The War Against Life Escalates

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday afternoon RCMP used force, violence, assault weapons and other means to take down the check points used to protect Unist'ot'en land in what most colonial people call northern British Columbia.  14 people were arrested during the military action.

 "The RCMP respects the Indigenous rights and titles in BC and across Canada," - Statement issued by the RCMP prior to this engagement. 

Bull Shit!  Does that look like respect?  

I want to be very clear on what is happening here and around the world.  Police are para-military forces used to occupy land and to protect the interests of the sovereign, in this case it is Queen Elizabeth II.  They don't give a shit about anything else.  Their job is to protect her interests only.  Her colonial empire started generations ago and has conquered a vast portion of the world through violence, genocide and military conquest.  These empires use feudal principles to control and use the people that are willing to work for these empires in exchange for benefits and privileges.   

In their view, anybody who is not a part of the empire and being in service to that empire is an enemy of the state.  I have no doubt that I too have been labeled an 'enemy' as well, despite my dedication to peace.

Make no mistake, the Queen claims ALL the land that people call 'Canada' and that includes the Unist'ot'en land.  That is how she justifies sending her military thugs in to clear the way for her corporate empires.  That is how she justifies charging rent (property taxes) and kicks people off the land if they don't pay.  Title holders only have a feudal tenure to possess the land, not own it.  She also claims a monopoly on force in order to secure her claims.  That is tyranny and I have hundreds of blog posts covering these issues in detail!

This is in contrast with many indigenous tribes around the world, including those in Europe and my own views!  Indigenous people see themselves as being a part of the land where the plants and animals are their brothers and sisters.  As stewards of the land, it is their responsibility to protect the land, water and air as we are borrowing it from the next seven generations yet to come.  This duty of stewardship is granted to the indiginous by Creator himself, not some foreign army.  Owning the land puts us all into slavery, yet the colonial empires don't care and function on that very principle.

The colonial empires are completely disconnected from Mother Earth and Creator.  They see 'jobs', 'wealth', 'prosperity' and 'control' through their mega projects.  I have a message for all the people who carry government issued ID in their wallet or purse, all those who vote, all those who pay their taxes, receive benefits and privileges from the government:

You are a slave, pawn and soldier in the colonial empire's quest to take over the world.  You are at war against your fellow brothers and sisters who stand in your way and there is blood on your hands.  

Are you interested in washing off that blood, healing and reconciling your relationship with your follow brothers, sisters, Mother Earth and Creator?  If so, then we have work to do.

 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. - Matthew 5:5

Being meek is not about being submissive or obedient, but rather somebody who is mild in disposition and gentle of spirit.  Being meek is a cornerstone of peace!  We counteract the violence, aggression and greed of the colonial empire by rejecting that empire completely and returning to the land.  We embrace Mother Earth and learn how to live off her bosom peacefully and gently.  This requires that we declare peace and reject our participation in the war that is escalating all around the world.  That includes but is not limited to Martial Law in Nicaragua where friends of mine have decided to bug out or at least live their lives in peace despite the violence.  They are standing up to tyranny.    Brazil where the new president has declared war on the indigenous people in the Amazon.  Europe where the Sami people are being forced to cull their herds so that mining companies can extract resources.  

All around the world, people are standing up to the colonial system and engaging in that system to change policy and leadership.  However, I urge extreme caution.  This is EXACTLY what the global elite want.  They want people to rise up and engage in the war and not make efforts to withdraw from their dependency on those systems.  We MUST resist this urge and instead focus all our efforts to healing, peace, freedom, independence, self sufficiency and love.  We must remain meek in our efforts to confront and reject the violence of those who march under the banner of their feudal lord.  

The moment we start to fight back, they win.  I've seen far too many people declaring war and this is the last thing we must do.  I know that most people don't want to work on the stuff I talk about.  Most people like their life style, benefits, privileges and are willing to go to war to protect it.  However, you are in danger as the elite will soon crash it all down to force you into poverty and force you into accepting their system, their way.  We are approaching their end game and all these conflicts are a part of their plan.  This is a huge trap and most people are falling for it.  They want us either dead or completely dependent upon them as obedient slaves.  I predict a global financial and economic crash to solidify their grip on control.  They literally depend on the idea that poor people are too busy surviving to rise up against them.

Now is the time to prepare for that end game by preparing to walk away from it all and return to the land.  It is our only hope for surviving the war that is raging around the world and escalating quickly.  Peace must overcome violence and that must start within our own hearts.  We are not going to find salvation, peace or love 'out there somewhere'.  We find it within ourselves, through hard work, deep reflection and rebuilding our ancestral tribes that were destroyed by the colonial empires.  We overcome by rebuilding despite their efforts to drag us into conflict and destroy us through war, starvation, disease or poverty.  

For me, it is no coincidence that my tribe is stronger now than it ever has been.  I've seen miracles unfold before my eyes and we have members who's ancestors came from all corners of the planet.  We are working hard to heal, connect, love and share with one another.  This spring we will work to bring multiple tribes together in a level of sharing that has not happened for generations.  We are the change that we will see in the world.  

Peace is the only answer to their aggression, violence, greed and lust for power.  I pray that we find peace within!

 “Unist’ot’en Dark House member, Freda Huson  said, “I am here in my home, on my land. I am not a criminal for  protecting my most critical infrastructure which is my berries, my  medicine, my water, my right to teach future Unist’ot’en generations how  to live in right relationship with the land. Without water, no human  will survive and these projects like TransCanada’s Coastal Gaslink  threatens the water. We are the land, the land is us.”  - Source


I do not understand racism or the abuse of "native" peoples. We are all one. We are all black in origin. My skin is white, yours is "red," but we are brothers, descendants of common ancestors. I am ashamed of what we have done and still do to our own people.

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Thank you for sharing my work and for the work you are doing. We are all spiritual brothers and sisters. I have to correct you though as my skin is not red, but rather white as my ancestors came from the land mass called France. My ancestors were indigenous as well and then was colonized just as we are witnessing here over the last few hundred years.

My brothers and sister acknowledge the work that I do by giving me an eagle feather and spirit name. Two gifts that are the highest honours and much like receiving a gift from a diplomat. So I carry them with honour to do my work and bring awareness. Thank you for sharing that work. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Great to hear you are gathering people to your tribe.

We ALL must work & network together (WORLDWIDE) to help us overcome these trying times.

While I don't believe in violence, I DO believe in protecting ourselves & others from violence. The militant cops who do the gov't's bidding & have become more & more violence every year NEED to be stood upto.

It's NOT just the Queen, this is an issue worldwide. There needs to be a balance between sticking up for our land, property, water, body, etc. & still working on bringing peace within.

Just a note, you have a typo in this sentence... "You are a slave, pawn and solder "


Very confusing times we are living in. I pray you can find peace and solutions to your troubles with the oppressive slave masters.

I preach this all the time to my fellow Mericans. THat we are all slaves to the system we vote and pay taxes for. We do not actually "own" any land if the government claims eminent domain or repossess after death, or even better, "property tax and inheritance tax".. just wow..

I am with you. I am trying. I feel I may end up literally dead before we see the end of this subversive ruling.

If I die in the pursuit of freedom, peace and love, then I would consider it a good death.

Better to die on my feet than live on my knees - Emiliano Zapata.

Now is the time to prepare for that end game by preparing to walk away from it all and return to the land.

Superb write up, and agreed.
I moved out of the UK to Poland, and the land 4 years ago, and never looking back. :-)

Bravo to you. Glad you made the move. This spring will be 12 years for us and we had our doubts when we first started. But no doubt about it now. Very grateful that we spend the time when we could do it on our terms. Doing it on 'their' terms is going to be much more difficult. Takes time to learn skills, integrate the learning and life style. I'm sure you can relate to that!

I sure can, glad to find a kindred spirit too. :-)

As stewards of the land, it is their responsibility to protect the land, water and air as we are borrowing it from the next seven generations yet to come.

What do you mean by that? Is that a random number or based on some prophecy or something?

We MUST resist this urge and instead focus all our efforts to healing, peace, freedom, independence, self sufficiency and love.

Well said! If we go into hatred, we spiral down to their level. No more LOOSH for the controllers. They need a good hug!

The indigenous peoples have long stood on the principle that they are responsible for stewarding the land to ensure it is available for the next seven generations. It is not a prophecy found in scripture or anything like that but rather a foundational principle of stewardship that they have used for thousands of years. When we choose to harvest or gather anything from Mother Earth for our own needs, we must also be consciously aware of the impacts for future generations. This is a valuable and important process to ensure that we are not doing harm to Mother Earth, jeopardizing the ability of future generations to live on this land and prosper.

I would suggest that the colonial empire does not live by this foundational principle and as such, jeopardizes not only life currently here, but has significantly impacted the capacity of future generations in significant ways.

Thank you for the explanation.

My mission for 2019 is to buy land in Costa Rica and be 100% self-reliant on that. I want to make it ready for gatherings of tribes, to do some healing work and ceremonies there.

I am very interested in the gathering you were writing about for this year. I hope to read more about that on your profile when it comes to that!

I will make sure that I share all my work as I feel the coming times require that we connect and share as much as possible to prepare. Thanks for your interest in my work. Peace to you and may Creator bless you and your projects with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thank you for calling it as it is.

The Luciferians who sponsor this fascist thuggery will soon be dispatched appropriately- including the 'queen' (Hapsburg fraud hag) .

Perhaps. I think they will be around for a while longer.

The SHiTstem, all the shit comes from it..

Yet most everyone participates with it, surrenders to it and swears feudal fealty to it as their master. So who is really to blame? Who is really responsible?