You say combine all 3. How would that look? It seems like you have given a 4th option of using blockchain. Or maybe it is not a 4th option but a tool to be used. In either case I don't see how blockchain combines all 3? Please clarify.
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Yes you have got the thing i am trying to put across @jet.wilda ! As indeed the blockchain terchnology we know and use now already in steemit is just a tool by which we could remove the need of centralised governnance by the few of the many ! This would be the revolt desperatlely needed, which would be of course pacific in nature ! Every inhabitant of this world could have an account set up, with proof of individuality with his or her passport as verification for this ! Then all people of all nations would be able to connect and see current issues and probllems we face ! With people and communities exposing their specific soilutions to specific problems ! The best solution or one that recieved the most votes or consensus of opinion would be the one implemented and used as the solution to the problem exposed ! Seems pretty clear and simple to me ! So you see by this manner we could indeed implement a peaceful revolt against the centralised tyranny we see today where the people of the world could find their voice and right to self governance through transparent vote and expression with Blockcahin Technology !