and make freedom and make equality and ...
but well bad people, started their work, and they used people, people never knew that this will happen to them.

so after all that I said, I just mean we have to learn from the history, I remember when a revolution happened in Egypt they said we won't do it like Iranian, but they exactly did it way wronger than us, and many people died in there, and outside power came to choose for them.

I don't know if there is a way or not but I just wanna write my wishes in here :

peace and love between all the people of the world.
all the people of the world see that we are all equal and we are all humans.
we don't need countries, we need a United world, no borders, we need free world, like If I wanted to go to your country or you want to come here, you dont have to pass exams to come here or I dont have to pass exams to be accepted to be there.
If I wanted to go to another country in europe : they ask do you have money in your bank account? they ask me to make a huge money then you can be here.
they use colored visa cards and any other things, we don't need cards, like old world, people could travel with horses around the world, they could go anywhere, there was no soldier with guns in their hands to kill them ... .
refuge is not good in my mind, I think all the people are the same, nobody is different, I can be chinese, american, arab, Iranian, African, I can be one of them, why not? because humans like to make groups and look different to others. ( i know it's about geography and history which all these places became like this and all these borders are from the past, but I wish we didn't had any border.
example : look : he is not one of us!! he speak bla bla, his color is different, his face is different, we have to keep our traditions, we have to keep our race!! this happen!!
everybody knows, and with these ideas!! when they grow more, they will destroy others with other races as they think.
I felt it, and I saw it! racist is not a thing that only some group has, racist is in all the world!!
and I wish that racist will finish one day, and all the people start to communicate with each other, maybe if humans from the start had one language, then they hadn't much problems, because I saw that when I talked different in a group of people with another language, they looked at me different, they didn't liked me like their race, they more liked to take care of their race!
also different religions had effects on people, cause anyone think his religion is more true and the other ones are wrong, we need to find a solution for that too.
these are all I could say, other comments also wrote great ones, and I was thinking that I can't say better but I just said all that I know and all that I was thinking.
thank you so much for this opportunity. :)

The problem with a one world united no countries/no borders is that it's exactly what the powers that shouldn't be want. But not for the good of humanity, not to unite all nations in peace and harmony but to rule over all of them under a one world government enforced by a global military police force. It's the road to enslavement, a 'brace new world' Truth is we should have all our own countries and cultures and traditions(separately). We only have war and hate because we have been manipulated by governments and the (controlled)media that has programmed and terrorized us into fighting over land and resources, not for us, but for the ruling class. People in general are peaceful and kind.

Research agenda 2030

it's all true about powers and media, but why we dont have to be free in this world? why do we need borders? why should we be separated? separation made us different, made us think that the other ones are not us!, but if we look from a zoom out to the world we will see it's only us, and if we had a real united world not united nations for USA, then if anything happen everywhere, people will take each other's hands, then people wouldn't say : fuck it it's not in my country so it's none of my business, let them die ...
air pollution, it's none of my business let it be ...
they asked china why do you keep making pollutions, then they said : first ask USA to stop it, because they have more effect on air than us.
but anyway, this means separation, and you see, it's not working.
you are living in a country, why your country shouldn't be my country? why my country shouldn't be your country? why can't we share this world? from start of life of humans, they looked for lands, and they just said this land is mine...
brother, we will die when our life time is ended, but future people will understand what I meant. ( before us, these lands were for other races and now it's became lands for the races that we see today, all of us will die and after us other races will create their countries and get separated again and own lands of the world!)
I want all the races to be together! and call themselves Humans!
my problem is your problem, your problem is my problem, because we live in the same boat, and if one of us start to destroy this boat, the others will die too.
man should understand that this planet is not a blackboard to draw lines on it and call each part of it "a room for only one group". it also looks like jails ..., any of us living in a jail which we call it country.

Country and Border :

No Country No Border :

People don't care what happens to someone in their own neighborhood. Countries and borders have nothing to do with the state of apathy in society.

You take away the country and borders it wouldn't suddenly cause to people to care about what happen to others on the other side of the world.

Regardless of drawn out borders there's still a geological barrier, physical land that separates people.

Yes civilizations comes and goes but we all remain human regardless of these differences in our cultures.

No countries, no borders, no cultures, no identity, no difference, no resistance, only asimulation and world domination.

These are the things the powers that shouldn't be want.

A brave new world, we will all be one race, one nation, with one leader all crammed into megacities in our tiny shared living spaces among the internet of things, awarding us credits for every appropriate action we take day to day. You can bet there will be no procreation outside of a laboratory.

Agenda 2030.

as you said :"People don't care what happens to someone in their own neighborhood."
it depends on those people, it depends on their situation, it depends on their study, study has a huge effect on people.. (and also all the people are not like that.)
countries and borders are not only about that problem which I said, I mean, If you wanna walk or ride or drive or fly to another country, you can't! because they have to check you! you can't go to any sea, because they may shoot at you or take you as a person who passed the border!!
in that part I meant this, I meant that I just wish that our world could be free,
you don't know how many people die to go to for example Australia, or USA or ... they go in a wrong way, because governments don't allow people to go everywhere that they want to go.
If I go to another country I will have a timer on my head and if I didn't had a place in there or married someone and also in most of countries they ask foreigners to have huge amount of money then they can go there, they will easily shoot me out!
I just want a free world, I wanna go anywhere that I want without any rule, look how much USA banned Iran, or other countries, they can't go there ...
I hate of borders, I hate of country rules ... even my country rules! all!
in this part you said :
"No countries, no borders, no cultures, no identity, no difference, no resistance, only asimulation and world domination."

you mean powers want it? powers can also say good words but they can act like a wolf inside a sheep skin!
so if my words are like their words it doesn't mean that my way is like their way ...
no country doesn't mean attacking and destroying countries! I want peace between all the people of the world. and I know my wish is not easy to happen, I know that people can't take down all the governments in one day and if there was no plan before it, then all the places will become full of war and tensions. so always there need a good leader which after he did what he have to do for all the people, people don't have to give that leader power, people have to let the power be for all, not for a group or one person, they only need a person to lead, cause you know that if there was nobody to start a work then nobody would like to start or join.
thanks brother for replies

The debate constraints specify two strategies:

  • Fixing the broken system
  • Crafting an alternative system.

I submit that neither approach will succeed because because the flaw in ALL forms of governance is that most people will act in their own self interest BEFORE they act in the interest of the community, over time. We all have moments of selflessness but rarely sustain them.

Let’s quickly dismiss any attempt to repair the current governments. In every manifestation these forms of governance are examples of a few in power attempting to maintain an acceptable level of contentment for the masses. Their goal is to retain power and avoid rebellion. (I take this to be self evident and do not cite references to save space.)

The second strategy is generally called self governance. While admirable, every historic attempt I know of to establish a self- governing community (not to mention state or nation) has eventually failed. There is often early success but over time they morph into a dictatorship or disintegrate in chaos. Their duration is typically the generation of the founders. (Again, a quick search will reveal the supporting evidence. If I have missed one please tell me and I will quickly join that group, if they’ll have me ;-)

The principles of self-governance are deceptively simple. Just “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We all know WHAT we’re supposed to do but we all repeatedly fail to live our lives by that maxim. Our self interests will, over time, trump the interests of the community. When the crop fails and we’re all starving most parents will feed their own child before they feed the neighbor's child.

So is there ANY viable alternative? I think YES. It is merely a hybrid approach. The strategy is roughly as follows:

  • First, learn to “fly under the radar” of your current government. Best is if it doesn’t even know you exist, but that’s rare. Eliminate any dependence you have on it. Expect nothing from it. Contribute as little as possible to it.
  • Second, as an individual learn to be self-sufficient and self-sacrificing. Develop skills useful to a community so that if one forms you can contribute in a valuable way. Develop yourself to be selfless.
  • Third, attempt to find or form a community of like minded individuals. BUT, be very clear that the community will probably NOT out live you and the next generation might have very different ideas and goals.
  • Fourth, accept the practical over the ideal and move towards a benevolent coalition of shared and balanced power that governs the rest of the people. If you put their good above your own they will be happy, at least for a while. This is the REALLY hard part to sustain, especially int o the second generation and beyond.
  • Fifth and final point, choose a location that is warm and sunny, preferably with good surf for @surfermarly and me. Alberta Canada is just TOO cold for most of us! Thanks @WWF and @FullTimeGeek. Let’s hope Steemit as a social experiment can afford us much insight.

Flying under the radar will no longer be possible when the final stages of the smart grid fall into place. There will be no land to take refuge as it will be eaten up in the wild lands project as the UN's agenda 21/2030 rolls on. How do you prepose we stop this global consolidation of land and power?

As @wwf has often pointed out ruling entities (governments) with their "global consolidation ... and power" are merely constructs which they self-define. Typically the ability to actually enforce these dictates are lacking. They most often focus on and enforce the few most critical to their survival. Flying under the radar implies avoiding those dictates most critical to their survival.

For example in the US collection of taxes is VERY important to the government (their 2013 budget was ~13 billion US dollars) but it's based on a concept of "taxable income"; to fly under the tax radar one merely needs to avoid making taxable income.

I don't believe there is a "fix" to the current state of affairs (i.e. central governments, central banks, etc) as we are discussing it here. (There is a solution proposed in The Revelation of the Bible but that's for another forum.) It's like the times when dinosaurs roamed the earth. If you were a small mammal during the Jurassic period you didn't pick a fight with the big guys. You learn to live in the shadows and hide in the bushes until they die off. Look where that strategy got them!

There seems to be much discussion of about the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency versus fiat currency.

I submit that ALL currencies are flawed and subject to control and manipulations by the powers that control them. Yes, even cryptocurrencies are manipulated. If you want proof just follow the current discussons of HF-19 and its ramifications. While the block-chain might be fixed the context in which it's applied isn't.
Our goal should be an economy free of any currency where goods and services are exchanged based on trust. (I hear the laughter now ;-) But if you're trying to be free of what enslaves us you must begin with the whole concept of "currency"!

I agree and the problem rests because in the end, people need to convert the currency to fiat currency in order to pay their bills and taxes. But if people no longer had bills or taxes to pay, then their dependency on the fiat currency is then broken and the cryptocurrency or other forms of trade, barter, etc will have more meaning and be supportable as no conversion is necessary. So how do we break the dependency we have on the fiat currency to ensure that the control of the central bank is broken? Even Steemit is hooked on the US fiat currency at it's core.

The entire world, regardless of country or culture, has "evolved" into currency based systems. While the reason for this state of affairs is debatable its universal presence isn't. So you ask "How can we break the dependency ..?"
Simple answer is to somehow assemble a mass of humans who function on trust within their community rather than by contract. (Deafening laughter again ;-) Currency of any type is simply a convenient contract between people because we inherently don't trust each other. For trust to develop between humans requires a group of humans very different from the ones we know today.
The principle "Love your neighbour as yourself" is believed and accepted by nearly all humans BUT actually lived by very few. The reason is we experience everyday that selfishness prevails in nearly every aspect of our lives. Let's take an easy example. Speaking the truth. I think most of us would agree on what is "truth" when it comes to speaking it (I'm not talking of a metaphysical Truth). So, why do so many people "spin" the facts when they neither gain nor loose anything? Imagine a community/world where everyone simply spoke the truth. No lies, no spin, no creative sequencing, no constructive omissions, and especially no advertising or marketing!

So, to break the dependency on fiat currency you’ll need to figure out how to rewire humanity. For me personally the only way I've found to rewire humans (I can only speak for myself) that is even remotely encouraging is a thorough and deep "study" of Creation and the New Testament.
"Study" isn't the correct word but I can't conjure a better one right now. It's a systematic accrual of the FACTS of nature and the FACTS of the NT. I am NOT talking about religion, doctrines, teachings, denominations, opinions or interpretations. What happens when the facts dwell in us richly is that our minds are renewed; we begin to think differently. For example, if we accrue facts from nature we understand that all life on this planet depends on a balance. If we disrupt that balance we pay the price. So we refrain from disrupting the balance and begin to restore the balance. Once one gets past the religious nonsense and self-serving interpretations imposed on the NT and read the facts it operates in a very similar way.
Sorry, that's probably a lot more than you wanted or asked for. ;-)

What I have found in my own life is to take what I learned from the NT and other sources and implement it in my own life. The translation from idea into life action is where the tires hit the pavement. Actions are louder than words. By integrating the ideas of loving thy neighbour, peace, freedom, patience and all those other qualities end up being expressed in my life style. I'm sure there are other ways to do the same. In the end, by sharing life styles, stories and other accomplishments, we can then influence others to contemplate doing the same. In my view, systems are an extension of the hidden desire to control or manipulate others. All healthy relationships would not have any coercion or force associated with it. Those relationships would be voluntary, loving and cooperative. Over time trust is then established for the mutual benefit of those within that relationship. That is how clans are formed and then people start to benefit from the real community. We can use technology to help facilitate that process but in the end, technology is only a tool. Our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health determines how we use that tool. I read a post about some people approaching the porn industry to bring content to steemit, to help build the popularity of this tool. The sword swings both ways and I am fundamentally apposed to using these tools to engage in violence against others.

This must be lead with leaders who lead by example, not through popular revolt and popularity contests. My love of Creator means I need a one-on-one relationship with creation. That is how Creator provides for me and my family. That is how my needs are met so that I can then serve others along their journey. We must first love ourselves before we can then love others. That means we must look after ourselves first and explore our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. That way when the tools or opportunities are presented, we can use them with integrity, honour and faith. As stewards of this earth, we have a duty and responsibility as you suggested, to ensure all life prospers on this planet. I speak of that a great deal in my book and posts as well. <3 Thank you for your comments.

Now if you'd just move south ;-)
I lived in Cleveland for ten years so I've paid my dues in the snow!
(But I admit that it's beautiful) We get a little in the mountains of NC. That's enough to suffice me. Let me know if you need sun. We have plenty here in Florida.

Florida? Wow. Too hot for me. I feel like moving even farther north as the summers get unbearably hot even here. Anything above 25 is way too warm. Winter and Fall are my favorite seasons. I have a very intimate relationship with the land here, so no plans on moving. Instead, I look forward to spending the rest of my days here on this planet working on my relationship with this little patch of heaven! <3 Enjoy the south my friend.

I read your post on how to keep eggs from freezing and I thought, "Oh my ... "

My guess is all that discussion around currencies is happening because the way the banksters control things is via their currencies. Could you elaborate on what your proposing?

Between those three options :

  • cleaning up existing government, financial and economic institutions
  • revolt
  • peaceful self-governance

Peaceful self-governance seems to be the right answer. The problem that all 3 of these options have is that they all require a lot of effort. Most people are like electricity, they take the path of least resistance. So reaching critical mass (not sure if this is necessary) in any of those options would probably require removing as many barriers or resistance as possible. To me that is why even though the system is not good (though functioning as intended), people deal with it because it is easier then what they would need to do to change it, fix it, or replace it. That leads to a question that is in the same train of thought as @yulem and that is, what other options are there? Or are these 3 the only options?

I think it is important to ask the question: why is it prevalent for people to take the path of least resistance? Is it more based out of fear or is it laziness, ignorance or some other barrier that prevents people from stepping up and doing what is necessary to address the issues we face?

Good questions! I don't think there is a one size fits all answer and that it depends. For myself it has been a combination of laziness/convenience and ignorance. Probably the more I learn then the fear starts to seep in. Stepping up or stepping out would be into the unknown and that can cause anxiety or fear of what we perceive we may lose. It makes me think of what things have caused change for me in the past. Usually there is either a reward I'm striving for or a negative consequence I'm trying to make sure doesn't happen. What about you, what was the source of the changes in your life?

When I went through my recovery from depression and learned about what a healthy relationship looks like, I started to explore and examine ALL my relationships. Not just with family and friends, but also with the state, corporations and the like. When I found out just how violent and abusive the state really was, I had to say no or accept the abuse. However, I learned to love myself and there was no way I would accept that level of abuse. So I chose to take a leap of faith and remove myself from it and confront the abusive behaviour head on. I did it because of the fear. I learned through martial arts that if I AM afraid, I turn and confront it. No runny away any more, which was an old behaviour of mine as I used to avoid confrontation at all costs. No more!

I would explore peaceful self-governance as an alternative.

I can’t run my own household like existing government, financial and economic institutions so I really don’t know how to work towards cleaning them up. They are in the fictional realm driven mostly by some individuals’ desire for power and greed. Examples are government’s irresponsible debt, financial market meltdown, economic institutions’ GMO products and contribution to global warming.

The best thing I can do is to live off-grid starting from food, water, energy, and shelter. Also, connect with a community of like-minded individuals to support and help with each other.

... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. ~Joshua 24:15

Thank you for participating. Bravo. To play devils advocate:

If we petitioned the crown prosecutors to clamp down on fraud, corruption and other criminal code and legislative infractions, we could use the coercive power of the system itself to clean it up. Then we could maintain the system the way it is without disrupting too many peoples lives. We could put the psychopaths in jail and then clean up the streets to make a better life. Having people going off to do their own thing will be problematic with the plan as others will want to do the same thing and that would result in the government loosing control. That is why most governments are clamping down on the off-grid living. They need everyone to participate and cooperate with the central plan. How does your idea deal with the corruption, waste, greed and other problems we see in government now?

"Law of the few" or "tipping point" as in

It seems off-grid living (basic needs like food, water, energy) is not an issue with the government here.

The first step is to be an example or a living testimony of off-grid living to others in a peaceful way. Then through circle of influence build up the numbers and the community of like-minded individuals. As the community increases its numbers, sooner or later some individuals will have the connection to other individuals in the government through their circle of influence. Hopefully, new laws will be written to be more off-grid living friendly and dealing with other problems.

As a matter of fact, through similar bottom-to-top movement, the city here has recently allowed city residents keeping up to 10 fowls, 2 goats, and a mini-pig in the backyard. We are talking about fresh chicken eggs and goat milk every morning! It's a nice step toward off-grid living on food.

Rain barrels are not only allowed but encouraged in the city. The city even runs regular free classes on rainwater collection and gives out free rain barrels.

The issue with that is those with any actual power in government are in it for wealth, which the powers that shouldn't be (the hidden hands) have unlimited amounts.

I agree that they shouldn't have. Even some are in it mostly because of lust for power or greed, I have seen public opinions in social media force them to be more transparent nowadays.

By the way, at the end of the day, no matter how bad it was during the day, it's no longer bad when I can have a walk in my garden to collect and harvest legally raised and grown off-grid food in my garden in the city.

However, I look forward to the day I can be truly self-governance and off-grid in a rural area!

If things go their way. There will be no rural land left for any of us.


Why do they have unlimited amounts? Is it possible that that unlimited power actually has limits and that limit is our own participation with the very systems they use to siphon that power from the people? So in actual fact, the real power rests with us. All that is required is for us to realize how that power is given to them through our own ignorance and hold onto it for ourselves instead. Game up! But the implications of that simple choice are immense and most people are not ready yet to even contemplate that choice, let alone implement it!

In my view, we are already seeing the transformation happen.

Everything that people point to and blame: government, politicians, corporations, the media...they are nothing more than a front....puppets on a string. They are not the masters. Therefore, to try and change any of them is foolish.

So who are the masters? Who is really in control? The answer is the banksters. They own it all. Some might not to dispute this but, sadly for them, they are wrong. Look up 50-100 publicly traded companies on yahoo finance.....look at the institutional will find all the same players...banksters. It doesnt matter the, cars, pharma, oil, even breakfast cereal...all owned by the banksters.

And where does their power come from? Money...specifically, made up fiat money. This is their on ramp to taking over all. They own the corporations by buying up stock with their fiat currency. They own the politicians by funding their campaigns and spreading fiat around K street. The media is nothing more than a handful of corporations, which they control. The educational curriculum is established by them..."research" funded by owned and provided by them. The list goes on.

Cryptocurrency is at the core of the new agenda. This is why the banksters are blasting it at every opportunity. Do you think that if it wasnt a threat, they would even mention it? Of course not. Crypto cannot be controlled and they know it. The central banking system is being threatened right before our eyes. Decentralization means that they can control it, their government had cannot regulate it nor close it....their only option is to use their fiat to buy it. And here comes Wall Street.

The key is for the average person to profit as much as he or she can while the bankers put money in. Bet the ranch this deal will end up in a major bubble...that is bankster 101...they bubble, get out with profits, and re-enter after the pop. This time, we the people need to be out before they pop things and get the profits into some valued assets safe from their greedy hands.

The internet changed the world of communication. While still stiffled some, voices were given to those previously completely muted. Now, through the blockchain, you are seeing a new paradigm in value. Blockchain has the power to topple governments.

That is how powerful it is.

All this may be true but with all that money I'm sure they have some smart blockchain people working on a solution for them. For example Russia may issue their own cryptocurrency and the IMF could do the same So how would we be able to avoid their controlled cryptocurrency replacing their controlled fiat currency?

What is really the difference between their crypto currency and their fiat? At the end of the day, they still control it which is counter to the decentralized system. So what that, in theory, they cant expand it at will (although on ETH they basically can).

The entire point of crypto is that nobody controls it...and the more these countries try, the worse they fail.

Would you by the russian token or LTC/BTC/DASH or whatever coin?

Why do people use their fiat currency? If those same conditions exist for their cryptocurrency then people will just switch and use that. So it really comes down to what do I need to use in order to get the things I need. So at that point you need critical mass of things being made available via a cryptocurrency (or any currency) that they don't control.

I would add that the IMF is also playing with the idea of using blockchain technology to back their currency with physical assets. Meaning that they will take the title of the asset and add it to the blockchain to use the asset as a backing for their cryptocurrency. I urge great caution as this idea is a way for them to then own all the titles as well as all the money. So we really need to be careful on what we support or propose as a solution.


I am still exploring both sides to this. Naturally, I feel like the 'system' and our way of governing (in Canada and USA) is broken to a point where it is not fixable, due to the innate system of power, greed and the dependence it creates in people.

I feel like self governence is the solution, because it gives people freedom as well as responsibility over their own lives. However, I also see that public education could do some good, and hospitals save lives. I do not think that public education and hospitals can only be there if we have a government however, because they are founded upon people. People could still do their jobs and even get paid without the government though. Maybe the question is how do we re-learn to cooperate without the government getting into our business, and how do we deal with violence with peace?
As others have said, the solution seems to be that we have to re-educate ourselves and teach our children how to self-govern and be peaceful, and then self-governance will work.

So in the end, it still comes down to what each individual does with their own life and how they are going to interact with others. Lots of talk about systems, currencies, etc but in the end I can only change myself. So I chose to work on myself first. Then as I explore my own life and relationships I am confronted with how I can interact with others along the way. I choose to influence people rather than try to change them or engage in force or coercion. This is, I believe, the root cause of peace and why we fail to find it in this world. The sad thing is that we must do this despite the war and chaos going on around us. I agree with you @skycae. I'm not convinced that the solution is based in a system at all, but rather in a state of mind and spirit. When we allow spirit to express itself within our lives, then we will see great change. Spirit is an untapped force upon this earth that has GREAT influence that most people avoid exploring. In the end, blockchains, cryptocurrencies, governments and other systems are still fictional constructs and are susceptible to disruption and corruption. Spirit centric governance models have not been discussed here yet.

Well said that we can only change ourselves! What would "Spirit centric governance models" look like or what are some of them?

I don't know. I'm exploring that question and I attempt to answer it in my book. But until we all start exploring that question and working through the implications of a spirit centric governance model, I don't have an answer for you. My heart does tell me though that it will manifest all by itself as we explore those questions and there will be millions of different ways to express it. It will be beautiful and simple when we "get it". So if I have to make a bunch of mistakes along the way, so be it. <3 But I am fully committed to exploring spirit centric governance within my own life and I find that the environment that I live in plays a huge role in how it unfolds. The indigenous feel that the law form is governed by the land, aka natural law. I am exploring those law forms as well. I don't want to dismiss anything at this point.

"Spirit-centric governance" is , I believe, what is described in Nature and the NT. (I did NOT say religion or its divisive teachings and practices) I submit that the NT describes and instructs how to "walk in spirit. That understanding of the NT has been hidden by all the self-serving teachings emanating from the various dividing factions of Christianity seeking to bolster their personal power and privilege. Of all the other "religious" texts I've read the Eight Fold Path also describes a set of practices very similar to what is in the NT. That original teaching has, like the teachings of Christ, been divided, adulterated and exploited for personal gain. The problem isn't that we don't know what to do it's that we refuse to do it!

PS - @wwf would you please set up an account on so I can send a direct message and not clutter this post? At your convenience of course.


I'm glad you're doing this! Debate is so needed. I am resteeming!

yes well done @dakini5d for the resteem, I have just done the same ! This is a greast initiative and is exactly the sort of thing which I hoped to see grow in this great platform of blockchain of exchange in ideas ! this dedbate is essential as time is indeed running out on us !

thank you as well! <3 Again, thank you for the support.

Thank you. I am astounded at the discussion this generated. Giddy with excitement. I appreciate the support!

hey, I like all of these long replies :)