We cannot look for solutions to problems from the system that created them in the first place! Peacefully replace the current system would be the best option. I'm hoping
that platforms like Steemit can be the new currency of thought. Spreading the word in person and creating community here actually turns our thoughts and creative action into currency! If we can take back the currency from the central bankers that would be a great victory.
Peaceful civil disobedience would help. While the future may look bleak to some, I still hold out hope humanity may be able to break free from the mind control and propaganda placed on it by governance. Collective community here on platforms like Steemit, cryptocurrencies, and spreading information person to person are some solutions to moving mankind foward as conscienceness accelerates this revolution of the mind
Being disobedient would imply a parent / child relationship, so I've used the term peaceful non-compliance instead. How does creating currency result in freedom? How do you see self-governance being supported by a currency or blockchain?
If we can replace the current fiat system, maybe we will have an opportunity to change peoples idea's of what currency is or has potential to be. This would be a transitional step toward self governance. I have not yet invested into cryptocurrency, I only have Steem dollars earned by posts and up votes which isnt much. I see there is value in the things you and others post as information or entertainment. That community is our currency, even tho we are thousands of miles away! We should share. I have transferred SBD to others whom I appreciate and will continue to do so.
I remain skeptical on both the block chain and cryptocurrencies. I am hopeful that both can be a vehicle towards self governance.