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RE: The War Against Life Escalates

in #ungrip6 years ago
As stewards of the land, it is their responsibility to protect the land, water and air as we are borrowing it from the next seven generations yet to come.

What do you mean by that? Is that a random number or based on some prophecy or something?

We MUST resist this urge and instead focus all our efforts to healing, peace, freedom, independence, self sufficiency and love.

Well said! If we go into hatred, we spiral down to their level. No more LOOSH for the controllers. They need a good hug!


The indigenous peoples have long stood on the principle that they are responsible for stewarding the land to ensure it is available for the next seven generations. It is not a prophecy found in scripture or anything like that but rather a foundational principle of stewardship that they have used for thousands of years. When we choose to harvest or gather anything from Mother Earth for our own needs, we must also be consciously aware of the impacts for future generations. This is a valuable and important process to ensure that we are not doing harm to Mother Earth, jeopardizing the ability of future generations to live on this land and prosper.

I would suggest that the colonial empire does not live by this foundational principle and as such, jeopardizes not only life currently here, but has significantly impacted the capacity of future generations in significant ways.

Thank you for the explanation.

My mission for 2019 is to buy land in Costa Rica and be 100% self-reliant on that. I want to make it ready for gatherings of tribes, to do some healing work and ceremonies there.

I am very interested in the gathering you were writing about for this year. I hope to read more about that on your profile when it comes to that!

I will make sure that I share all my work as I feel the coming times require that we connect and share as much as possible to prepare. Thanks for your interest in my work. Peace to you and may Creator bless you and your projects with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.