There seems to be much discussion of about the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency versus fiat currency.
I submit that ALL currencies are flawed and subject to control and manipulations by the powers that control them. Yes, even cryptocurrencies are manipulated. If you want proof just follow the current discussons of HF-19 and its ramifications. While the block-chain might be fixed the context in which it's applied isn't.
Our goal should be an economy free of any currency where goods and services are exchanged based on trust. (I hear the laughter now ;-) But if you're trying to be free of what enslaves us you must begin with the whole concept of "currency"!
I agree and the problem rests because in the end, people need to convert the currency to fiat currency in order to pay their bills and taxes. But if people no longer had bills or taxes to pay, then their dependency on the fiat currency is then broken and the cryptocurrency or other forms of trade, barter, etc will have more meaning and be supportable as no conversion is necessary. So how do we break the dependency we have on the fiat currency to ensure that the control of the central bank is broken? Even Steemit is hooked on the US fiat currency at it's core.
The entire world, regardless of country or culture, has "evolved" into currency based systems. While the reason for this state of affairs is debatable its universal presence isn't. So you ask "How can we break the dependency ..?"
Simple answer is to somehow assemble a mass of humans who function on trust within their community rather than by contract. (Deafening laughter again ;-) Currency of any type is simply a convenient contract between people because we inherently don't trust each other. For trust to develop between humans requires a group of humans very different from the ones we know today.
The principle "Love your neighbour as yourself" is believed and accepted by nearly all humans BUT actually lived by very few. The reason is we experience everyday that selfishness prevails in nearly every aspect of our lives. Let's take an easy example. Speaking the truth. I think most of us would agree on what is "truth" when it comes to speaking it (I'm not talking of a metaphysical Truth). So, why do so many people "spin" the facts when they neither gain nor loose anything? Imagine a community/world where everyone simply spoke the truth. No lies, no spin, no creative sequencing, no constructive omissions, and especially no advertising or marketing!
So, to break the dependency on fiat currency you’ll need to figure out how to rewire humanity. For me personally the only way I've found to rewire humans (I can only speak for myself) that is even remotely encouraging is a thorough and deep "study" of Creation and the New Testament.
"Study" isn't the correct word but I can't conjure a better one right now. It's a systematic accrual of the FACTS of nature and the FACTS of the NT. I am NOT talking about religion, doctrines, teachings, denominations, opinions or interpretations. What happens when the facts dwell in us richly is that our minds are renewed; we begin to think differently. For example, if we accrue facts from nature we understand that all life on this planet depends on a balance. If we disrupt that balance we pay the price. So we refrain from disrupting the balance and begin to restore the balance. Once one gets past the religious nonsense and self-serving interpretations imposed on the NT and read the facts it operates in a very similar way.
Sorry, that's probably a lot more than you wanted or asked for. ;-)
What I have found in my own life is to take what I learned from the NT and other sources and implement it in my own life. The translation from idea into life action is where the tires hit the pavement. Actions are louder than words. By integrating the ideas of loving thy neighbour, peace, freedom, patience and all those other qualities end up being expressed in my life style. I'm sure there are other ways to do the same. In the end, by sharing life styles, stories and other accomplishments, we can then influence others to contemplate doing the same. In my view, systems are an extension of the hidden desire to control or manipulate others. All healthy relationships would not have any coercion or force associated with it. Those relationships would be voluntary, loving and cooperative. Over time trust is then established for the mutual benefit of those within that relationship. That is how clans are formed and then people start to benefit from the real community. We can use technology to help facilitate that process but in the end, technology is only a tool. Our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health determines how we use that tool. I read a post about some people approaching the porn industry to bring content to steemit, to help build the popularity of this tool. The sword swings both ways and I am fundamentally apposed to using these tools to engage in violence against others.
This must be lead with leaders who lead by example, not through popular revolt and popularity contests. My love of Creator means I need a one-on-one relationship with creation. That is how Creator provides for me and my family. That is how my needs are met so that I can then serve others along their journey. We must first love ourselves before we can then love others. That means we must look after ourselves first and explore our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. That way when the tools or opportunities are presented, we can use them with integrity, honour and faith. As stewards of this earth, we have a duty and responsibility as you suggested, to ensure all life prospers on this planet. I speak of that a great deal in my book and posts as well. <3 Thank you for your comments.
Now if you'd just move south ;-)
I lived in Cleveland for ten years so I've paid my dues in the snow!
(But I admit that it's beautiful) We get a little in the mountains of NC. That's enough to suffice me. Let me know if you need sun. We have plenty here in Florida.
Florida? Wow. Too hot for me. I feel like moving even farther north as the summers get unbearably hot even here. Anything above 25 is way too warm. Winter and Fall are my favorite seasons. I have a very intimate relationship with the land here, so no plans on moving. Instead, I look forward to spending the rest of my days here on this planet working on my relationship with this little patch of heaven! <3 Enjoy the south my friend.
I read your post on how to keep eggs from freezing and I thought, "Oh my ... "
lol. We found a way! <3
My guess is all that discussion around currencies is happening because the way the banksters control things is via their currencies. Could you elaborate on what your proposing?